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For real though, why Zaddy Robinson? What is it about this man's voice that makes angels cry and birds sing? 

We know there might be multiple reasons why you listen to NSFW audio and feel free to explain more in the comments, but for the poll please just respond with the 'Main' reason here. All responses are anonymous! 




I know this is an old post but I’m new here and just saw this so I wanted to chime in. I’m a virgin and I’m basically terrified of sex and doing anything with men due to trauma, so I listen to these so I could feel safe and not second guess my every move for once.


I'm a virgin and it help me apprehend intimacy, and know how I should be treated. And of course help me explore what sex have to offer.


I am a very sound driven person…so these audios definitely “hit the spot”…


My husband has no sex drive, I've always ran high. After a decade of a dead bedroom- I discovered aural erotica. Seriously has saved my sanity.


Haven’t heard from Mr Jones in a while, he’s in my top 3!


TBH when I hit 30, my already decent sex drive went crazy, love audios because porn doesn't capture any actual passion anymore, the men are almost silent. Another big reason is, while I do date, self care is still super important, alone I can have A LOT of orgasms in a session, but haven't been lucky enough to find a partner that really listens when I tell them how to do it. They are more focused on what they think should feel good, & always return to that. Once I had a partner actually tell me that he just needed to find the right spot & if he provided friction long enough that's all it should take, easy as that. He finally gave up when I begged him to stop, but wanted me to cum so bad, that I just quickly did it myself so he'd let us be done. So listening to a passionate audio can get me ready in no time & then I'm in a world of multiple orgasms & REALLY good sleep, lol.

Queen Koko

1 and 5 tbh


It’s a combination of preferring it over traditional porn, since that’s mostly made for men, and this is tailored specifically for women, and the fact that I have a very high libido and no boyfriend to help me with that (plus, one night stands/fuck buddies can only do so much, and that gets tiring)


Besides me mainly enjoying audio erotica. I don't have a s/d relationship that I want and these audios help me feel like I have that just a bit.


These audios have been helping rediscover my sexuality. my assault really made me afraid of sex for a while cause I would get flash backs but your audios have be helping me find what I’m comfortable with and I just want to thank you so much.


These audios help me figure out what I do and don't like. I haven't had a lot of good sexual experiences or get overly sexualized. I love that these audios make you feel like you're valued respectfully as well as give you the lust, passion,pleasure and drive that you long for. These audios make you feel like more than just an object like regular porn does. Also I've had negative sexual experiences in the past and this kind of helps me think positive about it a little.

Maria xoxo

Any chance we hear more from our time traveler?


I’m very new to this page but it helps me get into a deeper submissive space mostly and allows me to be able to better imagine it being done to me!