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It's your first horse riding lesson today, you saddle up, get all the equipment ready and he shows you the ropes and the controls. With the big powerful beast between your legs you go for a short walk as he tells you how to use your thighs and hips to the best possible advantage. 

Underlying all of this is the simmering sexual tension between you and the instructor. As you take shelter from the storm back at his house by the stables, things begin to heat up very quickly as he picks up on all the naughty signals you have been flashing his way. 

This script was written by Oneirus Prop Studio!

VA: Mr. Chambers




I'm scared of horses but would totally have a riding lesson if Chambers was my instructor! 💜


😩 SO good. Mr Chambers can seduce me any and every day of the week. PLEASE do a part 2!!


I’m not sure I’ve ever felt as immediately and thoroughly turned on as when Chambers growled, “You’re going to ride /me/ now.” I stg I swore out loud.


With his calm voice paired with his dominant undertone and the accent...it´s the fucking accent who drives me insane. 😩 He can teach me what ever he wants! Did you just say you want to show us the right way to use a riding crop???😉❤️


I'm so glad I discovered this older audio from Mr. Chambers. The Gentleman Dom in his sensual, intense element is always a treat to listen to. When he instructs, one listens and it's the most intimate, passionate thing 🥰


I love Mr. Chambers 🥵❤️ the way he talks and sounds is so incredibly sexy! Even when he counts down makes me even more hot for him 🥵❤️❤️


Dear Mr. Chambers, I have to say that you are so perfect in the rough part, and in the whole audio as well of course.


LOVED it! ❤️❤️❤️.....although.....not sure if it's different western (it sounds like shes in an english saddle) but...some of what he's telling her is wrong lol. The rest is pretty accurate though! Lol.