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Hope you are doing well on this fine Sunday morning. Going for a little hike over some bridges in Spain today. The blisters and sun stroke will be worth it to see a couple of rocks is what I have to keep telling myself.

A quick one from me. Some important things from the poll we ran a couple of weeks ago. The results were overwhelming for what BKS needs to improve on.

The big two things that stood out to me that we need to fix are SFX and stories.

SFX-wise - we've taken immediate action with this and I've signed up/contracted two people to help us take our SFX game to the next level, they won't be assisting with every audio but we will try to get them on more and more audios over time. Let me tell you now the difference in quality between SFX people on auditions is pretty wild, some auditions, Mr. Chambers sounds like he is flicking yoghurt around his fingers, the next he sounds like he has a mic right next to a pussy. C'est la vie.

Stories - Something I've noted is the stories have been getting a little wacky lately like James Bond reprimanding you for pinching a butt plug... Along with the polls we run to determine what you want to hear we are also doing a bit of a balancing act back towards focusing on more realistic scenarios. It is not lost on me that some of our most loved scenarios like the Cheerleader series, Pancakes and OJ, Mental Health/Depression, Roommates to Lovers are grounded in what all of our lives are more like, they are more relatable so I'm personally writing a few more like this and I've stressed to our writers a focus on this and building our characters/tension/scenarios a bit better when we put pen to paper.


Anyway, enjoy Mr. Holmes' surf instructor audio this morning, dropping in an hour or so.





Felicity Shields

I love the occasional wacky ❤️ but I keep coming back to the cowboy ❤️ and the roommates ones. Oh and that wonderful Mr. Darcy-esque one. The gentleman thief is one I would love a sequel to as well 🥺


I'd stay subscribed just to read posts like this one! Had me crying in laughter. And completely agreeing with you about more realistic storylines.


Loved the blind leading the blind story. Make our doms vulnerable too


AlexisFire should write more lol


Plus I think occasionally some should just be about the talking and the whispers and don’t need to have fancy sound effects


The Mermaid story was perfect. Great sound effects. What I loved the most about it was the actual build-up of the characters and storyline. I also like how vulnerable but still very dominant the man was. It reminds me of why I love the Bodyguard series. I feel like the mermaid and bodyguard stories are the perfect mix of sex and story and I know that there are other stories that do this well. I hope we see more stories like this :) Also - yes, the James Bond story caught me off-guard 😂. I really liked the other spy story/obsidian story better because of the story and writing. THANK YOU 😊


Rekindling the flame and the exes to lovers story from Mr. Emmerson (please send him our best) as well as the most recent dinner party stories are my most favorite.


Yep hoping he is back in action soon, he suffered a bad personal loss recently, we're giving him all the time he needs. I wrote Rekindling and Alexis wrote his exes to lovers scenario and she wrote the dinner party script! 🥳


They were all fantastic!! My heart goes out to him.

Maria xoxo

Thank you 💋