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After a very charged moment behind the lodge you come and meet me and my friends for some quick drinks and some chit chat. Things quickly spiral in a more seductive direction and we take to our own table to get some more privacy. I can't keep my hands off you and I've got wine back at my chalet anyway, so let's go. We get back, sample a glass each and I give you the grand tour. It isn't long before you're searching through one of my drawers and find some silk scarves and binds. You tell me you've never been tied up before and I think we're going to have to change that young lady...


If you're catching up on this storyline so far:

Part 1 is HERE - it's your first ski lesson or so you claim and

Part 2 is HERE - and we both ramp things up a notch, it is very flirty and we start making out behind the main lodge before getting rudely interrupted. Of course we have to set up another meet and we grab drinks...

VA - Mr. Robinson




Loved this mini series! I am loving all the sexy stuff but the aftercare is amazing! 💜 xx


Just marathoned 1 and 2 so I could listen to 3 I caaaaaaaant Robinson’s voice is gonna be the death of me


Y’know when you keep having to pause because you’re so turned on your brain shorts out? Well fucking done. Holy shit I’m way more into bondage than I realized my god

Nala Sky'

"BFFsssss" Boy, STAHP! LOL! Smart-ass Mr. R. 😊


Part 4 please!

Love Dainty

I hope part 4 comes out this winter