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Q.Tell us a little about yourself (Whatever you feel you would love to share with others. Not your name or anything you don’t want to disclose publicly)

Hello, I am a woman who lives in Asia. I usually work in the office, but I am a DJ as a hobby. I always liked listening to music and audio dramas. (I was also interested in the voice actor, but my natural voice is not good. lol)

Q. How did you come across BKS?

The first time I found out was when I talked to my best friend about pornography. I wasn't really very interested in porn, and I did think that the average mainstream porn was NOT kind to women. While we were talking about that, my friend told me about "Soundgasm" for the first time. After accessing and listening to a few links, I got to know Reddit's GWA, where I got to know BKS.

Q. What was your first reaction, did you fall in love with NSFW audios straight away or did it take a while to sway you over?

To be honest, I was a little embarrassed when I first heard it. It was the first time I saw such a direct acting as a content. But it was very attractive. In general media, can't show the process of having sex and various mutual feelings, and in mainstream porn is just busy showing sex, so I’m not attracted to narrative-free sex at all. But Audio Erotica was different from that. It was very exciting for me to hear erotic emotions and sexy lines that I couldn't easily access with my own ears.

Q. What is it about BKS that compelled you to join?

I subscribed to Reddit's BKS sub-reddit and also subscribed to the YouTube channel. I found that unlike most GWA VAs, “Bestkeptsecret” works as a team, and various voice actors and writers collaborate together to upload various contents. I felt that the listener's taste and the right to choose were expanded. Personally, I'm also subscribed to Quinn's app, but after hearing all of the BKS Audio that was posted there, I was completely fascinated and Patreon began to subscribe. I'm very satisfied.

Q. What do you enjoy about being part of the BKS community?

First of all, I know that the contents that you produce and upload are of great quality and that you work hard to make each and every single one of them. It really pleased me that there was a lot of audio that listeners could listen to completely immersed in the story, not just moaning or recording masturbation. As I read the comments from many subscribers, I also found that everyone was listening to the audio with similar emotions. (The comments themselves are really funny too)

Q. Do you feel represented in mainstream porn? How is audio different?

First of all, as mentioned above, I think mainstream pornography is very unkind and violent to women. (I think this is especially revealing in Asian countries) I feel sorry that pornography simply for male satisfaction has become the mainstream. Although women can also feel orgasm and have a variety of sexual preferences, common pornography does not speak for it. Especially in pornography, I felt a lot that there was a lack of romantic feelings and no feeling of respect for the other person, but Audio erotica was different from that. Most male voice actors act alone, so there are no real women who are harmed, and I think this gives listeners the right to safely immerse themselves in the story. In particular, women are relatively more delicate and imaginative than men, so I think they can enjoy it much more with satisfaction than simply visually stimulating pornography.

Q. How has audios changed your view on sex?

I actually haven't had enough sex in real life. Rather, I've acted for men a lot of times. I've never felt orgasm on my own while having sex with a man, and sometimes I feel like it's mandatory to have sex, so I want to avoid it. (I'm free from these feelings because I'm not in a relationship now.) So I rarely have been masturbate, but after listening to Audio, I've been doing a very satisfying masturbate. (It's also true that I've developed a desire to have sex with a man who's good at sex skills(seems like soft MDom) and has a very good voice. (Laughing))

Q. What is one thing you have learned about yourself from audio erotica?

Well, the fact that I can listen to audio more and more fun if I use a good sex toy for masturbation? lol

In fact, before that, I relied on my finger's senses when I masturbated, but sometimes when I listen to audio there's a story about using a vibrator. So I started using it

together, and I'd like to say that I'm very satisfied. (Can I write something like this?)

Q. Related to the above, what is better about audio erotica vs. visual or written even?

Each field has different characteristics, but my preference is audio erotica. Since visual contents are a field where the listener's imagination is limited, they accept it entirely on the screen, but audio and writing can be considered once more from the perspective of the recipient, so I think it can be a great pleasure for those who feel satisfied masturbation based on imagination. Among them, I think audio is more advantageous than written things. Acting a good voice actor in a sex scene and hearing the moans in various situations directly brings me great satisfaction that I didn't know before.

