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Steam rating = 🔥🔥🔥

The sun beats down through the window onto the kitchen table as I try to focus on revision. It is a sweltering day. Probably 105 fahrenheit, maybe more. Impossible weather for focusing...on anything. 

My parents are out for the day, down at the country club, dad is probably playing golf again, battling it out with Pete Tannerman, an age-old rivalry over contracts for the city. Mum, probably chatting with Fran Parker, the head hen, the boss of the little clique of super high net worth women she always wanted to penetrate but couldn’t quite make it in. It all made me a bit ill, the shallowness of it all. I didn’t want any part of that world. 

I try to dive back into the books and scanning through the passages of academic text but my mind wanders every few seconds consumed by thoughts of what else I could be doing on such a blistering day. 

3.50pm. I can’t concentrate at all, my heart isn’t in it. There has to be something else to do. 

Thankfully, my best friend could provide some distraction. Kinsey Schwartz, All-American volleyball player, the quintessential American girl, bubbly, outgoing, just the opposite of me in every little way but it seemed to work. We got along from the moment we first met. She lives next door, just a stone’s throw away. 

I make one last effort to focus on the machine learning paper on hand but I can’t. Life’s too short, the weather is too good, I can’t be cooped up in here.

I close the laptop, mark the page in the textbook and fold my papers up. I’d come back to them in the evening. My WhatsApp group from college could help crack the harder stuff. Tonight maybe, maybe not. I just couldn’t be around it. 

Grabbing my sunglasses, I straighten my red curls in the reflection of the oven and flatten my stomach out in the tropical green dress. Kinsey always made me feel self-conscious about my weight. She was shaped like a goddess. I feel fat after a few biscuits during revision. Calorie counting was driving me insane. I had to make a choice right now, insanity or happiness. Dammit, I do want Kinsey’s body though. 

Shooting through the door, I lock with a quick twist, tossing the key under the mat and making my way across our adjacent lawns. With a little leap I go hopping over the small hedge and cross over her gigantic porch. I’m reminded of just how big and immaculate her house is, it looks like it belongs in Beverly Hills somewhere, Bel Air maybe. It is beautiful, a ton of glass and gleaming decor. 

I knock on the door three times, taking a step back and flattening my dress again. If only that was a viable strategy for slimming down.

The door opens slowly and as I go to speak, I’m met with someone completely different to who I had expected. It is Matthew Schwartz, Kinsey’s dad. All six foot four of him in all of his beautiful glory. 

“Kin...Mister Schwartz, sorry I didn’t realise it was you.”  My voice croaks like a timid little mouse. I just hope it wasn’t too obvious. 

I’d never interacted with Kinsey’s dad much. He had always been at work or travelling whenever I had gone over for sleepovers at hers in high school. Apparently he was a high flying VC. I had no idea really but all I knew from what Kinsey had said was that he was extremely successful. Made a killing in tech companies a while back. He looks like an Italian model, skin darkened from the sun and long flowing locks down to his neckline. Piercing green eyes meet mine as he holds my startled gaze. I lift my sunglasses to not seem too weird but it is difficult not to cower a little under that look. 

He’s wearing a grey henley top. Ryan Gosling vibes all over. Defined and veiny arms filling the shirt out more than adequately. I had never really seen the hype about older men, but this man was making me an immediate convert. He’s not that far from my face, the intoxicating scent of rum, coffee and sandalwood from his fragrance melting over me giving birth to little stirrings of arousal inside me.

“Hey Rachel, good to see you. She has just nipped out to the store. Do you want to come in and wait for her, out of the heat?” 

It was boiling hot and I was getting hotter by the second with this mass of hunk taking up the doorframe. He leans to one side, his left bicep flexing against the handle as he wipes his brow with the other hand. There’s a way he looks at me under his hooded eyes that keeps me rooted to the spot. Damn. He just holds my gaze and waits for me to look away. It’s sexy.

“Sure, can do. Can’t focus on revision anyway.” Revision was the reason I had come over but it was proving difficult to convince myself that it was the reason why I was staying. I wipe my Converse on the mat and try to distract myself with something new. 

Immediately, as I follow him through the opening hallway we take a left into the kitchen. Adorned in marble all over with all manner of wine and champagne glasses in the far cabinets, it’s my dream space for making food. A big kitchen island to bring a symmetry to the room and beautifully minimalist. It was so much nicer than the 80s throwback atmosphere of my home. 

