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This story is part of the full Best Kept Secret erotic shorts compilation #1, you can download from HERE.


‘Alright I’ll leave you in charge for the night,’

“You” was me. Susie. A college student on Summer vacation back in her hometown, bored out of her mind and on babysitting duties to earn some extra cash. It was all fairly monotonous apart from one thing I hadn’t bargained on. One very present thing standing right in front of me in the doorway.

‘If he gives you a hard time, just let me know and I’ll be around to give him a firm wedgie and order no sweets for a week.’

I laugh and nod politely, trying to avoid too much eye contact.

Mr. Dominic Henderson. The hottest single dad in the neighbourhood. All six feet six of him. Word had it he had lost his wife in a boating accident many years ago. Of course I had never probed, this was work but part of me was intensely curious about the whole situation. What had she been like? Were they always happy together? How did the accident happen? I had a million and two questions and nowhere enough time to get to the bottom of it. It was a touchy subject that had to wait till some other time further down the line.

‘I’m sure he’ll be a little angel.’ He smirks

He looks at me again with those deep-set eyes. Shimmers of brown and hazel in the LED lights strike right through me. I don’t know if I can be an angel if he keeps besieging me with those eyes. It is too much to take. And the eyes are just the tipping point, we haven’t even addressed the firm jawline and broad shoulders and locks of black hair distracting me.

‘Keys are just on the mantel if you need them for anything and I’ll be on my number all night. Bye champ.’ He lifts his eight year old son and whirls him around before giving him a big hug. James, his son, was staying with me tonight whilst Mr Henderson went for a dinner with the CEO of a major Fortune 500 company.

‘Dad. I want you to stay tonight please. I won’t play Minecraft I swear.’ It was adorable. They were so close. I’m not the overly-sentimental type but a kid clinging to his dad was something that could get me there.

‘I know buddy. Tomorrow. I promise. It's important business tonight. I gotta drum up some business dealings with some very important people so we can do that trip to Disneyland Paris that I promised you.’ He winks at his son and gives him a kiss on the forehead before releasing his grip.

James drops to the ground and starts running around aimlessly trying to find something to do, the faint noises of squealing coming through into the hall as he dashes back into the living room.

‘Bye Susie. No noise complaints please. I know what you’re like with your death metal.’ I laugh and cross my fingers.

‘I swear Mister Henderson. Your home and hearth is safe with me.’

The door quietly falls onto its latch as he goes striding off to the car down the driveway and opens the car door. I hear the faint sound of the engine revving and it kicking into gear as he swerves out into the early evening sunset.

Slumping against the door I try to steady myself. I felt weird. Super weird. It wasn’t my nature to get bundled over by a man like this. But after treading through waves of waves of fuck boys in college there was something about being in the presence of a real man. Just the way he spoke, the way he commanded the room and everything around him. It was magnetic, I wasn’t some dumb schoolgirl bowled over by a silly crush. This was an adult woman completely taken in by an older and much bigger man. As all manner of thoughts fly around in my head, my little dreams are interrupted by reality.

‘Susie. Minecraft let’s do it! Now, now, now!’ James comes scurrying around the corner and jumps up and down in front of me with his puppy dog eyes.

And so it begins. Minecraft. Yipee.


The clock creeps to 10.30pm with a slow drag as I stare listlessly at my phone. Nothing is going on, TikTok is turning into a blur and Insta is dead. Turning over on the couch I address James on the floor who is still immersed in his games.

‘Okay mister, it’s bedtime.’

He puts his Nintendo Switch down and huffs a great big sigh. I feel bad as I remember being the same at his age, never wanting to go to sleep and always ready for something new whatever the time of day or night.

‘I don’t make the rules but you’re dad insisted.’

Still with the cheeky look, I can only smile.

‘One more race.’ Mario Kart, of course...

‘James. Your dad. He in…’

‘Susie please.’

Dammit I can’t resist these kinds of demands. Staring at him keenly, I give him the look to make sure he knows I’m not playing around this time. ‘One more.’ He does a little jump up and down on the bed and swan dives back into another race as I roll my eyes and throw my head back to the ceiling.

I stare up at the walls and the ceiling, whilst on the couch, for what feels like an eternity as my mind starts wandering places again. Why was Mr Henderson still single? Why no mention of any girl or anyone in the picture? Why all the enigma around him?

I’m not sure what I’m seeking, answers, re-assurance, excitement, but I want it. My mind blurs out the flicking of buttons and jamming of joysticks in the background and I close my eyes thinking about Mr Henderson coming home in his navy suit, tie on, crisp white shirt, slim and tight dress pants and that irresistible...

James leaps in the air again with a half flip onto his stomach as he wins the final race with Yoshi. Pumping his fists in the air he shouts to the ceiling in time with the soundtrack blasting through the mini speakers. ‘I won, I won, I gotta go again, for good luck!’

I roll my eyes and put my hands to my hips.

‘Let’s brush our teeth and get our pyjamas on.’

‘Where are your pyjamas Susie?’ It was a valid question.

‘James c’mon you know I’d bring my Fortnite PJs most days of the week. I was just tired and forgot today.’

