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Hey, hey…

I see that frown.

Come over here.

Yeah I’m not kidding. Get your ass over here.

Easy baby, settle in my lap.

Breathe for me.

I know you’re really stressed out right now, when the deal on the house goes through, hopefully things will settle but till then we’re going to have to wait yeah?

If there’s anything I can do to ease it I will.

I know what you need.

Do you want my murmurs baby?


I know how much you like it when I whisper in your ear.

Those mornings tucked in bed, when I wake up and purr.

Well okay then.

Lay back on the cushion for me. I need you to be 100% relaxed for this. Find somewhere comfortable if you haven’t already.

VA: Mr. Robinson




I listen to this audio every day before i fall asleep🥺 Thanks for amazing work Mr. Robinson🩷


I love love 💕 gentle and soft Daddy Robinson so much🫦🤗😍

Kenzie Carswell

I wish there were more mr Robinson sleep aids


As a stressed mother of two, this audio really helps me have a relaxing release before going to sleep 💕


I NEED more videos like this


What. What. I thought I was getting some innocent relaxation here (although why I thought that with Robinson, nobody knows). I'm definitely not mad about it though. Just still making questionable choices of what to listen to while working.

Kavya Shetty

You have ruined me for other men, just with your voice Mr Robinson 🫥🫥


Can we get an audio like this from Mr.Williams or Mr.Emerson? 🥺


This made me cry. Loved every second.


This was perfect. I fell asleep listening to Mr. Robinson , such a great way to end my day

Lady Erosina

Holy 😳💦💦💦🥵

Ally L

How did I only just now realized that this was released on my birthday!? No wonder I like this one so much!


Can I get the first 24 minutes of this on a loop??! Had me all relaxed and ready to sleep!! After that....I'm not sleeping...because well, its Mr.Robinson .


It’s so relaxing 🥺


I love this so much, more plz🥺🥺🥺🥺