Q. Has listening to the audios unlocked any new kinks you didn’t know you had?

I didn't think I liked romance but listening to the audio I found out that I quite liked the narratives of friends-to-lovers and co-workers-to-lovers. Even before listening to GWA, I had a vague desire to meet someone with good sex skills but it became clearer after listening to BKS Audio. I found out that I like MDom and I also found out that I like foreplay and aftercare with have good praise. I think I like pretty romantic sex. Apart from this, I was curious about how it would be like to meet Msub in person. I was always in the position of Fsub, but I thought I would be quite excited if I became Fdom.

Q. Have the audios had any other impact on your life, e.g. dating preferences, relationship with your SO or similar?

I can't tell you about the changes in my relationship with my boyfriend or partner because I'm not in a relationship right now, but I've made a lot of changes to myself. It was an opportunity to think about my secret desires that I didn't usually think about, and it was BKS Audio that indirectly resolved them. Maybe when I'm in my next relationship, I'll be able to tell my boyfriend clearly, "I want this kind of thing like this, I want to have this sex." I listen to an audio almost every day, and now it's become a habit for me.

Q. What have been your favourite audios so far?

I really like the [slow burn story] that BKS makes really well, and my favourite is "The First" that I heard for the first time on Quinn's app. It's the first audio that I fell in love with BKS, and I like Friends-to-lovers so I still listen to it often. 

Recently, I've been into “Bring Your Toys Out to Play” audio. Mr. Robinson's monologue that comes out briefly was very attractive.

Q. Any funny moments / incidents related to listening to audio erotica?

I might be the only one who experienced this… I usually listen to audio before going to bed and on my way to work. I had to take off my earphones when I got to the office, but I was embarrassed when I heard Audio Erotica purr and moan on my cell phone speaker. OMG… I ended my cell phone in a hurry, but everyone didn't seem to know that this was NSFW audio. I was very nervous. lol…

Q. What would you like to hear more of in the future?

A while ago I really enjoyed listening to Msub audio played by Mr.Robinson. Most of the voice actors in BKS have masculine voice tones, but sometimes I thought that Msub audio would look good on them. I want to hear more stories about a man who has a crush on. And if I have a chance someday, I want to hear two or more BKS audio voice actors acting together.

Q. Anything BKS can do to improve the community and your experience on Patreon?

Creating content is very difficult. And I know very well that it's even more difficult to upload that content consistently and continuously. So I would like to compliment Team BKS for their long collaboration with many people. I haven't started Patreon subscription for a long time, but I've been interested in BKS before that. There was a time when I hesitated about subscribing, but now I'm very satisfied and listening to the audio. I think most subscribers to BKS are probably subscribing to the channel based on high loyalty like me. I would like to send support to this channel rather than advice. As you did in the past, as you do now, please upload good audio in the future. I think this channel will probably build a more strong foundation in the future with good story writers, collaboration with good voice actors with great acting skills, and support from fans.



Love Dainty

Thank you so much for the reply! Because English is not my native language, there are many awkward sentences in various parts. I searched the dictionary and used a translator, trying to put my intentions into the answers as much as possible, but I am concerned that there may be misleading answers. Please understand. (Thanks to this community, I am studying English really, really, really hard.)


This helped me realized why i love BKS and just audios in genera!!! I just couldn't pin it down just saying "it hits different", but i realizedb why it hits different when you mentioned how women are treated harshly. That and the plots for the audios as well give the listener a connection instead of straight just going into sex. I am loving these fan Q&A's!!!