He shrugs and goes charging into the bathroom making dinosaur references.

‘Fine but you’re playing with me next time you come over.’


I collect some of the toys strewn across the carpet and bundle them on the sofa. There’s one soft toy that nearly falls off and knocks a picture frame to the floor. It is Mister Henderson, in the Bahamas with his son smiling towards the camera, James must have been only four or five years old when it was taken. I smile and thumb around the edges of the frame for a second before remembering the task at hand.

‘Have you been brushing properly the last few weeks?’ He nods and gives me the side eye as he tries to rub back and forth on his bottom row of teeth in a lazy fashion.

‘Susie, do you have a boyfriend?’

I’m taken aback by the question.

‘No James. Not at the moment’

‘A girlfriend?’

‘No James.’ I smirk a little. Not that that proposition had never crossed my mind in the last few months after dealing with Adam’s shenanigans. I can see the cogs whirring in James’s mind as he tries to work out what to ask next.

‘Does my Dad have a boyfriend?’ Kids and their endless questions.

‘Again, I have no idea, he hasn’t told me.’

‘Oh that’s weird. Why wouldn’t he tell you?’

‘I don’t know, maybe you should ask him sometime?’

James, puzzled as usual, spits his remaining toothpaste into the basin and swishes water in his mouth before spitting that too. Wiping his mouth he looks inquisitively at me and I can see the moment he makes up his mind.

‘Yeah I will ask him actually. Thanks Susie.’

‘My pleasure, now, to your room!’

James goes sprinting up the stairs and charges through the corridor shouting more obscure references that are completely lost on me. I labour up the stairs holding the rails and feeling sluggish again, Summer was dragging on so long. I wanted college back in any capacity.

He bursts through into his bedroom and frantically looks for something new to do. It was going to be impossible to ever calm this kid down I felt like.

‘Alright let’s climb into bed, read me a story okay? I know... James And The Giant Peach! You can imagine you’re James again.’

He grabs the book from the shelf opposite the bed and hurls himself into the covers like a rocket blasting off.

‘Get comfortable, yeah?’

Burrowing under the covers like a mole going underground he slides himself into position with the pillow and a few soft toys, including some plushies and a pikachu. It is so cute I almost want to take a picture but I know getting him involved in that would drag us back into games and apps and I couldn’t do it. Reading it is.

‘Okay, begin.’ James starts reading the book and I put my hands behind my head trying to zone out for a little while. This Summer wasn’t great, many of my friends had stayed on campus, or were working cool jobs in clubs, resorts and having a blast all around. They were enjoying their youth, drinking, smoking and partying. What was I doing? Stuck in my old home town babysitting eight year olds.

I’m slipping into that dizzy state again, thinking of scenarios and situations before I’m rudely interrupted by a notification bell.

A WhatsApp comes flying through. It's Adam. My-ex. And the bane of my life at the moment:

I know I fucked up. Badly. Can we talk?

Maybe if you can stop sticking your poor excuse for a willy in other freshman girls we can chat...Adam. But I think talk time is over. I put my phone on mute and cast it to the edge of the bedside table. I urge James to keep reading but he clearly has another question on his mind.

‘Who is it Susie?’

‘Oh nobody. Don’t worry.’ James looks at the phone with abject confusion and immediately turns to glare at me.

‘You look angry Susie. Why are you so mad?’ I didn’t want to be angry around James. I sigh and pat him on the arm.

‘No I’m not too angry James. There’s just certain things. Adults are much worse than kids. That’s the takeaway.’ He stares at me with a mischievous grin.

‘Yeah that’s true. Like twice as bad as kids.’ I chuckle a bit and roll over to face him.

‘What do you want to be when you grow up James?’

He thinks for a few seconds furrowing his brow. But after looking at his gaming console and the Switch it doesn’t take long for him to make his mind up.

‘A YouTuber. A gaming YouTuber. But my teacher says its a dumb idea.’

I hold him gently by the arm and reassure him as the book he was reading slips out of his fingertips and onto the floor below.

‘You can be anything you want James. Never let anyone hold you back, remember that.’

He thinks about the words for a while and clenches the covers to his chest. All of a sudden tiredness overcomes him and he rolls his head to the other side of the pillow facing the wall. It is sleepy time. James And The Giant Peach was going on the floor.

‘Goodnight Susie.’

‘Alright good night James. Sweet dreams.’

He rolls over and fidgets in the bed for a few moments before shutting his eyes. This job is so easy, getting paid to sit around and say goodnight. Yes please. I smile as I notice him drift off to dreamland and pull the sheets tighter over him. He looks adorable under there, hugging his blanket and Pikachu.

A few minutes drift by and the same restlessness that overcame me just moments before as James was reading, creeps into my mind again. It doesn’t seem like a good idea to try and fight it off in his bedroom, I need to wander for a bit, meditate on something.

Sighing, I get up to my feet slowly, creaking my knees and cracking my fingertips. I check my watch but it only tells me what I already know.

I have a lot of time to spare.

It was another two hours before he would be back. My phone is getting boring and I desperately need something else to do. Closing the bedroom door quietly, I go back down the stairs again and start to wander towards some of the other rooms.


