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Trigger Warning: Car Accident

Description: In the aftermath of a horrible car accident your husband is your rock. He never leaves your side in the hospital, he takes you to every appointment until you're able to take yourself, he's there every step of the way. But as you start feeling better and want to start returning to your normal activities, you notice he's pulling away when it comes to intimacy. Now you're terrified that he's lost his attraction to you with all your new scars.

VA - Mr. Chambers

This script was written by MJ Anderson


From this request: BFE/married. Listener driving on Bluetooth phone with VA, gets into car accident, injured but fine after hospital recovery/rehab. Later tries to get intimate with VA but he (kindly) makes excuses or postpones sex. Listener thinks it's because of her scars/injury after the accident. Confesses insecurity to VA. He reveals that he's been dealing with stress/trauma from the accident. He heard the accident, feared she died, now is scared to touch/hurt her. They reconnect and make love.


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Okay. This one had me feeling so many emotions from laughter to tears to just oh my god my heart is melting into a pile in the floor. I have probably listened to this audio at least a hundred times already, but y’all as a Mortal Kombat fan, please tell me I’m not the only one that giggled hysterically when he busted out the “Hello baby, did you miss me?” Cause y’all all I heard was Kano’s voice from the 1995 movie y’all. As many emotions I have felt listening to this audio, that moment just always sticks out as a genuine laugh out loud tension breaker.

Wild one

Godddddd i missed hiiimmm so damn much!♥️🫠

Sanna Andersson

I literally cried😭😭 so good❤️ i love Mr. Chambers ❤️❤️


I really really like this audio! I don't remember how many times I've listened to it, it's a big comfort to me.


Chambers did a fantastic job, the emotion was so real, I thought I would cry. Bravo