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So it's finally here, after a much liked request from the Secret Tier.

The anticipation is real...very fucking real...

The first round of Mr. Robinson ringtones, alarms, voicemails and other goodies that you can download to your phone and use however you want.

To get access to the Google Drive folder with each of these snippets in as MP3s for you to download, click HERE

Any trouble with the folder just give me a shout and I'll sort it out for ya. 


In order:


‘Hey sleepy head. Yeah, you, it’s waking up time. (purring) Mmmm, we’ve got a big day ahead of us.’

‘Wakey, wakey little one. Mmhmm. No I’m not kidding. It’s time to go.’

(purring in ear) Mmmm good girl, let’s wake up. I’ll take care of you today. Mmhmm.’

‘There you are, darling. Don't forget to take your medication. Need you to feel your best. That's my girl. Come on. Let's go get your pill bottles.’

Baby, remember to take some time for yourself today, relax, breathe, just for you.

Remember to drink your water baby girl.

‘I know your anxious baby but I’m right here with you. We’re gonna get through this day together.’

Hey baby girl, are you ready to settle in with Daddy?

Rise and shine princess it’s gonna be a beautiful day for a very beautiful girl

Time to study baby, I know, I know, it’s gonna suck but your assignments aren’t doing themselves

There she is, look at you, all bleary and sleepy. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but…

‘Hey horny girl, WAKE THE FUCK UP!’

‘Are your neighbours always having sex too loud? Well now I’m gonna moan super loud too.’

‘Mmmmmm, fuck, yeah, wake the fuck up, mmmmmm’

‘You know what time it is? Time to listen to Zaddy and get the HELL OUT OF BED.’ 

‘Fuck baby you look so sexy when you’re just waking up. So pretty.

‘Naked, PJs, panties, I don’t care how damn cute you look, you’re getting up right now.’

“Good morning babe.” *kiss*

“Wake up.” *tickling* “WAKE UP!!!!!! Hurry up! It’s late.” *laughter*

“Uh uh.. no! no! It’s so late now” *kiss* “If you’re going to eat me before work….” *giggle and tickling*

“Babe…” *deep kiss* “Get up now! *kiss* We’ll finish the rest of it after work tonight. *kiss*”

‘Baby, let’s wake up, c’mon, Daddy’s got you, let’s get you up.’


‘Hey baby girl, pick up your phone. Yeah, like right now, it’s probably really important and stuff.’

‘Princess, Don’t ignore me. I know you can hear me. If you keep ignoring me, I will punish you.’

‘You wanted me to call huh? Answer me baby girl.’

"It's him again. Tell him you're mine at the moment." (for when boyfriend calls lol)

‘So…yeah…your phone is ringing, you just gonna be a brat today or pick that up?’

‘Who the fuck is this calling you now? So annoying.’

‘Damn, when did you get popular?’

‘Hey princess, it’s me calling.’

‘Oh, what now, I just started relaxing.’

“Baby! Sweetheart! Pick up the call!! Babe!!!! Pick It Up!!!!! Or you’re gonna be punished SO HARD!!

Wait! Hey, hey, hey… you cannot do this on purpose!! You naughty gal!! Oh, come on!! Pick up the phone call now!!! PICK IT UP!!”


‘Oh hey, she can’t come to the phone right now, she’s tied up on my bed, please leave a message after the beep.’

‘Oh hey, she’s vibing with Daddy right now, literally and figuratively, please leave a message after the beep.’

‘Errr, so she’s kinda listening to me moan into her ear right now, please leave a message after the beep.’

‘Hello, unfortunately the person you are trying to reach is pre-occupied at the moment. Daddy is dealing with her. Leave a message when she’s learnt her lesson.’

‘Dear whoever is calling, this girl is currently PMS’ing and eating cereal on the couch watching Netflix movies to cry to, please try again later.’

‘Hello. She’s a little mmm pre-occupied right now, please leave a message after the beep.’

‘Hello. The person you are calling is currently unable to answer the phone, please try again later.’


‘It’s…. Daddy’ 

‘Happy Birthday baby girl. Lots of kisses and cuddles.’

‘Hey, happy birthday, baby girl. Lots of love.’

“You’ve got mail!”

Sent mail/Airdrop: “Mission clear!!”

‘Time for water.’

‘Let’s workout baby.’

‘Time to relax.’

‘Okay it's nap time.’

‘My good girl needs to check her messages now.’

‘I’m texting you princess.’

‘Water break.’

‘Study time.’

‘Let’s get a bite to eat.’


‘Baby, are you really ignoring that?’


Mr Chambers' ringtones, notifications and alarms are on the way soon as well (he did mostly the same ones as above). We haven't confirmed with our other VAs if they are doing some yet, so we did Robinson and Chambers first. If you have any other suggestions in the comments please let us know. 





"hays-- AH HEM-- hey sleepy head.." robinson is hilarious. my face hurts from smiling.

flo 🌟

I'm CRYINGGG at some of these, sir you are too funny


I read all of these with Robinson voice in my head lol! I need to put the ringtones on my phone. Robinson or Chambers would be great alarm clocks!


These brought out my inner "Make me"


Did anyone else read these in Robinson's voice and get flustered before even HEARING THEM?! 😳😄

Jinx mai

You gave me a water reminder Jinx thanks you Liver thanks you


Ladies those of You who have an iPhone how are you able to download these because I’m having issues


I'm just telling all y'all right now, if I hear one of these alarms, ringtones,or notifications,in the middle of the store....I'm going find you and FanGirl out with you soooo hard!!!


I hate waking up up, but Mr.Robinson is have me hitting the snooze button instead of dismiss !!😍


I think you have to use a computer to import mp3s into your iTunes and then you can access that on your iphone to choose as a ringtone? I could be totally wrong. There may be another way or an app. I’m doing it tomorrow, so I can let you know for sure.


Thank you BKS and Mr. Robinson. This is definitely the best birthday gift than ever. 🥹

Maria xoxo

This going to make me more weird than I already am which is extremely hard to do.


Daddy Gallo please and thank youuuuu

Kay Mitchell

brain: This is a bad idea, Kayla Heart: but is it tho....? Brain: you know-...........actually..........let's do it Heart and Nerves: HELL FREAKING YEA........... 😅🤦🏿🤦🏿😓


So my first day and I'm ummmmm in my feels about these ringtones. Wow, just freaking wow 😍 I already love this so much. Totally made my day a whole lot better💕