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While attempting to kidnap a Princess, an assassin has the tables turned on him...

This audio was written by Flyleaffriction. You can find more of her writing HERE

VA - Mr. Chambers



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Part 2 please! Did they meet or did they stand each other up or did his bosses subdue him because he didn't complete the mission?? Soooooo many things left open but I loved it.


I want a backstory as to how the lovebirds met! Also what happens next? Please make a part 2.


Ok I’m convinced. These guys have to be masturbating in the booth. Ain’t no way someone sounds like that…normally. This was adorable and hot as hell!!! Something about angry sex… I hope they met at the inn


Oh my fucking god. This is the exact definition of what I want him to sound like when he finishes!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Hell yes! I love that I'm kicking Chambers arse haha! I love an 'Exes to Lovers' trope! It would have been really awesome to get a part 2 to this but don't think that's on the cards anymore. Its been over a year now. Much love 💜

Love Dainty

Welcome Mr.Chambers! I'm leave a comment first and go listen to it! I get excited just by looking at the explanation. Tell me it's not just me!😜


I'm 5 minutes in and I love their dynamic SO much, I can already tell I need like...prequels, sequels, all the moments between them <3


That was wonderful!! Well written and beautifully preformed!! You can always tell when Mr Chambers is in love, there’s a shift in his voice, so sexy! Pleaseeeee, make a part 2!!

Love Dainty

Kissing is so sexy, but I don't know why it's so *cute*(and playful) when Mr.chambers gets hit and shouts.🙈

Love Dainty

Wow, he's so... so *sexy* performed.. Thank you so much Mr.Chambers and Flyleaffriction👏👍


Y'ALL 👏 I 👏 AM👏 LIVING 👏 FOR👏 THIS👏!!! The FMC is going toe to toe with Mr.Chambers and I'm here for it!!! I love that the FMC is a bit aggressive and is taking what she wants! The banter is great. Mr.Chambers, the sound effects .....HOLY SHIT!! Your laughter is so sweet, but you cumming was about the sexiest thing is I've heard in a hot second!🥰🥰 Flyeaffriction....PLEASE TELL ME THERE IS A PART 2 ROLLING AROUND IN YOUR HEAD!! PLEASE!!!

Ana D.

Ok, ok, ok (salivating)...Part 2 is coming, right????


Laughter and sexy moaning are the Chambers’ combo to me. I love you so so soooooo much!!!

foxy kitty

Oh mr chambers how I love you