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As Sol contemplated the meaning behind Echidna’s theory, he started wondering if it was completely accurate.

The goddesses as far as he knew were not hybrid. Furthermore, were the goddesses not the creators of all life? How could they not understand the imperfection in their own creations?

In the end, Sol was able to glean two three conclusions;

For one. As things stood, either Echidna was wrong and her theory was a mistake or incomplete and there was another path to godhood.

The second possible solution was that Echidna was right but there wasn’t only one path to godhood.

The final conclusion was that…Perhaps everyone was wrong and there was no path to godhood in the first place or that path was broken.

Either way, this was the most concrete theory he had obtained to date and he would explore it until he was sure that it was right or wrong.

After reaching this conclusion, Sol focused on Echidna once again, “I need to learn this in the remaining 6 days. What do you think?”

“Since you already opened all of them it will only take a few days to synchronize everything perfectly and get the machine rolling. It won’t be some instant power increase. This technique has for main goal of vastly increasing your toughness be it on the interior or the exterior. Wider mana veins, stronger core, better cladding. But the more you circulate this technique the more perfect your body will become.”

Echidna looked at him up and down, the technique she had created still had a few minor imperfections and through Sol, she might be able to cover them. If she succeeded, she could make sure anyone would be able to use this technique even if not to the full potential.

“Sol Luxuria, you understand what this technique means, right? If this technique is perfected and shared across the world, the average level will increase dramatically. I am not exaggerating in the slightest when I say that this is an epoch-changing technique.”

Sol grinned, “Don’t pat yourself on the back too much. You certainly are not the only epoch-changing genius I know.”

Sol truly wondered what would happen if Echidna, Kali, Milaris, and Theresa teamed up.

What if he added Anubis and Ambrosia?

Sol shivered just at the thought. This would either be the strongest all-star team ever created or this would be a team that would sink faster than the Titanic because of how chaotic all those personalities were.

With such a team I could perhaps even conquer the Astral realm.

Sol chased away his crazy thoughts. He did not want to enter full war with the goddesses if it was possible. For all his desire to become independent from them and his opinions that they were nothing more than children with too much power, he was still grateful to them for bringing him into this world.

“Well. Now that we made our deal. About the contract. If you wish to make one, I would advise you to take the Gluttony one. It will be the best way to maximize Nuwa’s strength and Gula will certainly be on your side.” Once she was done with saying her piece, Nuwa looked down at her hand.

She was very happy. Taking over Nuwa’s body may have been a failure but she was realizing that the current situation was even better than anything she could have ever imagined.

She would do it. She would create a god and once this was done… Echidna closed her eyes. She did not know what she would do once she succeeded and truthfully it did not matter. It was too soon to think about this. All she could do was continue walking and take things slowly.

Who knows? Perhaps Sol would kill her once she was of no use anymore. At the very least this would take away the need to ponder about what to do if her goal was achieved.

This would definitely be a satisfying end to her very long life.

“Now then, if you do not have more to say, allow me to fall into slumber. I need to search deeply in my mind and soul in order to remember all the parts of the technique.” On those words, the overpowering aura of Echidna slowly vanished and gave place to the languid aura of the Nuwa they knew and loved.

She tilted her head, her eyes slightly heavy. The difference in power between her soul and that of Echidna was so high that it needed no explanation. While Echidna took control, she had a feeling similar to being slowly crushed by a rock.

But at the same time, she felt as if she was being smothered in a fluffy cloud full of warmth and gentleness. It was truly hard to explain as such she did not try to.

“I am tired.” Nuwa’s voice was low and slow, a clear proof of her current situation and Sol did not wish to tire her more than that was necessary. But now he needed to act fast. He had no time to waste and every minute should be used in the best way.

“Let’s leave first before my dimension starts affecting you. You can rest in the real world while I work. We will spend the rest of the week together.”

The discussion with Echidna had been greatly enriching and now he simply needed to digest things.

The time for him to finally reach the King level was fast approaching and he would leave no stone unturned in order to obtain the name he so dearly wished for.

(AN: One chapter tomorrow.)



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