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Hey everyone,

Quick one, out of curiosity, how old are you? 

And no, 'I'm an immortal freaky sex goddess' is not an answer option sadly. 





Everyone is a babyyy omg I’m 26


19 😊


26 ❤️



Nah man





I'm a grandmother. I was finally able to fly to visit my daughter and her family a few months ago. Her husband's friend came on a hike with us, and I'm very happy to report that he was behind me at one point, and very decidedly grabbed my ass. Couldn't go there, but I've written my fantasy version. 😊I'm getting younger every hour. How? Massive curiosity, sex & sex & more sex, always exploring, knowing how sexy I truly am (which does send a vibe out there) while knowing my boundaries, hydration, QiGong, swimming, and listening to audio erotica.


Well then! Thank you for sharing. I really need to hear this right now. Yaasss👏🏽!!!


I’m 23. I’ve been thinking I was 24 the whole year of 2021. But nah I did the math, I’ll be 24 in August lol


Time is so slippery and twisty turny!

Dahlia Weinstein

Am I REALLY the only woman over 50? Seriously?! Lol! Here’s my official “age-verification.” 9 1/2 Weeks was released in 1986 when I was a junior in high school. I went to see the movie with some girlfriends knowing NOTHING about BDSM or D/s or any sort of alternate lifestyle. I wasn’t prude by any means, but I was still a virgin. That movie made my body - and my brain - feel things that I never felt before. (*Spoiler Alert* The only thing that disturbed me in the film was when the dynamic became abuse.) Otherwise, I was hooked. I went back to see the movie multiple times - ALONE! (Still have the DVD, which came out much later.) My mother found out about my afternoon matinées and couldn’t understand why I would want to see such a disturbing film. I lied and told her I just thought Mickey Rourke was hot, which I kinda did at the time. (Met him years later, but that’s a WHOLE other story…Lol!). It was my mother’s reaction that made me question my desires. I quickly realized it would be best to keep my feelings to myself. And I did - for 20+ years. I didn’t have my first experience in the lifestyle until I was in my early 40s. Most of my initial experiences were play-dates or short-term trysts. I had one “true” Dom in my life nine years ago. Admittedly, I was more of a brat than a sub, so we parted ways after about a year. I recently reached out to him again and he’s back in my life. To all of you ladies who are joining the lifestyle so early in your lives, there will be highs - and most likely lows. But, I can promise you there is truth in the proverb, “With age comes wisdom.” Enjoy the ride!

foxy kitty

I thought I was the only older one who listens to this stuff in fact on yt when I’d comment the hate I got was horrible so I stopped commenting out of fear of being bullied because I’m 38 I didn’t think there was an age limit besides 18 and over when it comes to listening to these but apparently people feel otherwise I’m so glad to know though that I’m not the only one and btw you look amazing for 50

foxy kitty

Wow ty so much for sharing this I wish I was brave like you you inspired me so much I’m 38 and got bullied on yt for being older and listening to this so been afraid ever sense to comment and embarrassed because I’ve never got anything but vanilla even though I’ve wanted more with guys I’ve been with but to ashamed to say you truly are so brave and so inspiring ty so so much


Hi Dahliia, nice to meet you! I am over 50, and a grandmother, I was old enough to be living with my boyfriend when 9 1/2 Weeks was released. Hope that makes you feel better! lol ♥️

Dahlia Weinstein

Hello Bibi: LOL! It is nice to know there are a few of us willing to admit we are older (and hopefully wiser). And in the words of foxy kitty, "You look amazing" too. :-)


35 years young!