My travels in Mister Henderson’s house don’t get me too far. Broom and hoover closet, guest room, another downstairs bathroom, it was all boring so far, but I did forget about his office right towards the rear of the house. I hadn’t been this far yet. He’d never taken me down this wing of the building.

As I pass the entrance to the study something on the screen catches my eye. I wasn’t really supposed to be going in all of these different rooms but curiosity is getting the better of me. I’m hurting no-one, who cares if I peek around, I deserve to know more about this mysterious man.

It is a YouTube video. Titled ‘unclogging kitchen pipes: troubleshooting’. He had been looking for some tips on a plumbing problem.

I laugh, what the fuck did I think I was going to find here? I felt like an idiot. This whole thing was idiotic, it was like a bad episode of a detective comedy. It was time to grow up. At that moment, I decide to pop the TV on and watch something on Netflix or Prime, anything, just some good old fashioned junk or gossipy series would do.

However, as I wheel out of the chair to leave the office something else distracts me on the screen in the other tab. “Ropes and t…” The t is cut-off at the end. Ropes…

My hand hesitates over the mouse, shuddering like a dash of cocaine is running through my system, before I drop down on the left button.

The title of the page reads “Ropes and ties, advanced positions.”

Wow, Mr. Henderson had been looking at some raunchy stuff and I had stumbled upon it almost in plain sight. I involuntarily clear my throat and check behind my shoulder. This was getting juicier by the millisecond.

There were tens and tens of girls in these photos. Of many different shapes and sizes, some were the typical model look, high cheekbones, pout and hair to the waist. Some were bigger girls, immensely sexy and confident, the photographer had a great eye for capturing every person’s essence with different backgrounds and props. Bound, inflamed, tied up, gagged, naked in bath tubs, in bed, some photos were just innocent naked smiling, right back at the photographer.

But who is the photographer?

Clicking around on the screen, I try to find whatever information I can but nothing is becoming clear, until I catch something at the top. Dominic P. Henderson. It was him.

My eyes widen and my throat starts to feel dry. I had known he was a photographer in his spare time but an ‘erotic’ photographer? This was a complete tangent from anything I had expected from him. His job was taking pictures of beautiful girls all day. Part of me was wrecked, of course, he was surrounded by women far more invigorating than me, but the other part of me couldn’t help but discover more. It was exciting.

I scroll down and start to realise just how far he is into freaky and kinky stuff. There were whips, ropes, positions for girls, hanging ties  . The whole thing was freaking me out a little bit, but on the other side was a whole heap of curiosity. I look behind me as I scroll down the page. I’m not sure who I thought I would see but it felt like anyone could be looking over my shoulder at this moment, discovering my sordid investigation.

The door was shut and James was asleep. What was there to worry about?

There was one problem, I knew literally nothing about this stuff. I had never experienced any BDSM with anybody before. The only sex I had had was vanilla and over in five minutes, a completely underwhelming experience, especially after so long with Adam. But this? This intrigues me. My fingers rest over the keyboard, tapping lightly at nothing before I scrunch my lip and make the search:


Google churns away as I sit wondering what is about to happen.

There are endless results here. Too many websites to choose from. Dodgy looking links and terribly named domains.

I click the first one and I’m taken to an elaborate page with a few girls tied up in ropes and restraints. Words alien to me like ‘Dom’ and ‘Sub’ appear on the screen. The language is something I would definitely have to delve into.

I click around on the site, eventually landing on the about page and starting to read the description of everything makes my head spin.

Laughing internally I think just how far away from this kind of world Adam was. If I had tried to approach this topic he would have laughed me out of the room. ‘Daddy’ phrases just weren’t something he would ever be comfortable with.

I look up the definition of ‘sub’:

“the participant in a BDSM sexual encounter or relationship who is obedient, giving power and control to another participant.

It was me to a tee.

As my mind starts wandering to distant and more interesting places, I hear a car pull up outside, the engine quickly turning off and the door booted open.

He’s back, early. Oh fuck.

The keys are in the door and turning as I close the tab and try to clear the history, but there is no time for the latter. Fuck, I didn’t have incognito mode on. I throw my hands to the ceiling in frustration and in complete panic shut the laptop with a bang. Everything is more or less in its place, fuck, fuck, back in the corridor. Sliding through the door I scamper across the wood in my socks and just about make it away from where I shouldn’t have been as the handle comes down and the door swings open.

‘Hey Susie, I’m back, dinner got called early.’ The voice reverberates through the corridor.

Charging back into the living room I greet him with a flourish and flick of my imaginary heel.

‘You just caught me, I was in the bathroom.’

Caught me? What a stupid turn of phrase. There’s no sounds of flushing or any indicator that I had just used the toilet.

He eyes me up inquisitively. Not that damn look again. The chiselled outline of his face shows all the sexy lines as he smirks and puts his lightweight jacket down on the sofa, revealing the short sleeved polo shirt beneath. His muscular and veiny arms bulge out of the bottom as he rests his hands by the side of him on the sofa.

