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I wanted to do a more personal post here on Patreon because I realise I don't do enough of these I want you to be able to get closer with the guy behind all of this and post more spontaneous stuff about my day, what's going on and life antics more generally, more Q&As and just generally seem less of a robot on here. I still want to retain my anonymity and hope you can respect this but yeah... more updates are on the menu. 

The inspiration for BKS?...Good Question.

I wrote my girl at the time a Valentine's story a couple of years back and unironically she loved it. So I started writing more erotica and eventually I came across GWA. 

Opened up a totally new world as I'm sure it did for you when you heard your first audios. 

But I knew I wanted to be able to give a variety of audio experiences and one voice can be limiting for that so hence why we decided to start working with multiple actors and guys. 

I want to create the best community on the web for audio erotica. To make this your go to place for all manner of M4F and eventually all other kinds of audios and kinks, hopefully in our own dedicated app, because Patreon...ain't great. 

We're hunting for guys to join us as well so if you know anyone with a hot voice who can make you melt, send him my way.  ;)

Little bit more about me, I'm 6'2", super into drumming and music and had an ill-fated stint of trying to become a model, oh well, their loss, your ears' gain. Graduated from quite a prestigious university in London but never really quite found my mark with what I wanted to do till I found this and found you. When I receive some of your messages about how these audios are helping your relationships, your sex life, your marriages, it inspires me on a whole new level frankly, there's not many professions in the world where I could say that. 

Drop me any questions in the comments or DM me with what else you want to know about me, BKS or any other dirty gossip you want spilled. 

If you haven't completed the survey on the VAs and your experience with Patreon you can complete it HERE. It helps me figure out more of what you want to hear and to write better stories, have better SFX and a better time all around. 

Also if you haven't joined Discord yet, make sure you do, as our community is growing bigger and bigger. 

Anyway, I'm rambling...chat me up. Hit me with your best pick up lines. 





@joeysquishes and @not_mr_grey


omg who is this?