He swings round to the other side of the island and passes by the fridge. I follow him before coming to a stop a few feet away.  

“How’ve you been over the holidays? You look like you’ve been getting out in the sun.” He places his arms on the counter and pushes his muscles out in different directions, if he was trying to get me far more worked up than necessary, he was doing an excellent job. Veins pop out like bursting tributaries on a river as he waits on my response. I wish he could wait much longer. 

“Weather has been too good, I guess.” I giggle. Ridiculous, I’m a schoolgirl all over again, giggling with Kinsey about Derrick Johnson, the football heartthrob. 

“You look all boiled up right now, think you need to cool off a bit.” Really wish he wouldn’t say it like that. It is the first time I really pay attention to his voice, no wonder he had been a successful investor, with a voice like that he could mesmerise anyone into a deal. It’s like a radio presenter, but deeper, more charismatic. 

He oozes charm and confidence, like he is set in life and able to completely enjoy himself. It is better to listen to than any of the dumb frat boys me and Kinsey had had to deal with for the past few months. 

“Is there anything I can get you at all? Coke maybe? Pepsi.”

“Coke would be great.” My eyes linger on his, for just a second too long. He grins a little and flings the fridge open. Even his ass looks great in the light denim jeans, accentuating every line of his powerful lower body. 

He shovels some ice cubes into the nearest glass and rattles it along the counter to me before grabbing the opener. He flicks the top off the bottle with a crank of his wrist and hands me the freezing beverage, which I’m more than grateful for. My hand is shaking a little, as the coke goes drizzling into the glass, fizzing away with a million little pops. 

I have a big crush on this guy, my best friend’s dad, it had been so long since we had last properly interacted I had forgotten all about him. But there was no hiding it. Gentle sips, gentle sips.

Silence descends on the room as I drink a gallon of the coke and try to settle myself down but it doesn’t seem to be working. My skin is on fire. 

His phone bleeps. He takes a quick glance at it and shrugs.  

“It’s Kinsey, she won’t be back for another hour. Getting her nails done apparently.” An hour. Oh fuck. He slips the phone away and loosens another button on his shirt before folding his arms and looking at me. Guess it was my move. 

“Ah okay, I can come back later then I guess?” Regardless of anything, I had to get out of here. I can’t be around this man, he is doing things to my body that I am absolutely terrified of. There are emotions fluttering around in my head and butterflies raging in my stomach that I really don’t want to confront. I sip more of the coke and my throat gets drier. 

“Jeez Rach, are you okay, you’re burning up completely. You’re really red” He moves closer to me, a brush against my shoulder with his palm. It was true, it feels like the Sun’s rays are coursing through me right now. “I’m just going to touch your face. Don’t freak out.” He laughs. Touch away Mister Schwartz. He presses his palm against me, it is supposed to be medical but it feels anything but, it feels supremely intimate with him. 

He notices me catching my breath with his touch and he leans back slightly removing his hand. But he’s closer than ever before, barely inches from my face now. The dress is too stifling, I need to take it off.

“You don’t mind if I take it off? I just feel like I’m completely overheating.” I point to the dress and he nods. 

It was true, my skin was on fire, not even the coke seemed to be work. The ice cubes melt on my tongue but my mouth gets hotter. I can’t even tell if I am blushing at this point, my skin is so red all over. 

“Knock yourself out. I won’t look.”  He doesn’t turn away but closes his eyes to give me some room. 

I strain to remove my green dress, panting in the heat and making a huge deal out of getting it over my head.  

“Mister Schwartz.” 

“Call me Matt, Rach.”

“Matt. Can I get a hand?” The flirty tone in my voice is impossible to conceal at this point. I want his hands on me again, no matter where they touch. 

I struggle to get the last part past my arms and he helps me untangle it to slip it onto the kitchen counter. Green folds billow out across the island, creases pressed into the marble as I try and regain some composure. Nearly naked, in front of my best friend’s dad. Perfect. I’d barely been naked in front of anyone else in my life, not even in th 

“Better?” He asks. There’s genuine concern ringing through.

“I’m not sure, I was suffocating in that dress.” He doesn’t stop looking at me, admiring me, undressing me further.  