‘Didn’t get up to too much mischief I hope.’ Gulp. He is bearing down on me from above, at his great height.

‘No nothing too bad.’ I reply with an awkward giggle. I feel dizzy, almost nauseous as I try to navigate my way out of the tension. Busy, busy was good. I dart to the sofa and pick up my handbag and keys.

‘Are you off?’ He asks.

‘I have to go, yeah, it’s just, home, my mum called, she needs help, pies, we’re making pies, for the pie event. Yeah Summer fair and everything, you know how it is.’ I’m crumbling. It was nothing about the time, I had to get out of here, away from this man and his ever imposing allure. He nods, frowning a little as he tries to suss out the issue.

‘Hope the little man wasn’t a pain.’

‘No, no, he was great...It’s just…’ The vein running down his bicep protrudes out ever more as he sits back and puffs his chest out. ‘It is just...me, I’m feeling a bit funny, I need to get my head down.’ I need to be away from you, I’m drowning.

‘Sure, no problem. Do you want any water before you go?’

I shake my head vigorously, water wasn’t going to cut it.

With my belongings clumsily gathered together, I hurry to the front door and plop them down to put my shoes on. Nervously tugging at the laces, I wince a little as my thumb just about manages to undo them again.

‘Well thank you for looking after the little man. He is growing fond of you. As am I.’ Dammit, stop. I flick hair from behind my ears trying to bury my head towards my shoes as the redness envelops my face to my ears. The last shoe slips on far too late and I dive headfirst into the door with everything, letting out a feeble goodbye.

‘Bye Dom. Bye!’ Dom? Oh no. I’d never used his first name before. It had always been Mister Henderson. And it had all the wrong connotations after what I had just been reading.

The door slams behind me and I scurry away, able to breathe in a huge sigh of relief. What the fuck is wrong with me? I had never had a thing for older men but he was different. He wasn’t a square, he was in damn good shape, sexy as hell, confident, big, everything rolled into one insane package. And certain revelations showed me even more than I thought I could know. My Converse hit the pavement as I make a sharp left. I had to find a distraction, anything, just something to get away from this man and the gig for a while.


It had been nearly a week since the incident at the house. Things had been uneventful since, just blazing sun and lazy days as I tried to hide in my room and around the garden just reading and falling into imaginary worlds away from the pressure that real life had brought on me. Of course I couldn’t go on hiding forever and it was only a matter of time before the inevitable came knocking.

Late in the afternoon I received a text. It was him. The message read simply:

‘Hey Susie, can you come over for five minutes today? Around 8’ish?’

Putting my phone down, I place the book on my lap and look up to the sky through my sunglasses. What was I going to do? Hide forever and hope things will go back to normal? Things had to be settled. No matter how uncomfortable I felt about it.

The clock strikes 7.45pm. I’m not dressed in anything revealing, just a simple white tee and my Levi’s and usual Converse. My hope was the less sexualised I could appear the easier it would be to deal with this upcoming conversation.

My legs feel like lead as I walk up the garden path to the house. Stomach in knots and butterflies doing somersaults.

With a weak effort I knock on the door. Three raps with my knuckles just about managing to scrape across the paint. Brogues come stamping down the hallway and the latch sounds as the door swings open. Of course, I’m greeted by his hulking presence, towering over me.

God damn. He looks even more ravishing than last time. Crisp clean checkered pants and a black shirt with a glass of whiskey in his hand, ice jingling as he puts it to his lips and takes a quiet swig before addressing me.

‘Hey Susie, this won’t take long, thank you for coming, Don’t mind the attire. I was just slipping into something more comfortable for the evening.’ I definitely don’t mind the attire.

The door slams behind me and I lurch into the kitchen, following him closely behind like a lost puppy. We walk through in silence until I’m sat down on one of the high stools at the island.


‘No I couldn’t. I’d feel like…’

‘Susie, this isn’t an interrogation, you can relax with me you know.’

I blush, involuntarily and try my best to meet his gaze.

‘Pepsi if you have some?’

‘Pepsi it is.’ He smiles warmly and spins around to open the fridge. The fridge throws out a wave of cool breeze into the room as he unpacks a can of Pepsi and slams it shut again.

He hands it to me and I fumble at it, trying to lift the lid with my nails but it is hopeless.

‘Here.’ He grabs the can back and pops it with a smooth motion before handing it back to me.

‘Thanks.’ I cup the can and try to slow my heart down. For the first time since babysitting, I actually started to study his kitchen. It is beautifully designed. Black counters, cupboards, cooking appliances in a shimmering finish, standing out against the clear and wooden floors below us. His black shirt matches impeccably with it.

One thing comes to mind, I don’t hear any children. James, I could turn the topic to James. The silences were killing me. ‘Where’s James?’

He clears his throat and spreads his hands on the counter.

‘James is just asleep upstairs. He went out early tonight. I just wanted to discuss a few things and as you live so close I hope it wasn’t too much hassle to come over for just a few minutes.’

‘No, of course not.’ I laugh to dispel the tension in my own chest. ‘Not a problem at all. I was just watching some TV, reading some Vonnegut, super lazy evening, I needed something to do.’

