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Let me know more of your thoughts in the comments because we are always trying to improve on what we put out.




I love all of them! I am a person who loves a series so would love series for the others as well x


I really like all of them, but i don't know what kind of drug mr robinson puts in his audios cause i just go absolutely bonkers for his voice


All of them because I'm one horny mf


They're all so good, I have a special place in my heart for an English gentlemen voice that can be kind and rough though. Oof it can't be helped!


Came for Mr.Chambers bodyguard/princess series, ended up staying for Mr.Laurent, Mr.Emmerson and Mr.Robinson. Simply how can you expect us to choose? Fantastic VAs and scripts.


Even though we have preferences we still appreciate everyones work! :D Thank you so much. :3


Gosh it's hard to pick. Most favs are Mr Robinson & Mr Shaw and the least favs are Mr Lewis and Mr Laurent. However, I appreciate all the hardwork from scripts to VAs. Thank you 💖


Everyone is very good. Mr. Robinson's voice lives in my mine rent free though. 😭

Felicity Shields

I have character's that live in my head now. The Cowboy made my toes curl. But the Regency one made me horny AND emotional (and as a rule I don't listen for English accents - I grew up with them!) I appreciate all the work you do - I do have preferred voices but accents shift it. I have a SERIOUS voice kink 😂🤣

Maria xoxo

Much love and respect to all the VA and writers but I’m #TeamRobinson all night and all day his voice sounds like a grown man in my head I imagine Henry Cavill type guy. We have been on several “dates” 🤣🤣🤣 IMO his greatest work is that music professor series he sounds as if he really enjoys his work. But when you get to William Barrington level that’s a cheat code 🔥🔥🔥


I feel like Mr. Shaw is underrated! He has such a soothing voice and all the audios he has voiced in, I have listened to on repeat! lol I’d LOVE to here more from him, especially continuations (sequels) of his Lumberjack and Baby Sitting audios ❤️❤️❤️ But that isn’t to say I don’t adore and appreciate all the other VA’s. You all do wonderful work gentlemen and we are grateful for your hard work and dedication to your craft ❤️


Didn’t get to listen to all of them yet, I am still listening to mr. Robinson and Mr. Chambers and I can’t choose between them 😩.


I love them all but I have a soft spot for Mr. Robinson. Mr. Emmerson as well - I miss his voice & humor 🤧

Crystal S.

For me it's a 3 way split between Mr. Chambers, Mr. Robinson, and Mr. Buffet. Also, I don't feel like we've heard enough from Mr. Laurent.


Mr. Emmerson's still around just been dealing with so much personal stuff the last couple of months, he needed the time away. He has kept in touch with me and Alexis and he should be back soon hopefully X


Mr. Laurent let us know he was comfty with 1 script a month that's why he has been a little quiet, but we've got another coming with him soon, Autumn cooking in the kitchen, turning a little more intense!


He's back from holiday tomorrow and set to record a suit play/size kink audio and a Halloween one, so better get those #teamrobinson jerseys ready, I don't think he'll be playing around with those scripts

Kanisha James

to be honest i love them all. they all bring a different kind of vibe


I have the biggest soft spot for Mr. Chambers, I don’t know what he does but it’s working. Mr. Robinson a big close second :)


Mr Robinson and Mr Chambers definitely seem the most comfortable during audios imo, which makes it easier to immerse yourself in it when you can feel their enthusiasm too

Sammy Cleland

Mr Robinson and Mr Chambers are my favourites so far! I'm down to give the other VAs a listen as well! 😊 I have no shame to admit that I listen to the cowboy series at least once or twice a day, and I really can't pin down a favourite part because they're all so damn sexy 😍 perfect to listen to in the dead of night and really gets my heart fluttering~

BeguileMe .

I'm new, but Mr. Chambers brought me here, so Mr. Chambers it is.

Abby ✨

I absolutely adore all of them, however Emmerso, Shaw, and Laurent hit different. Emmerson gives off that nice comfy and husband like vibe while still keeping it sexy, and Laurent is so sultry with his accent. And of course Shaw’s voice is so versatile that it honestly makes me wanna hear more of him going forward. Ngl I would LOVE to see a series with Laurent, but that’s just me ☺️


If the script is good, I don’t have a preference for who the VA is.


Mr Buffet for sure. Love me a man with a really deep voice and it hit different in his wedding audio.


I don’t really know the VAs well enough yet to have a favorite since I’m a fairly recent subscriber.

Babygirl Jai

What it i love them all🥰

Libby Turner

My absolute favourite of all time audio has got to be the Regency Husband - the enemies to lovers thing is beautiful. Utterly in love with that audio! I would happily welcome another part to it or one similar. Astounding 💗


i haven't had a chance to listen to everyone yet, but i would actually love to hear a VA with a voice that wasn't so deep.... just feels more comfy to me (although i will admit i am a fan of Mr. Robinson, he's good enough that i can get past that haha)


i have a thing for younger dominant guys and the deep voices and accents make me imagine that they're a lot older and then i can't really get into it (although i realize i'm probably in the minority here)


Mr. Gallo 😍