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Hey everyone,

We are going to set up a Q&A with Mr. Chambers. 

Not live but free-ranging discussion really. Once I have the list of questions we will see what Mr. Chambers is and isn't comfortable with in terms of the topics as he wants to retain his anonymity and there may be personal details he doesn't want to share! 

If you leave your questions below in the comments or DM to me on here or Discord, we will try to get around to each of them and he will answer all of them in a stand-alone audio post. We will also see if any of the other VAs are interested in this Q&A format if people want to hear more behind the scenes kinds of things and get closer to the people behind voices. 

Reminder, if you are new and struggling to navigate your way around the audios, the compilation is still the best place to start. This gives a running list of everything from November 2020 to now. 






What has been your favourite audio to make?

Sarah O'Leary

What kinks do you enjoy, and what would be your hard limits?


What's your top 3 favorite comedies.


What's your top 3 horror films?


Do you enjoy listening to erotic audio or just performing for it? What is your favorite genre or kind of script to perform? Do the people in your real life know about your talent as a voice actor? Do you do any other kinds of acting? Do you engage in other kinds of creative pursuits beyond acting?


What is a secret talent that you have?

Yue Ryder

Any favorite bands/musician's??


Favorite food recipe that you swear by?


What made you want to start making erotic audios?


Favourite song ever?


What do you fine most attractive in a woman? (or man I don't judge)


Name one thing that makes you feel good, something that brings a smile to your face?