He nods and sips from the rocks glass again. I watch the liquid go down his throat, the world almost seeming to slow to a snail’s pace. He puts the glass down and adjusts his shirt sleeves to roll up a bit higher on his forearms. God damn. My palms are sweating. The tension is unbearable, I have to address the issue first, it was the only way I could salvage some face.

‘Look, I should apologise. I don’t know what I was doing. I wasn’t thinking clearly. James...James was in bed and I...I...I don’t know, I went exploring and found the office and that laptop. I wasn’t going to go in that room I swear, I know that’s totally out of bounds for a babysitter and well beyond my remit.’

His face darkens into a suspicious gaze and confusion.


And like that, an unimaginable horror sinks in. The reason he called me over was nothing to do with what I had searched on the laptop after all. The whole week of worrying and I had landed myself in it.

‘I...err...guess.’ My jaw freezes as no words are able to leave my mouth.

‘What did you see on my laptop, Suzie?’

What the hell could I say?

‘I’m not going to bite and I’m not going to judge, just tell me, what did you see?’

Closing my eyes I try to make sense of my words. I wanted to say something cogent but my brain is failing me.

‘I saw lots of girls, in different positions, sexual positions I think and they were all tied up. Lots of devices, arrangements, contraptions. I don’t know what everything was.’

‘What did you think of it?’ It leaves his mouth without him even batting an eyelid.

It was the million dollar question. Old Susie would have run out of the house at this point. But ever since college, since Adam, since lots of sexual disappointment, my mind has been seeking new highs, new opportunities, new thrills.

‘It all looked very weird, I think it is really odd you are interested in all of that, you’d have to be crazy to be into it.’

He keeps his gaze on me throughout the sentence as he sips the last remaining drops of the whiskey. Placing the glass down more aggressively this time, he slinks across the kitchen island and invades my space more deliberately, parting my legs slowly on the high stool. The oud and woody scents of musk drift across me, he smells as divine as he looks, dark and brooding. I glance down quickly at his massive hands on my tiny thighs in the jeans, completely swallowing me up. It was the first time he had made such a bold move against me and I was far from prepared to deal with it professionally.

‘Okay now you’ve got the scripted bullshit out of the way. What did you really think of it? No pretty lies this time.’

His eyes are locked on mine and the veins are protruding from his hands and forearms. It is a subtle reminder of the power he possesses in his huge frame and what a helpless little girl I am underneath it right now. And yet, with all of this at his disposable I feel safe, untouchable with him here to shelter me.

‘I don’t know to be honest. I really don’t know.’

‘Susie, it is nothing to be ashamed of. You can tell me sweetheart.’

If I was drowning before, my body was washed ashore now.

‘It kinda intrigues me I guess.’

‘Oh?’ His voice perks up as he urges me to keep talking.

‘But I don’t know, it seems so insane, I’m so lost at the moment, it just isn’t right. It’s not my world.’

‘You’ve never had a man take control of you before have you?’ I look up at him as he holds my chin with one hand and his massive hand falls down gently further up my thigh, spreading my legs even wider apart so his hips nearly fall in between them. His eyes are an endless ocean as I try to hold back a whimper with him mere inches from my lips.

‘Look at you, you’re shaking, so nervous, so small beneath me.’

‘Dominic. I…’ Throat as dry as ever, words nowhere to be found.

‘You know your biggest problem Susie, you overthink too much. I love your intelligence, you know that, but sometimes you just have to let your mind wander a bit. Relinquish the reins.’

A slow warmth begins to fill me up, running all across my legs and core. I don’t know if I can stop myself from wanting this. I don’t know if my rational side is strong enough to bring me down from the heights I want to climb to with this man.

‘Dominic, I...I don’t know if this is a good thing for us to do.’

My body convulses in a mixture of want and uncertainty. I lick my lips to get any sense of moisture back to them and flick my hair out of the way exposing my neckline. He leans over me even further before whispering into my ear, the sensation bringing a serenity over my body.

‘What did I say about overthinking, little girl?’

‘Fuck Dom, please, I shouldn’t.’ One last plea escapes me.

‘Shhh, shhh, don’t fight it Susie, don’t fight this. You tell me at any time if this doesn’t feel...right.’

His hand goes from my chin to my lips and his thumb slips inside my mouth as he urges me to wrap my tongue around it. Impulse control is gone and I begin slowly moving my mouth against it, before gradually drawing him out of there. Looking at me with a grin, he leans down a long way and locks his lips with mine.

He tastes like strawberry mint, his tongue gently flicking mine as he grips onto me playfully. Cupping my face, he runs his other hand up and down my jeans, teasing me with the warmth of his touch. I’m already urging his hands further up my thighs and trying to tug on the edges of his shirt as he retracts from the kiss and growls with a more menacing tone.

‘I know when a girl is eager to learn.’

I nod meekly. Emotions are fluttering inside me as he keeps his eyes on my lips and murmurs deeply before lunging in again, a little more forcefully this time. My own fingers curl together as the feeling of his mouth on mine sets fire to a deep need. Hands are flailing everywhere as I try to steady myself on the stool and grab onto something but it all seems in vain. His sheer size pins me against the back of the stool and keeps me there for as long as he wants.

