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Hey girls,

On Discord a couple of days ago I shared what was happening with Mr. Buffet, if you aren't aware, he sadly lost a lot of his possessions in a house fire and has been really shaken up by the whole event. Thankfully he was unharmed but the last few and next few weeks will be really tough for him, he has mentioned he wants to get back to recording as soon as he can but I want him to take as much time as he needs.

It is my hope we can band together as a community and help him out as much as we can, through fan art, well wishes and anything we can do to brighten his day. Jinxmai has shared some fabulous sketches already and he has been really touched by this.

We have donated a few hundred dollars already to his PayPal to help him get back on his feet with recording equipment and will be donating more to his GoFundMe at the start of next month when the Patreon payout happens.

The link if you want to donate is HERE. Any amount big or small would really move him and he appreciates all the love and support he is getting from BKS.




foxy kitty

Is donations still needed? Is he doing better I hope by now he is if there’s anything I can do still please let me know


Any updates on Mr Buffet? Does he still need help? I wasn’t on BKS back when it happened but I’d like to still help if needed.


No, no updates yet, we haven't done any audios with him for a while but last time we heard from him he was doing well