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We're supposed to go to a wedding but all the roads out of town from our ski vacation cabin are blocked off and the snow is coming down so hard that visibility is terrible. I decide we have to stay the night and keep warm by the fireplace. Of course, being just us two against the elements, I can't help but conjure up ideas and thoughts in my head, naughtier thoughts that would have you stripped down and naked in front of the fireplace. My beautiful girl, eager and ready to ride out the storm in the best way two lovers can...

This was an improv based off a highly voted option from the recent story poll.

VA: Mr. Parker

You can find the full catalogue of BKS audios in this post HERE. Including all of Mr. Parker's audios if you enjoyed this one. 





Honestly does Parker ever read off a script haha?! Well he is the king of improv! I love anything involving snow! 💜


I can't even imagine how intoxicating it must be to ride a man who talks and teases like this, but, like... GIMME. 🥴🥵🤤


I cannot get enough of Mr Parker❤️ I don't know what it is....the sound of his voice or the realness of the moans. They really hit me in my core and I need more


Mr. Romantic Parker, it’s so good to feel your gentleness through your voice. And I love the way when you say the word with an “s” in it, e.g. sexy, yes, inside and so on. That’s really adorable 💦❤️❤️❤️


Mr. Parker is so hot💦 and the praises all the way through finishing🥹🥵

Travel Junkie Elle

What a sweetie! Mr. Parker seems like the perfect boyfriend. So gentle and attentive.