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Description: Finally breaking up with your boyfriend was the best decision you ever made. That does mean you fall back into your romance book addiction. It’s not your fault! It all started because no man has ever been able to please you, but who cares, it’s something for you… Until your best friend finds out your dirty little secret…

VA - Mr. Robinson

This script was written by Ellie

If you enjoyed this Friends To Lovers style audio you might also enjoy:

Movie Night with your Brother's Roommate with Mr. Williams

Pleasure is what you deserve baby  with Mr. Robinson

Heartsong with Mr. Robinson


You can access all 280+ audios from Best Kept Secret in this audio table if you CLICK HERE. There you can filter for other themes, writers and VAs you want to hear more from.




To have this kinda of appreciation. TO HAVE A MAN CRY FOR ME? Oh yea.


This is the closest I will get to bottom Mr. Robinson it's why I keep coming back to this one. If anyone knows of another title with THESE whimpers then let me know

Lara aka mommashark36

Usually I'm a fuccckkkkkkk girl, but the way he says goddammit is 🥵🥵🥵 I need that as a notification sound like yesterday.

Pam 701

I’m still getting caught up on all the previous audios and just listened to this one. This is definitely one of the BEST I’ve heard. Holy hell, the scenario, the writing, the dialogue, the raw emotion are all fantastic, and then there’s the smoking hot sex! Mr. Robinson sure knows how to make it sound as if he is just absolutely crazy about the listener, and at the end the crying and emotion brought me to tears. This will be added to my favorites immediately! ❤️❤️🥵🔥🥵❤️❤️


I shouldn’t be listening to this at work. My goodness 👅🥵🥵 shit

Skyy Skyy 🩷🩷

Listening to this story, this guy is an OPP 😭😭 they were really blurring the friendship lines while she had a bf???? Calling her princess and cuddling?? I love this story but the ex def was right to leave 🤭


Damn Mr Robinson really making sure I'll stay single for the rest of my life because where can I find this man in real life???? "I'll love them enough for the two of us"???????????? is this guy serious omg my standards are in space rn

Yea Mate

No wonder that ex was Sus lmao. I would be too-

tsuki kim



This was the audio on Quinn that made me go sign up for patreons yearly subscription,.. it is perfection. The script, the va-work is 😙🤌 brava!


Oh my god. Wow. Just wow. That was so perfect I’m speechless.


Robinson should cry more, DEFINITELY SHOULD


I absolutely love this one, definitely a personal favourite. And at some point I will give this the review it rightly deserves! But right now, just know this is perfect. Much love 💜


With every detail in this one, I felt so SEEN. They met at a costume party where he was dressed as Beast and listener was Peasant Dress Belle with a book?!?! He owns a bookshop???! They connect through reading?! Literally everything about this is ruining me. Holy hell.

Hey Jamie

I will be perpetually and forever alone. Because no one will be able to compare to fictional Robinson. Look at my pic FFS…. I should have a boyfriend, right?! Life is so unfair lol

Rose A

I absolutely loved this. Everything about it is perfect!


Now let's all take a minute to thank Tony 😅

Rose A

Just listening to this again now and have a new appreciation for it. I wasn’t ready for an emotional Mr. Robinson!


That was so sexy and sweet


Dear sweet Gods mr. Robinson!! 🥵🥵🥵 Your moans are so god damn hot!!! And so sweetly sensitive too. I just love how you let emotions out! Please don't EVER give that up!!! ❤️


I didn’t know where to start so I checked the all time favorite collections. Now I see why it’s a fav. This ticked several boxes. I think I’ll like it here.


"You love me?" THE WAY HE SAYS THIS ACTUALLY BROKE ME A LITTLE, come on Mr. Robinson 👏👏👏


