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Description: The day of Halloween, stressed and annoyed due to work, you decide to go out with some friends for a fun night… at a new “demon club”. Thinking the marketing was genius for pretending you could make a deal with a demon the night of Halloween, you end up there…alone. You could never have foreseen the handsome man you are approached by…

Snippet: I will claim you. Every year, on this day, I will return and you will belong to me. My desires will become yours… for 24 hours, you will be at my mercy and you’ll beg for what I’ll do to you.
If you agree to this offer, all you have to do is follow me upstairs... So bunny, what will you choose?

VA - Mr. Robinson

This script was written by Ellie and ArcticFox


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Will be waiting here… until next time


Sweet Jesus,🥵😳🥵 this demon is going to make sin hard and I have no regrets...I must be going to the wrong clubs... Someone point me in the right direction.


Would love to hear their reunion!

Pam 701

This is so well written and performed. Absolutely epic audio - and that demon voice - holy crap! ❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️


Why the demon voice sound yummy too?! 😩🥵


Please please please Mr. Robinson reprise this role PLEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEE! Please Ellie and ArcticFox✨🥺


I need a part 2!!


almost halloween🙈


Hi! Are we going to have a reunion with the Demon this year? Please I am waiting🥹🥹🥹


It is now October 31 2023. Where is part 2? When will he come back to us???


Right! I need a sequel to this!!

Doña Yayi

Oh gawds just finished listening to this again.....october 31 2023 just paaaasssed!!!!! Where is the part 2 to this story????? When are we going to have the dark, sexy and loveable king of the underworld come back to grace us with his presence???!!!!!


Whew!! This one is different from the rest with him actually seducing her (us) and her not coming to the BDSM club for, well, depravity. The intermittent demon voice threw me off in the most delicious way. Doesn’t look like he came back. Does that mean we get to hunt him down?

Hey Jamie

Can anyone prove to me this isn’t Jon Hamm

Jenna Robinson

Will there be a sequel??? I really enjoyed this


Demon Robinson's voice will never stop sending delicious shiver down my spine! But I very much feel betrayed still! He promised he would see us in a year.... but Halloween came and went and he didn't show! I want to be his little bunny again! Ellie and ArcticFox please make him come back! Much love 💜

hana moon

"both sides win" heck yes demon robinson you awakened something in me 😭 also i nearly choked on my popcorn esp. listening to those delicious growls 🔥


Oh my geezus! That fucking demonic voice!🤤🥵😱🫠


Omg 😳 can we get more demons voices please 🙏 🤤🤤🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠

Ceri Long

Did I just stare wide eyed and unmoving at my work computer for 30 mins? Yes, yes I did. *Whimper*


I can't move after this audio. What do I do now?


That....was....too much.. Couldn't handle it... 🫥🆘


The desires of depravity series is my Roman Empire

Lone Myles

Can we have a part 2 of this please............


He needs to come back and take her with him. Period. OMG!!!!!!!

Melissa ScheissEgal

We should make a new deal with Gallo or Chambers because Robinson didn't come to us last Halloween. Our hearts are broken.


Holy everything!!! 🥵🥰 I was just doing some chores and now I have to sit down. This voice has my legs shaking and the distorted demon voice in between was unexpected and just wow. I'd really like to hear more like this.

Raven Spirit

The music totally sets the mood for this exquisite audio. I really want to add it to a playlist if anyone knows the tracks.

Maria xoxo

Omg this one sent shivers down my spine wow


Literally obsessed with this one- the demon voice coming in and out made it more immersive- need a part two where maybe they edit the terms and conditions of deal 😘

Ryssa Fiu

I expect a follow up next Halloween 🙏🏼


From the editor, in order. My Pet Daemon - pär Social club - Shamgang NRG - STRLGHT I should let go - Rambutan Khobra - oomie Melodic mind - VELDA Ngoni haze - Midnight Cycler Temple of runha - ELFL

Sarah O'Leary

When the voice changes... *shivers* once a year just isn't enough! Please don't make us wait a whole year for a sequel!

Snow White

At the beginning of this when he is talking to Lucius is it just me or does he sound a bit lestat to anyone else or is it just me

Lady Erosina

The acting as always is A++. The demon voice pushed it to pull it all together 😈

foxy kitty

Ugh I need a part 2 I’d beg for him not to go in fact I’d change my wish to him staying with me forever I mean who wouldn’t mr Robinson is amazing