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Hey girls,

Another discussion topic for you today, what is your favourite non-verbal and non-sexual (not overtly sexual) cue your partner gives you?  Or something small they do that they aren' even conscious of maybe but it gives you all the best feelings. 

It could be subtle things like:

- Adjusting their suit jacket, their lapels, their cuffs

- Winking at you from across the table

- Smiling in just the right way

- Grabbing your waist from behind

- Whispering in your ear

Or even a non-physical thing. 

Let me know your thoughts below!





Marissa Dizon Myers

When he kisses my forehead, I feel precious and protected.


The single arched eyebrow of damnation and domination. Just know that I'm in the worst or best trouble of my life

Kennedy Lawrence

That god damn smile of his. It’s dumb looking but that’s what’s made me choose him in the first place lol

Agent Paper

When he gives me that 'cat who ate the canary' smile from across the room. I know he's about to do something naughty.😈 Or when he's crosses his arms, causing his chest and arms flex,when he's mad at me☺


My husband love when I tickle his face and neck with a toothpick. It's just relaxes and when I hit then right spot he let's out a small whimper/hum sounds. It just make me smile.




When a man I'm interested in is working with his hands like carpentry or wood working, rolling up his sleeves, looking up at me and holding my gaze, a good sweet devilish grin


My boyfriend is the dominant in our relationship and does this with out even realizing it, but I think it's my favorite little secret since i also havent told him about it. One time we were walking with a group of our friends and we werent holding hands. He was walking ahead of me but only a little bit, and at one point I turned my head to look at him in the middle of a conversation with one of my friends and I saw his hand reach out to his right. He didn't feel what he wanted to feel and when he turned his head to see who was on his right, his eyes had this very sad look in them and he pulled his hand back and continued walking. After the look in his eyes, I caught up to him and held his right hand. Almost immediately he squeezed my hand twice, which is a thing we do to tell the other we're happy and okay and it made my heart swoon and melt. I thought that that was a one time thing, but he does it while I'm driving, when we're cooking together, I even see him do it on the phone since we're a long distance relationship and it's the cutest thing ever. Sorry for the long comment 😅


The way he looks at me when he doesn’t think I’m looking and then he blushes and looks away cause he got caught 😍💗 makes my heart melt


My boyfriend will talk using stuffed animals. It’s really silly, but he’ll use this little voice and make them tilt their head and really give them their own personalities. He tends to use that same shy little voice when I surprise him with a kiss, and it makes my heart melt. I love being 5’1” and making him all blush and bashful and wanted ❤️


It's how he is with children. We don't have children yet, but he's so great with them


if i found a partner that respected me that would b pretty sexy 🥴