Poor Tony😂


Finally back to review this personal favourite of mine! I love this one! A Robinson x Ellie Friends to Lovers audio is just perfection hehe. Here we go: 1. 00:07 mins - I love being Robinson's Princess hehe 2. 00:17 mins - I'm so sorry you have come home to this mess Robinson. My ex is an arse! 3. 1:05 mins - I love hugs 4. 1:24 mins - Moving in with Robinson hehe. Wish that kiss was somewhere else but all in good time hehe 5. 2:02 mins - My best friend owns a book store?? How convenient hehe 6. 2:19 mins - You are not helping me unpack! Can't let you see all my smutty books hehe 7. 3:08 mins - I know, and I'm very grateful I have you 8. 3:30 mins - You know just what to say to cheer me up. Movie night with cuddles and food sounds perfect. I just can't hide the grin on my face hehe 🥰 9. 3:45 mins - Totally agree hehe. Pjs are so much more comfortable! And definitely no bra hehe 10. 4:12 mins - I'm ok, sorry to keep you waiting Robinson 11. 5 mins - My ex really was an arse! 12. 5:27 mins - Good job I'm sat on the bed otherwise my legs would have gone to jelly! 13. 6:30 mins - Beauty and the Beast is my favourite Disney Classic (another reason why this audio is a personal favourite hehe). But that whole scenario is something I would totally do hehe. If I was dragged to a party, I would absolutely hide in the corner with a book hehe 14. 7 mins - Robinson has that same effect on me.... instantly relaxed and safe 🥰 15. 7:35 mins - Robinson wanted to kiss me! But I had a stupid boyfriend! Actually... if I had a boyfriend, why wasn't he with me at the party?! 16. 8:20 mins - You did win, but I'm really not that much of a prize. 17. 8:34 mins - Me screaming at myself.... just kiss him already! 18. 9:17 mins - Still screaming at myself.... say something! 19. 11:24 mins - Yep I need my caffeine fix hehe 20. 12:25 mins - Sharing a bed with Robinson... what are you thinking?! 🛌 21. 13:28 mins - Tony's Indie Books?! Rival Tony hehe 22. 13:44 mins - You weren't meant to see that! Your angry tone makes me want to cry. 23. 14:14 mins - Wow they really are so cringe-worthy lines! 24. 14:55 mins - I'm sorry! 😭 25. 15:45 mins - Why is disappointed so much worse than being mad?! 26. 17:23 mins - Even that crappy book was better than my reality. 27. 17:57 mins - Love watching Robinson slowly figure this out hehe 28. 19:09 mins - Hearing his voice break with that emotion gets me every time 😭 29. 19:19 mins - I do! I absolutely do! 30. 19:42 mins - That first kiss just feels so natural! And let the spiciness ensue! 💋 31. 20:30 mins - I promise, I want you! 32. 21:20 mins - Why the fuck did I stay with this ex for so long?! 33. 22:20 mins - There's my Robinson 'Good Girl' moment. First of many hehe (promise I won't mention them all hehe). Oh, and I love how his voice has become this strong but gentle tone (if that makes sense hehe) 34. I love these long moments of nothing happening except for calm sweet kisses. Not rushed, just simply enjoying the moment 💋 35. 24:07 mins - I wasn't brave enough to say anything last night so I was gonna tell you tonight. 36. 24:10 - 24:50 mins - Perfect body appreciation! 37. 27:07 mins - Not that I'm selfish or anything but I do love it when its all about her pleasure hehe. 39. 31:25 mins - Orgasm 1! 💦 40. 36:15 mins - Orgasm 2! 💦 41. 39 mins - My pussy is just greedy hehe 42 39:15 mins - Orgasm 3! (Slightly more subtle than the others) 💦 43. 41:05 mins 'Real, romantic, passionate love'.... my heart melts every time 🥰 44. 43:05 mins - Robinson getting all emotional and crying gets me every time too! 😭 45. A bubble bath with Robinson sounds perfect! 🛀 No matter how many times I listen to this audio, it remains perfect! I seriously can't fault it! I realise my head is all over the place as I reviewed this because I keep changing mindsets like I'll be 1st person in the audio, then I'll be talking to the audience, and back and forth like that. So I'm sorry if its hard to follow. Although, I doubt is anyone actually follows along with my review. Anyway, rambling over. Amazing script by Ellie, and amazing execution by Robinson. Much love 💜



courtney ✨

The ex BF never stood a chance.



Tasha ♡

This is my first BKS listen and I'm an emotional wreck. 'I swear you won't regret me.' Thanks for the tears Mr. Robinson 🥺

Ryssa Fiu

These are my standards and expectations, and will not be expecting anything less 🙏🏼


Don't cry Darling😭😭


I have been ruined after this audio. Where can I get this in real life?!? So many of my kinks met 🥵🥵🤤🥰😭😍


I don't know what it is, but something about this audio grossed me out