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Introducing a new VA to the BKS family, Mr. Cohen. Ladies, please give us your feedback on this new artist. 


I am a consultant for a major accounting firm and I’ve been working 14 hour days for the last month. This has put pressure on our relationship as you live on the other side of the country. We have been in this relationship for the last year, and we’ve only met properly once.  With COVID and work, I was worried you would have left me by now. However, you have been so understanding of the situation. You send lunches to the office twice a week and do what you can to make my life less stressful.

It’s 1:35 AM, and I'm at my desk at the office. Everyone left the office hours ago, and it is empty inside. I am a complete and utter mess. I have been working on this complex financial statement audit, and just found fraud, really don’t envision I'll be getting any sleep anytime soon. I keep mindlessly tapping on the computer, hoping what I'm typing is making any sense. While mumbling to myself, I hear buzzing under the papers. It’s my phone. I start shuffling papers around to find it and just before it goes to voicemail, I answer.




Personally, this just wasn't for me 💜


You had me at "lego minas tirith set."

Criticet Gaming

I loved this audio from the voice all the way to the character. Great work!


He had me at "Hello".😶😂

Amairany Aranda

This little piggy cry wewewe🤣🧡


"Noise on /this/ floor?" The humor was perfectly timed. 🤣