‘Kick your shoes off, leave them here.’

Complying, I undo the laces and slip the Converse off, tossing them aside gladly.

He rips my attention back to him and cups my cheeks, engulfing them with his big mitts. Stroking my face, he sets back into that delicious and commanding tone of his.

‘Don’t worry I’ll go gentle with you, I’ll play nice. I’ll teach you slowly. You’re just going to have to stay quiet for me.’

He lifts me up in his arms and my legs instinctively reach around to his thick-set back, clasping onto his lower spine and just above his glutes. As he embraces me we go in for another kiss, him stumbling back slightly against the wall as he pins my arms above my head.

‘I need a mirror. Let’s go to the bathroom.’

I cling to his back desperately as he carries me through to the downstairs bathroom and locks the door with a quick hitch. Pinning me against the wall, he maintains the intensity from the kitchen, kissing me passionately, as my hands fumble for anything they can, his ears, his hair, his chest. After what seems like an eternity, he puts me down on the floor, far beneath him and clears his throat, ready to instruct me.

‘Take your jeans off for me.’ He mutters.

Flicking the zipper down and unbuttoning them, I keep my eyes on Dom the entire time. I was really fucking nervous. Nobody had ever seen me this naked before except Adam, what if he was going to judge me? Shyly, I cover my upper legs with my hands and look away momentarily.

‘Don’t be nervous with me Susie.’ The reassurance in his voice melts the anxiety all the way through. I smile and look back at him again. His hand goes from my throat to my upper body and starts caressing me through the shirt. His lips trail down to my neck and start sucking, biting, tasting everything they can. Gasping, I catch a look at us in the mirror, me bottomless, still in my plain white tee and him exploring me completely carefree. I grin a little at the naughtiness and short moans leave me wanting more.

As his hands run all over me I can see him eyeing my panties with a delirious satisfaction. His eyes light up at the prospect of exposing me so easily.

‘Are you really leaving a little patch for me already, you bad girl?’

I’m fucking soaked Dom.

In what seems like one swift movement, he tugs at my panties and covers my legs. His hands go a thousand places at once, tracing my inner thighs before gliding over my wetness and gently rubbing. Groaning, I hold my hands against the wall to steady the feeling. His response is to pin my neck with one huge mitt and drag my panties down with the other, a rumbling growl building in his throat.

‘Do you trust me Susie? You’ll have to be quiet ’ He tears the panties from below my ankles and tosses them aside. Keeping his left hand on my neck and forcing my face to the mirror, his index finger on the other hand slowly reaches between my legs and rubs against my wetness.

‘Yes Dom. I trust you. So much.’

‘I always get what’s mine baby girl. That’s something you’ll learn with a man like me.’ Moaning with a ringing baritone sound, he pats me gently down there, the echo reverberating around the bathroom. His grip is unbreakable, completely domineering as he brings his index finger to his lips and tastes me. I can’t glimpse too much but clearly brushing against his pants, is his massive cock, only growing larger and larger with each rubbing motion of the hand.

I’m breathless, my naked body involuntarily rising and falling with every kiss that trails down my body and my teeth gnashing into my lips. He smiles, shark-like and continues kissing every inch.

‘Look at me in the mirror, baby girl. Watch me devour you.’

I bury my hands into his thick mound of hair as he lashes against my quiveing slit, his tongue, clearly skilled and ready to take me over every edge. My breathing has become totally erratic by this point. Both hands clamp against my thighs and he moans against me, vibrating me nicely. I move my own hand to my mouth to bury the moans but it is going to take much more to keep my quiet for him.

‘No moaning little thing, hold it for me.’

His electric tongue assaults my clit as my hips point to the ceiling. I want to throw my hands to my face and hold them there for a long time but I’m helpless to do anything. He feels so fucking good, tasting me like this. He isn’t erratic with it, keeping a perfect speed going as his tongue makes swishing movements against me, building me up faster than anyone has ever done before.

‘Oh fuck...Dom...fuck.’ My voice is wobbly and my legs are not far behind. ‘Keep going, yes, just there, just there.’

He finds the perfect spot, attacking me without care and his mouth clasping onto my clit, sucking, teasing, licking in any direction, letters of the alphabet, all with one smooth rhythm and timing. As this goes on his voice throbs against my pulsing slit, lapping the pleasure from all around me. He barely breaks for air and I shout louder into my hand trying to keep any remaining composure. I keep fixed on us in the mirror looking at his big head against my little body and my hands go to my sensitive breasts, tweaking my nipples and pulling on them one at a time.

What a sight I must be right now. His little girl, all exposed and thrashing around like I’m possessed.

‘As fun as it would be to make you cum like this. I’ve got other plans in mind for you Susie. Something to satisfy your...kinks a bit more.’

He stands up from his knees, towering above me again and pushes his lips against mine, the moisture drenching me completely, sweet nectar mixed with my own dirty excitement.

