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Somewhere deep in space, a large armada composed of more than a hundred ships was flying in formation.

The largest ship had an interesting form as it had the appearance of a true ship, the like that was used on the sea on most planets. Finally, the floating holographic black and white flags left nothing to the imagination.

Inside the ship, a woman with fair skin covered in red marks and long black hair was walking with a hesitant and worried expression. On her way, the pirates would salute her with respect. They knew that despite her unassuming appearance, she was not someone that could be underestimated.

The closer she was to her destination, the slower she walked. She hated being the bearer of bad news and the information she was holding was definitely bad news.

When she finally reached the last door, she stopped and took a deep breath. She was starting to wonder if she should just wait but in the end —

“Cassim. I need to talk to you.”


The door opened and she was able to enter Cassim’s training room. Her knee immediately buckled and she growled under her breath, “Gravity…” Her voice was strained and only then did the young man react.

“Oh…Sorry.” He immediately turned off the increased gravity setting, bringing things to a more normal level, “I was so focused on training I forgot I still had this thing on.”

He seemed genuinely sorry so Esther could do nothing but sigh. In moments like this, she was reminded of the old and clumsy Cassim so she could only shake her head and continue, her expression becoming serious.

“So, what’s the matter? You know I don’t like being disturbed during my training.”

Cassim was a tall man with a somewhat young and naive face. No matter how one looked at him, it was hard to imagine that he was the leader of the fierce Forty Thieves and that he was considered an Overlord and a powerhouse in this corner of the Galaxy.

Even among Pirates of this galaxy, only a few such as Sinbad, the Prince of the Seven Seas, or Captain Nemo — The Whale Hunter and Captain Hook could be said to be his equal.

Esther knew that for many, Cassim was just an upstart, a lucky man who shot to his current position thanks to opening and clearing a high-ranked ruin but she found those words to be highly hypocritical as even the current Empire was founded thanks to the Emperor entering a High ranked gate.

“You are daydreaming. You always daydream when you don’t know what to say. Is the situation that bad?”

Esther was startled out of her thoughts fast when she felt Cassim’s hand on her forehead. Seeing so close, she was once again reminded of one of the reasons she fell in love with him. His body was definitely a work of art and those abs were to die for.

Snap out of it.

she indeed knew that it was a bad habit. Adjusting her glasses, she let out a sigh. In such a situation it was better to come clean in one go.

“Omid’s Armada was destroyed. Most of his pirates were reported dead, destroyed by Dorotht’s army. Omid current situation is unknown but he is also most likely dead.”

She rattled everything in one go without even taking the time to breathe in between words and only once she finished everything she had to say did she stop.

Silence settled between them and Esther could feel a chill slowly creeping up,

“I thought I made clear our troops had to stop Dorothy from ambushing Omid. What happened?” She could feel a icy tone in his voice and the room was slowly covered by frost. Cassim was angry and while she knew that he would never hurt her, this didn’t mean she wanted to make him more angry.

“The Lion Pride attacked.”

The cold stopped progressing. “What? Why did she involve one of her three special Legion for just Omid?”

Even for Cassim, it was impossible to blame anyone in such a situation. The reputation of the Lion Pride was clear for all to see. It would have been completely impossible for them to stop it.

“We do not know.”

“Then find out. Dorothy may be friendly with Alibaba but she is first and foremost a ruler and she will never move such an important troupe unless she judges it was worth it. Find what happened no matter what the cost.”

“Our spies are already moving.”


Another silence fell and this time Esther raised her head to look at Cassim. She could see that his eyes were closed and his fists in a tight grip.

“You can cry you know?” She spoke hesitantly, approaching him and hugging him. The difference in height was quite substantial but she did not care. “Omid was one of the original members. There is nothing wrong with being sad, you know?”

She buried her face in his chest. At this moment she wasn’t his vice-captain. She was just Esther. A worried wife wishing her man would never have to suffer.

At first, Cassim did not respond but soon, his arm went around her as he hugged her tightly.

“Thank you.”

He spoke quietly but no tears fell from his eyes. “I already swore I would never cry again. Not since his betrayal.”

Esther knew that he was not talking about Omid at this moment but she did not push. The betrayal was a raw and festering wound in her husband's heart and she knew that it might never heal.

“Ever way, you know Omid. He would sneer and mock me if I did something as stupid as wallowing in sadness.”

He patted her back and pushed her away, “Call the others. Tell them that we will mourn Omid with the blood of our enemy.”

“You mean…” She was startled. Was this really about to happen?

“Yes. I will soon complete the inheritance ceremony and then…Not even a White Flame will be my match.”

A sad smile formed on his face, “Freedom, Fairness, and Equality. It’s time for the world to remember that we are not pirates — We are revolutionaries and will take back our home…No matter what.”