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Dorothy observed the place where the planet stood initially. When Noah told her that the planet was dangerous she had anticipated a full destruction. Destroying a planet was nothing new and some high-ranked Gates did have that system implemented. Hell, if she so wished she could also destroy entire planets if she used her Frame at its full power or brought her fleet.

But this…This was different.

There was no sudden increase in energy that she could catch, no power nor heat fluctuation, no large explosion. The planet was simply and purely deleted from the map. It was as if someone had simply deleted a program from a computer and such thought left her feeling frightened.

“Lion, run the check. All the checks! I need to know what happened. Now!”

“Understood. Should I call the Witches?”

“Yes. Give them the coordinates of this location and tell Tin Can they are allowed to use the Tower to make the divination more accurate.”

Lion nodded and simply ignored the two new arrivals alongside Dorothy. This situation was shocking enough and he was feeling something he thought he had long since overcome.

Fear. After all, in this world, the fear of the unknown was greatest.

Once Dorothy gave the order she took another deep breath and closed her eyes. Using time stop earlier had been slightly tiring as she did not have her catalyst and her Frame close but this was making things worse.

“Well…It seems like we witnessed something incredible.” She spoke quietly.

“You don’t say.” Morgiana chortled before bringing a display and started typing, “Do you know just how much money we lost?”

Her hand was trembling even as she imputed the Data, “Ugh…” It seemed like she was on the verge of tears even as she imagined just all the money she could have received. It didn’t help that her Frame was also lost forever.

“You are…Quite composed.” Dorothy was made speechless as she looked at her friend and Morgiana simply shrugged, “What can I say?” She sighed and showed a more serious look as she gazed at the place where the planet should have been.

“Dorothy. Look, this kind of shit is way above my pay grade. I can barely deal with my own problems. Wasting brain cells on this is just wasting my time and giving me useless stress. If a storm is coming, It will be the Job of the Empire and the Federation to take care of it.  Little guys like us can only watch and be swung around.”

Morgiana was sure that if Alibaba was there, he would have been full of curiosity but in her case, she had zero interest. Whatever power could erase a planet like this was not something someone like her could even dream of taking care of.

“Small people should learn to deal with small problems.” She grinned and Dorothy gave her a sad look,

“But you are…” “Stop.” Morgiana raised her hand and shook her head before looking at Noah. She could see that the small boy still had a serious expression but behind his calm look, she could see a small light filled with sadness. This made her remember something, “I am sorry. I have forgotten that you had your family there.”

“Family?” Dorothy tilted her head, but then she realized something and nodded, “Ah…”

Noah gave a small glance at Dorothy before smiling bitterly, “There is no need to worry. Everyone already died long ago. I am the last survivor.”

His childish voice was calm but a somber mood befell the whole room. Dorothy and Morgiana both felt slightly awkward as they did not quite know how to address this. Comforting someone mourning was never easy.

In the end, Dorothy clapped her hand, “Well, everyone must be tired after all this and there are also many things I need to know and ask about. Why don’t you all go to rest? They will guide you. Though Morgiana, your usual room is available”

She pointed at one of the soldiers in the room. Morgiana nodded, “I need to call Alibaba and explain to him what happened.”

“You should wait until you see him face to face.” Morgiana stopped for a moment before nodding at Dorothy's suggestion, “Very well.” She waved away the guide assigned to her and went further on the ship.

Once Morgiana left, only Dororthy and Noah were present alongside a few soldiers but they were making sure to not disturb their queen. They knew she could be quite moody at times.

“Sir Noah, could you follow the guide? I am sure you must be tired more than anyone else”

“No question?”

“Questions can wait and you do not have to answer any question if you wish to stay silent. I would never force you to talk.”

“Heh…You are kind.” Noah gave one last look through the window and all he could see was the immensity of the void and the light of the sun.

For a moment, his expression became vacant as he remembered all the things he went through on this planet.

The bad things, the good…Well. There weren’t many good things now that he thought about it. But he had been used to it. In fact in a way, one could even say that this was his second home and now that home was gone.

He was all alone in the vast universe and had no one to rely on. At least on the desolate planet, he knew he simply needed to survive. But now, his goal was blurry. He knew what he needed to do but not how and he was still in the Dark about so many things it was infuriating.

—Seems like you forgot about me once again.

You have been strangely silent so I had to provoke you one way or another.

Noah grinned. His bad mood slowly vanishes. He was indeed lost and he truly did not know what he should do to find the truth outside of searching more ruins.

But all those worries were for the future. Here and now, he knew exactly what he wanted.

“So, Miss Dorothy…Do you have anything to eat?

One should always ask the important question first.