‘I see the way you look at me, you like bigger men, you want to be filled with something far bigger than you should be able to handle.’ He growls and I shudder against him, gulping hard. ‘I’m done playing with this pussy. It is going to be mine.’

Breathless and staggering against the bathroom wall, I watch as his dress pants come down to his ankles, revealing his rock solid girth threatening to protrude out of the sides of his boxers. He’s like a Greek God. Grinning, he slides his boxers down whilst keeping me in place. I look down and tension consumes me whole as I see every inch of his thick girth, hard as steel and twitching to be inside me.

‘Look in the mirror for me. You stay still, keep your right leg on the counter. I’m going to grind my hips into you slowly.’ I place one leg on the top next to the sink, stretching my thighs and hamstrings and get the balance just right. He keeps his hand over my mouth and I hear him grip himself. Glancing down in vain, I make out the swollen tip running up my drenched thighs, before he slicks it against me and makes me shudder. He’s enormous, he looks like he is going to impale me with it. He’s going to fill me to the hilt and there is nothing I can do to stop it.

‘I’m going to make sure you remember this.’ He brings his phone out of his top shirt pocket and switches the camera on, hitting the “record” button. Fuck, this was too damn sexy. He rubs his tip against my opening a few more times, driving me wild with anticipation. Even just that has me salivating down my shirt.

‘Dom, I can’t wait any more, please, I have to have you.’

Brushing his giant head against my clit, without warning he slowly slides inside me and forces my head to recoil against the wall, my eyes rolling in my head with the pressure. Fuck. Nothing could have prepared me for this, he’s massive, almost hurting me with the size. Hitching his own breath, he unbuttons his dress shirt letting me see all of his broad shoulders and chest and iron stomach and throws it over the railing. Sharp lines run down his body, into the v-shape pointing towards the hammer blow he is about to deal me.

‘Oh my fucking god. You’re so big. I don’t know if I can take it all.’

All I can do is glance in the mirror and stare at his ripped physique slowly gliding against my shirt as helpless bleats leave my lungs. I want to run my hands along his stomach and towards his hips but the pressure building up inside me is threatening to override everything.

‘No touching little one, you take this length until you can’t stand, you need your hands to steady yourself. I barely have to fuck you and I know you are going to be shuddering against this wall.’

My mouth opens but no moan leaves it as he presses his hand harder into me but maintains the delicious rhythm against me, keeping firm pressure on my pulsing clit. It is spellbinding and grinding me into a nervous mess. My moans grow louder against his hand

‘Dom oh...ooo...shit…’ The words deteriorate into guttural noise as I lose my capacity to think. How on earth was I supposed to keep quiet? My jaw falls down involuntarily as I suck any air I can in, to brace with the impact of each slow stroke. Whimpering again, I look at the mirror and get another jolt of pleasure from just how much bigger he is than me. His length was almost pressing against my stomach from the inside.

‘God damn, Susie, I’m going to make you burst.’

Once again, his timing is incredible. He speeds up ever so slightly causing my breaths to get even shallower and lifts my shirt to latch his mouth onto my breasts, squeezing and gripping my nipples between his teeth before turning back to the camera.

‘Smile for me Susie. I want to see you cry with pleasure baby girl.’

Keeping the phone steady I manage a naugty smile in the mirror, grinding my hips even firmer against his strong pelvis. In response to this, he pumps his hips even harder into me, still keeping the same slow pace as before. He clasps his other hand even harder against my mouth as I start shouting, cries of ecstasy and lust. It wasn’t long before I was going to explode.

‘Dom, please, don’t stop, don’t stop.’

Giddy with the pressure, I manage a laugh that quickly turns into another gasp and long drawn-out moan. This man was incredible.

I groan and he keeps pressing against me, steadying my leg on the sink counter as it starts shaking. I’m dripping all over his cock as he keeps the video going, zooming in on my face and every exquisite reaction I have to him.

Fisting my hair he forces me to watch my orgasm in slow motion.

‘Watch this big man make your little cunt explode sweet girl. It isn’t yours anymore. So you’re going to have to ask me for your release.’

The words are driving me mental, in the best way imaginable.

Not soon after he says this, I’m there, I can’t hold back on this girth any longer, it is too fucking good.

‘Dom, I’m going to cum, can I cum? Can I? I can’t hold it.’

He pushes me all the way onto him and strokes me continuously, his pubic area rubbing against my pulsating clit as my screams start taking over my body. His grip forces me to watch as I squirt over him and spill onto the floor, my nails digging into his hips and glutes as I squeeze around him, trying to drain him too, but he won’t budge. I’m a complete sticky mess as the contractions begin. My leg shudders on the counter and my voice gets hoarse as I shout into his palm. It feels unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

‘Shh, shh, Suzie, baby, I’ll take some inches out of you.’

He retracts from me slightly. Allowing something to fill my lungs again. But it is only a little. He still feels almost all the way in. My face is covered in sweat and the tingling in my body still hasn’t stopped as I try my best to calm down from the eruption. But it is going to take a long time. My t-shirt is a complete mess of perspiration and cum, all my effort to stand in place soaked into the fabric.

