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When I’m fucking you, and I tell you that you’re the prettiest girl in the world, do you think that I’m kidding? When I tell you that you’re made for me, do you think I’m wrong? 

No? So why, then, would you ever think that I had my sights on someone else, hmm? I thought I taught you to be a good girl, but it seems you still have a ways to go, if you don’t believe that what I say is the truth. 

Oh, you’ll be good now? I know you will, baby. You’re gonna be such a good girl for me, while I remind you just how perfect you are for me.

This script was written by Bel Hue

VA - Mr. Robinson





Good lorde I’d let this man tear me up like wrapping paper on Christmas morning.


That was so well done! Even the punishment was so well controlled and the listener was cared for throughout. Robinson knew when it was enough and moved on. Great script-writing and great execution💜


his voice is so delicious in this one. i want him to read this whole script directly into my mouth.


gurl im sorry i was so triggered at the first part of this audio esp at the point where he was like of course im upset bcs u didnt talk to me & i didnt think sam is a man or a woman didnt matter EXCUSE ME!?


nO u are hot Mr Robinson but don't get to have the tables turn 😡👹


ugh his sexy laugh alone can make me cum


Mr.Robinson has done it once again 🫶🏽😫


Hearing Mr. Robinson say my name was enough for me. Whew. 🥵


Love love loved this. Not too happy about the Sam situation but you know Robinson made up for it. This is out of context but can we please please please get a part 4 to Mr. Holmes detective story I’m still hooked. Thank you! You all are amazing!


Oh Mr Robinson…you never fail!! Fantastic script that Robinson brings to life!


I'm soooo much into this jealousy thing.. I cant. Thanks God that I have ears and can listen Mr. Robinson🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵😈😈🤭😭😭🤭


Well-done, Bel Hue. This one has series potential. Mr. Robinson, as always, nailed it. 🔥


Mr.Robinson hitting the mark, as always! Bel Hue very nicely done.

Maria xoxo

This one is perfect I often doubt my attractiveness


This was very nicely done ❤


Coming from someone with huge confidence issues, this was perfect!


jealousy tskr🥰