I cover my lingerie with my hands as he continues to stare at me, eyes lingering across my breasts and down to my waist. The fine fragrance from our encounter on the porch drifts over me as the tension in the room becomes deafening. His gaze is a prison, he’s luring me into a seduction that can’t be anything but fatal. I keep my head down.

“You’ve got nothing to hide, you know that?” His tone changes noticeably. His voice is even deeper, controlling, looking for something to submit. 

“Thanks. It’s not that impressive really.” Giggling I try to laugh it off as he steps closer to my trembling lips, putting his hand on my chin and raising my head back to his. 

“You’ve got no one to hide from. You don’t have to run from everything Rach.” It’s happening. I’m powerless, caught up in the tide, ready to be washed away with him.

“Please. I can’t. Don’t.” My fingertip trails down the vein running from the crook of his elbow to his wrist. 

“Relax Rach.” 

His big hands cup my waist and tug me closer to him. I don’t resist, my lips meeting his, pulling against his bottom lip as he devours me. Our eyes stay firmly open, keeping the erotic intensity to a fever pitch. His tongue gently and playfully laps against mine as my heart pounds in my chest. It takes a few seconds but my brain kicks into defensive mode. Kinsey. My parents. My whole life was altered forever if this happened. I try to push back from him momentarily and conjure my best response.

“Mister Schwartz. Matt. I don’t know what’s going on right now but I don’t think I should be doing this.” He pulls back with my reluctance and keeps his eyes on mine.

“You don’t think?” Yes. As much as it pains me to say it. 

“There’s no way I can be doing this. I just can’t, this is moving too fast. It is so wrong.”

“If that’s true Rachel. Tell me why you’ve soaked your panties?” He slides his fingers down there, unabashedly, his green eyes burying deep into mine, hungry to see me out of my lingerie too. Gasping I wrap my hands around his neck and try to rally another rational defence whispering into his ear.

“This is so wrong Mister Schwartz. Kinsey, my parents, what the hell would happen? What if anyone sees us? I’m betraying my best friend.”

“Rach, you’re an adult. You’re not betraying anyone.” 

He plays with me through my panties, they seep with moisture from the heat and my pulsing arousal. His fingers tease against my outer folds and blood rushes to my flower, swelling me up further. Breathless little gasps leave me as I bite down on his shoulder to manage the gentle pressure on my core. 

Everything proceeds at a lightning pace as the room becomes one big blur. His fingers don’t stop curling inside me. He alternates between a come hither motion and sliding his wet fingertips around my clit, preparing me for more vigorous movements with his hands. I clasp on as best as I can as he wipes my excitement across my stomach.  

My hands flail around trying to grab his jean buttons. He unbuttons his jeans and jumps out of them, leaving them scattered on the kitchen floor. His boxers conceal his own bulging desire and I rub him down there, gliding my fingers against his thick girth. It’s large, throbbing with his pent up energy and my mind is racing with filthy thoughts of exactly where I want it. 

He unclips my bra with a few nifty twists of his hand and lets it fall to the ground, immediately running his hands across my breasts, my nipples growing erect very quickly as the pads of his fingers massage me and delicately squeeze me, We make out some more before he moves back to my breasts and drags his tongue against my sensitive skin, letting my nipples interplay with his tongue, smoothing them with his caresses. Suddenly he comes back up to my face and wraps his grip around my throat. I was his now, my body captive to his needs. 

“I want you naked on this counter.” His hot breath against mine causes a flood to break out between my thighs. My skin still feels prickly and too warm but I’m too distracted to care at this point.

Complying, I climb onto the island and pull my panties down, leaving them just below my feet. I’m completely naked, writhing against the cool surface of the marble and waiting for him to join me. He pulls his boxer shorts off to reveal his huge erection and . His body is immaculate for his age, barely an ounce of fat on him, taut stomach muscles and a massive chest further complimenting the veiny arms. 

He leaps onto the island and pulls me closer to him. I feel my own fragrance go wafting through the air, a light floral scent, pulling more wanton lust out of him as he growls his approval.

“You smell amazing Rachel. Relax for me.” He positions himself between my legs and strokes my clit lightly with his thumb, before grabbing his shaft in the other hand and edging it closer to me. 

Sliding the tip against my quivering opening, he isn’t too over-eager, letting me enjoy the tease. Our eyes are locked, the overbearing temperature from outside causing a trail of sweat to build on my chest. 