His tone shifts as he starts kissing me again, much softer now, stroking the hair from out of my face as he keeps his cock buried inside me halfway deep. His touch is reassuring, caring and everything in the world I need right now after such an insane experience.

‘I know that was a lot but you did so well for me. Good girl.’

His lips grace my cheeks and he cups my chin, looking deeply into my eyes and letting me regain my strength one second at a time. I’m hesitant but it almost feels romantic, like we were meant to be in this position in this bathroom. The more time I spend with him, the more I realise this man was meant to care for me. My big protector. As these thoughts roam around my head, I lean my head into this thick-set chest and nuzzle against him. Purring with his heart beating in my ears, I think I could stay safe here forever.

Slowly and ever so gently he pulls himself out of me, still rock hard. His head is pulsing and...ever so inviting.

‘But what about you?’ I mutter under my breath wondering why he hadn’t finished as well.

‘I can wait Susie. Plus I think we’re going to be interrupted anytime...right about...now.’

There are footsteps upstairs, running around and the sound thunders across the floor towards the staircase.

Holy shit. James. Did we wake him up?

Dom smiles and grabs his shirt from the railing. Before scooping his dress pants up from the floor.

‘Get dressed quick. Play innocent.’

Charging around the bathroom, I scramble together every bit of loose clothing I can and clumsily step back into my panties and jeans. This shirt would have to be turned inside out, it is not fit for wear. Shit, shit, shit. He is coming down the stairs right now and there is no lock on the bathroom door. God dammit. Taking a quick glance in the mirror I clear the drool from my chin and fix my hair to look somewhat more human. I look like I just got dragged through a fence. It would have to do.

Nearly slipping on the tiles I tug my socks, inside out, back on my feet and shimmy to the door with Dom leading the way.

As we burst into the hallway, James is at the kitchen counter, walking in my shoes, pretending he has big feet.

‘Susie, why are you like bigfoot?’

Dom laughs and I cross my arms, shaking my head.

‘James, c’mon is that a way to greet me.’ Rushing over to the cups I pour myself some water from the sink and sip on it with my hand clenched around the edge of the marble.

James goes running around the kitchen counter in the shoes and nearly crashes into the wine cabinet as he skids back into view. Finally, he notices me and a look of confusion comes over him.

‘What were you and Daddy doing?’ Daddy? Gulp.

I almost spit out the water as Dom can’t hide a laugh either.

‘We were just talking about my babysitting job.’

‘What about it?’

His eyes are so full of innocence and wonder, it is really damn hard to lie to him.

‘Just how many times I’ll be coming over.’

‘Are you still going to be my babysitter?’ Panic sets in as he shrieks a little at the thought of not seeing me again.

‘James. Susie is still going to be your babysitter, don’t worry.

The same feeling that had come over me last time starts to sink in again, the walls are closing in and the pressure is getting to me. I had to get out of here. Dom notices and immediately steps in to dispel the tension.

‘Anyway James, Susie has to get going now so say your goodbyes okay. And step out of those shoes please.’

‘Oh.’ He looks despondent and drops a slime toy on the floor. ‘Bye Susie.’ The Converse go skidding away from me and hit the wall. James is in no mood for anything long, drawn-out and overly emotional and neither am I. My own emotions are in absolute turmoil right now and this wasn’t the right time to address them with Dom. In silence, I fasten my shoes on, Dom watching me intently, arms folded and a look of comfort in his eyes. It feels nice and I want to stay in that aura, but right now, right now I couldn’t.

I smile. ‘Bye James. Be a good boy okay till I next see you okay.’

James goes charging back into the lounge to return to his Playmobil and Minecraft. Dom, hulking behind me, leads me to the door.

‘We’ll talk more later, okay? I know you don’t want to be here right now. I can see it written all over you.’ He murmurs behind me, reading me like an open book.

I look back at him and nod, biting my lip. There was a lot I had to say, to confront, but I could wait. He bends down and kisses me gently on the lips as I stand on my tiptoes to reach him and embrace the beautiful texture of his mouth and all the coziness he provides.

‘Bye Dom.’

As I step outside into the humid Summer evening. I hear him, clearing his throat and lowering his voice, behind me.

‘Susie. One more thing. It is Daddy Dom from now on.’




My English is not good, but language can't stand in my way. It took me four hours to finish reading it. It's great. I like this article very much.




Have y'all considered turning some of these into audios?

Sherry Shanahan

Damn …. BTW it’s Daddy Dom !!! 💦💦💦💦💦


I wish this had a part 2 😭


Damn I got real excited there and thought that was an audio…because that’s like my go to fantasy right there.


Is there anyway you could make this into a audio later on


Potentially, we already have a Daddy Dom size kink story coming up so don't want too much clash but if this gets more love maybe. This didn't get a lot of interest TBH


Alright this was very well written I enjoyed it a lot

Lucy I

Ahh loved it!!!!


The number of times I've read this should definitely be a crime.😂😂👀


Holyyy, that was very hot


This is a total long shot but I’d love for this to be an audio 🤤❤️


Love it

foxy kitty

This was amazing but oh gosh as an audio yes please lol


Need this as a Mr Robinson voiced audio 😩