Ana D. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-06 08:59:08 You went straight to the point, unfortunately, it's an underlying truth that women are harshly treated when it comes to porn and many times sex in general. Most of the time, if not always, it's the man's pleasure the only thing that matters, and women are treated only as objects for them to achieve that pleasure. It's like they had the right, the birthright to have pleasure but not the women, never the women. So I totally understand and subscribe to your point of view. With BKS it's a whole different experience, I feel more in tune, more connected, and the plots, the audios, and the performances are exquisite. Finally, it's not just sex, it also has feelings and emotions. I'm hooked.
2023-01-06 08:59:08 You went straight to the point, unfortunately, it's an underlying truth that women are harshly treated when it comes to porn and many times sex in general. Most of the time, if not always, it's the man's pleasure the only thing that matters, and women are treated only as objects for them to achieve that pleasure. It's like they had the right, the birthright to have pleasure but not the women, never the women. So I totally understand and subscribe to your point of view. With BKS it's a whole different experience, I feel more in tune, more connected, and the plots, the audios, and the performances are exquisite. Finally, it's not just sex, it also has feelings and emotions. I'm hooked.
2022-09-08 15:20:35 You went straight to the point, unfortunately, it's an underlying truth that women are harshly treated when it comes to porn and many times sex in general. Most of the time, if not always, it's the man's pleasure the only thing that matters, and women are treated only as objects for them to achieve that pleasure. It's like they had the right, the birthright to have pleasure but not the women, never the women. So I totally understand and subscribe to your point of view. With BKS it's a whole different experience, I feel more in tune, more connected, and the plots, the audios, and the performances are exquisite. Finally, it's not just sex, it also has feelings and emotions. I'm hooked.

You went straight to the point, unfortunately, it's an underlying truth that women are harshly treated when it comes to porn and many times sex in general. Most of the time, if not always, it's the man's pleasure the only thing that matters, and women are treated only as objects for them to achieve that pleasure. It's like they had the right, the birthright to have pleasure but not the women, never the women. So I totally understand and subscribe to your point of view. With BKS it's a whole different experience, I feel more in tune, more connected, and the plots, the audios, and the performances are exquisite. Finally, it's not just sex, it also has feelings and emotions. I'm hooked.

SmallPinkPoppy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-06 08:59:08 I totally agree with the comments and thank you for sharing your thoughts. BTW, i did not realize how sensitive to voices I was... I have the feeling that BKS captured what women need to get confortable and enjoy such moments. The interactions with ans whithin the community is quite unique also (Fan Q&A !).
2022-09-09 06:55:14 I totally agree with the comments and thank you for sharing your thoughts. BTW, i did not realize how sensitive to voices I was... I have the feeling that BKS captured what women need to get confortable and enjoy such moments. The interactions with ans whithin the community is quite unique also (Fan Q&A !).

I totally agree with the comments and thank you for sharing your thoughts. BTW, i did not realize how sensitive to voices I was... I have the feeling that BKS captured what women need to get confortable and enjoy such moments. The interactions with ans whithin the community is quite unique also (Fan Q&A !).

Love Dainty

Thank you for your agreeing. This is a problem I've been thinking for quite some time. So, even while watching porn I was not very impressed and I thought it was rather inconvenient. At the same time, I thought I was accustomed to living a life without sexual desire, but after hearing BKS Audio it really changed completely. I am a person who believes that there must be a 'cause' in the act of having sex with someone, and this audio has fulfilled that. I really liked the process of having sex after giving the listener a sense of excitement and anticipation, even if it was just one night.

Love Dainty

There was a time when I watched pornography that went straight into sex without a introduction development, turn, and conclusion, I was think 'How many women will feel comfortable watching this video?' As you said, despite the fact that women can certainly enjoy pleasure, have fun and enjoy sex with various tastes the reality is that male-centered pornography completely excludes them and views women as auxiliary roles for men's orgasm. This fact was make me uncomfortable. On the other hand I really liked that BKS Audio is completely listener-centric, with the concept of listener caring first, female emotions, post-sex aftercare, and mutual orgasm.

Love Dainty

Thank you for agreeing and replying. Right! Through BKS Audio, I realized that I am also a person who is very sensitive to voices and feels sexually emotional with the other person's voice. Having a good voice, a respectful attitude, and having sex with basically consideration gave me more excitement and orgasm than anything else. I am deeply grateful to this community for providing such an open posting to talk and share opinions, even things I have thought of as simple.