“Mmm, fuck that’s hot. You’re getting my head so wet you naughty girl.” I bite my lips, gnashing my teeth hard as my hips roll towards his throbbing member. I want him deep inside me. Without much warning, he grants my wish. He plunges inside, filling me up beautifully. I lose my breath for two seconds before unleashing a big moan. An invitation for him to have me. I’m so full down there, I can barely move. 

Gliding his hips, he moves back and forth slowly, easing me into the sensation. It’s deliciously rhythmic as my hips buck to meet his, grinding my clit against his firm lower stomach. I pinch my fist in his hair and claw my other hand on his back, dragging his hard body into mine, our skin slapping with each contact. 

“Mister Schwartz, you’re so big. Oh my god.” I cry out as he flings my legs over his shoulders and crosses my feet to make me even tighter for him.

“You’re so fucking tight. I’m going to fuck you so hard.”

Angling himself, he penetrates me viciously and pulls more wetness onto the counter below. His hips drive into me below and pick up more and more speed as he clasps his hands to my ankles, keeping his upper body still and swinging his hips into me, applying further pressure to my dampened clit. 

“You’re going to blow apart with me going in and out like this aren’t you?” My nods are weak as I remain wordless with each long and slick stroke. There’s nothing I can muster under his control. 

Our bodies continue to smash together and he pins my hands above my hand leaving my efforts to hold him back completely futile. Squatting on the top he manages to get an even deeper angle on me and drives downwards, dragging me closer and closer towards eruption. I can’t imagine the amazing view from behind, his huge glutes smacking into me with furious and sticky passion. He pins me down effortlessly, the veins bulging out of his forearms, the ab muscles glistening on his stomach. 

“Yes. Oh my god. Yes…” Choked murmurs leave my lips as he takes one hand and pushes my neck down.  

I whimper very loudly as a series of continuous moans blurt out of me, each in time with his strokes. He positions his legs wider outside of my body in the low squat and continues his athletic pounding. I close my eyes, unable to respond to each movement.  

“Mister Schwartz. Oh my god, that feels so good, that’s so good, you’re going to make me, you’re going to make…” Words fail me as my eyes roll back in my head.

“Good girl, don’t hold back.” I look up to catch one last glimpse of him before my impending eruption. A trail of sweat folds down his well-defined chest, cascading down to the top of his abs. He expands into me at a furious speed, his green eyes watching me carefully as I try to control the inevitable. 

“Oh my gosh. Oh my. Wow. I’m gonna, I’m gonna. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh FUCK!…” Each expletive is louder than the last, more guttural. 

I soak the kitchen counter, spraying a fine jet against his lower stomach as he keeps pumping, our bodies a slippery and grinding mess. The explosion comes in waves as my body flops on the island and I moan very loudly down his ear, holding on for dear life.

“Steady, good girl, good girl.”

I’d never cum from sex before, the feeling was completely alien and completely sensational. I felt impossibly close to him. My nails dig into his back, leaving huge claw marks nearly all the way to his bum. Basking in the pleasure, I let my breaths come back to me slowly. The burning sensation in my body is replaced by one in my chest as he skates his hands up the inside of my thigh, rubbing the moisture into me. 

“You’re not going to tell your parents about our little arrangement are you?” 

“Never.” Cracks appear in my voice as he smiles and kisses me roughly on the lips, sinking his passion into me. 

“Come here.” Bounding off the kitchen island, he lifts me down and stands me up against the mirror of the oven. I can see everything from here. It was good to be in the hands of such an experienced man, I couldn’t begin to imagine what the college version of this whole drama would have been. 

“Hold on for me. You get to watch what I do to you this time.” Yes sir. 

He spreads my legs just inside of his and slides his length inside me once more. My breasts start swinging in front of the mirror in circles as he starts a slow ascent on me, his width spreading me out. It is more controlled than the island top, but the pressure is already putting a fissure in me. My back springs back to meet his stomach and he pulls my face to his to taste me. Weight feels so much heavier on my legs after the brutal treatment on the counter top. I love the closeness between us in this position, the dominance he can wield over me.

“Your curves are so beautiful Rachel. Look at me, that’s it, pull that pretty face up for me.” 

