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It's that time again...

What is a major thing you wish your partner would improve on or seek help with to make them more attractive to you? This can be sexually or otherwise, anything! 

If you don't have a partner or aren't in a relationship, what is something you wish the people you were attracted to or vying to get the attention of would work on to make them even more appealing to you?




Monica Austin-Force

I wish most men were louder? more vocal? FUCKING MOAN FOR ME! Or something. So I can know if you're enjoying what I'm doing or to change up!?! Plus it's just hot!


Not assume I’m so vanilla and innocent. My boyfriend rn thought I was innocent in the kink department he was sooo wrong. When we first did it he was surprised on how experienced I was and how flexible as well. He’s slowly learning I’m a freak in the sheets that’s basically into anything


And be more of a daddy dom as well 😅


Not attached at the moment. I need the dominance. I want to feel like a woman or feel feminine when I'm with him. To better explain, I'm very dominant. In general, people are intimidated by me. It's tiring. I need a guy that I'm comfortable around to put down that barrier and feel/be vulnerable and safe around. Or a better description; submissive.

Alli Ple

Not attached, and not currently interested in anyone... but the question is a good one! If there was anything I sought in a man, is one who is patient, confident but not arrogant and has that sense of calmness or wisdom when practicing patients with someone like me, who worries, second guesses at times and tends to struggle with trust due to past relationships or pick a fight when my pride is poked at. I want Someone who would be comfortable just being there and not needing to talk, just be comfortable with presence and physical touch when I deal with my depression or struggle through life. Who listens when I need to talk, who builds my confidence but also is firm when I am wrong and tries to guide me back to the right path with a loving hand. Someone who I can let my guard down and not appear bossy or hide behind a laugh and smile— To feel feminine, because I tend to be dominant and prideful in life and my works, to be a girl, to be a lady and just be the woman I have been hiding and protecting from previous hurt. I want a man who will not just satisfy me in bed but someone who I can call my best-friend and my rock through this thing we called life. And I want to be all of this for him, whoever he might be ❤️

Agent Paper

Taking my need for him to be more in charge seriously. I'm a bit of a brat, so I appreciate logical and firm guidance.


Frankly at this point I’m just happy to be there


I'm not with anyone and haven't been for a few years now. I'm just hoping someone with strong communication skills, open mindedness, and understanding comes along. To make themselves more attractive, I would love for a man to have a passion. There's so many times I've met a man that's just dead inside with no light or fire for anything other than not dying and it is so heart breaking.

Kay Mitchell

I'd wish my soul person would romance me. Randomly take go on meaningful dates, and spend quality time. We could even do nothing but cuddle on the couch watching random tv shows. I just love quality time together.


Making me finish 🤡