He continues his punishing assault as he makes me look at my reflection in the mirror.There is no respite for my burning body as he grabs my neck, ripping my attention away from managing my building explosion. Sweat pours down his own neck and onto my beck as the heat from outside dashes through the windows. 

“Such a dirty girl aren’t you? Look at that running down your leg. Let’s go faster.” 

There’s a river trickling down my left leg but I don’t care at this point. I’m too far gone to care how much needs to be mopped up from the floor.

“Take me.” I cry out, closing my eyes and pinning my head down as his hips blast me harder and faster, rapidly sliding in and out of me. He slaps me on my trembling backside very hard, leaving a big red patch and eliciting another long moan out of me.

“Oh gosh.” My voice is hoarse, throat left with no syllables.

He moves his hands to my shoulders to get more leverage and I move my hands to the oven handle to try and steady myself. But it's no use, I’m done for with this man inside me.

“I’m getting close again. Please. Please. I’m yours.” 

“Cum for me Rachel. Cum for me.”

He slaps me again and again down there as I start mustering any kind of scream I can to get the bubbling tension out. A viscous and huge volume spurts from his erection, completely filling me as my hips buckle and my legs quiver. He quickly pulls his hand under my stomach to support me and keep me from falling. I keep shuddering and smiling deeply as I bend down to the floor with him still there, suffocating an enormous moan of absolute ecstasy. He rips me back up to him and caresses my throat, leaving his lips against mine in a tight embrace. I could stay in these arms for the whole afternoon. I could stay in these arms all day, sleepily immersed in him. 

After what seems like an eternity of our sweaty bodies pressed together, he swings me around and plants me on the kitchen island, grabbing my dress and planting it near me. There’s no words for me to say, so I sit back and enjoy the moment, swimming in his eyes, going with the direction of my blossoming romance. 

I sit on the counter silently and he runs his hands over my legs. Back up to my cheeks, cradling me with care and adorning my body with soft kisses.   

“I won’t tell if you don’t tell.” 

“Agreed.” I laugh and wrap my hands around his neck. “Thank you Mister Schwartz.”

“Matt. Call me Matt.”

I kiss him on the lips, a stray tear running down my cheek. It had been the hottest and most incredible moment of my life and I was struggling to process exactly what it meant in the moment. I was struggling to envision my friendship with Kinsey after this moment. Maybe it would still be the same, maybe it wouldn’t, maybe she would never find, there were too many questions at this point. Too many what ifs, it made less and less sense to worry. 

“Your bra and your panties.” Chuckling I sheepishly accept them and get myself changed, trying to avoid slipping on the ringing wetness of the floor. Matt does the same, gathering his boxers and jeans, whipping them back on swiftly and flinging his shirt on before running towards the mop in the corner and dabbing it in some water, throwing it across the puddle on the floor on his way back to me. I drag my green dress back over my aching body, the pain from earlier is gone, my skin feels nourished, I feel whole again, cooled off with 

A car pulls up on the front drive. How long were we together!? It’s her. Kinsey’s back. Fortunately she can’t see us from this angle, the windows are in our favour. My blood turns ice cold with fear. I was going to get caught after all of that. What the hell had I done?

“She’s here. You should go. I need to clean the counter and floor quickly. Give me your number.”

He rummages for the phone in his pocket, desperately scrambling through the apps to find his contacts before handing it to me. I punch it in, my eyes flitting to the window, a few minutes more and I think Kinsey would have definitely caught me. The key turns off in the ignition, the door swings shut and footsteps start moving down the path. Matt mops the floor and grabs a kitchen towel to try and pad down the island. 

“Okay, please text me, please.” I’m pleading. I can’t do without this man in my life. I’m officially addicted after my first hit. It’s better than a drug, it's more intoxicating than alcohol, I need it.

“Bye Rach. I will. Quickly, go!” The key turns in the door.

“Dad!” Kinsey’s voice booms out down the corridor. The sound of shopping bags dragging along the wooden floor. 

I brush myself off, sprinting through to the second lounge and lurching for the corridor to the exit. I’m trying to fix my hair up and straighten my dress before scampering towards the back door of their house and crashing into the garden. I look for the fence and scramble back across the lawn gate to my safe suburban life that was about to get a lot more interesting. 




Sherry Shanahan

Omg .. I need a Matt Schwartz!!!