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When Noah came to himself after suddenly being thrown out of the realm of memories, he found that he was back in that space of white void with the large mirror in front of him. However, if there was something different this time around, then it would be that the Morro was completely opaque, showing no reflections.

“Venus!” Noah shouted at the top of his voice, banging the unresponsive mirror with all his might. It was only in vai as nothing happened to the mirror, nor did it show any reaction. Only after hitting it more than ten times did he finally give up on that front.

“Fuck!” He cursed out loud, anger lacing his tone. This whole situation was so confusing and there was just so much more he wished to learn from Venus… No; more than anything else, he just wanted to see her again. Hold her in his arms and joke and play around like they used to do in the past. He wanted to be with his family.

How long had it been since he hoped to see any of his old friends and how many times did he lose such a hope as he realized that things would never be the same as they once were? Now he had found one of his loved ones— he had found his family. A dear friend he never thought he would see again and he was about to lose her again? So soon? Just what the hell was this shit?

Fuck! Fuck! Fucking, damn it all…!

— Noah what happened inside?

Shut it! I am trying to think here!

Noah couldn't help but curse out loud due to his agitated mind, but he soon took a deep breath and forced himself to cool down his nerves. Anger was not a bad emotion but there was no place for such emotions at the moment. He needed an ice cold mind to analyze every single detail of the situation.

“Sorry. That was uncalled for.” Lashing out at others in moments of anger was childish behavior. Throwing tantrums were even worse. He had no qualms with being childish but now was really not the time for him to entertain such thoughts.

[Warning! Protocol Apocalypse activated. All surviving participants will be teleported out of the gate in twenty seconds. It is strongly advised to leave the atmosphere of the planet and distance yourself as far as possible to avoid any form of damage. Move with extreme haste!]

[Glory to the unending Empire. Glory to humanity.]


Noah couldn't help but sigh at the scene. He didn’t know exactly what this protocol represented but he did remember the warning about the self destruction process that Venus had given him at his last moments with her. He also remembered the scarlet light that seemed to corrode everything inside the memory realm. Venus wanted to take that thing down with her while self-destructing the entire construct.

He gritted his teeth. He felt so utterly powerless at this moment. This was a feeling he had definitely not felt in a long, long time. Even when he nearly died at Omid’s hands, he had no such feeling of despair and uselessness.


“The Queen of the Shadow realm, was it?” He did not know what the shadow realm was nor what it even represented. He did not know if it was even in this galaxy, this universe, or if this person was even alive at this point in time. The chances of him finding her with so little information was very difficult and in fact nearly impossible.


“Making the impossible possible has always been my expertise after all.”

It wasn't like he had no clues whatsoever. At the very least, he knew that there were other White Star gates out there in the sea of stars. Perhaps his friends were also guarding those gates? It was something he would have to find out by himself. He didn’t care how long it would take. He didn’t care what kind of things he would have to do.

He would find that person and then— he would be able to come to a better understanding of what was transpiring in this universe.


[Forced transfer initiated]

Noah gave one last look at the facility as his body started to blur out before completely leaving this space. He had gained many things in this expedition and he had also lost a few.

What he needed now was simple. Leave this planet and then find a way to enter the wider civilizations of the Galaxy. He needed to find his way back to his family.


On the other side of the Gate, Dorothy was standing in silence, clad in her silvery armor. She had been in this position for the last few minutes, seemingly unbothered by the elapsed time and the scorching temperature.

Dorothy wasn’t alone though. Next to her, clad in a form fitting black suit that hugged her body tightly, showing off all the contours of her lithe figure, was none other than Morgiana. Dorothy had managed to wake her up and make her presentable and while Morgiana was thankful, she still felt a little confused as to why they were waiting here without moving an inch.

“Are you sure it’s wise to wait in this place? If Omid comes out we could have some serious trouble in our hands. Neither of us have our Frames with us to fight him.”

“First… I do not need a Frame to beat a pirate that isn’t even an Overlord. Even if said pirate was once a Knight. Second, you don't even have to worry about such a possibility. Omid will certainly not come out of this place alive.”

Dorothy felt no fear. Omid was certainly formidable but this was only when taking into account the very outskirts of the Galaxy. The Forty Thieves were mostly deemed to be dangerous because of their staggering numbers and most importantly— their leader.

“You do not have to wait with me, you know? Alibaba is worried sick. Beam up and talk to him. I am sure you have many things to say to each other.”

Morgiana shrugged, “I do have many things to say. Our entire operation was completely changed after all. But more importantly… I want to see if that bastard is still alive and if yes, I want to punch him. Hard.”

Morgiana had gone through many moments throughout her life. Some she was not too proud of. But the way she was absolutely destroyed by that young boy had been a new low even for her. Furthermore he had betrayed her when she thought they were going to work as a team.

Well— from what Dorothy was saying, it wasn’t exactly a betrayal he was aiming for and the seemingly insignificant boy turned out to be even more dangerous than her wildest imagination. But still, this was just too much. Couldn’t he just have warned her and propose the plan? She could have simulated a deep sleep.

Rumble~ Morgiana’s thoughts were interrupted as the ground started to tremble once more. It only lasted for an instant but this was definitely not just a small earthquake but the precursor of something much bigger.

“What is happening?” There was no one to answer Morgiana’s question. Dorothy was too focused on the gate and her wait was finally rewarded. The gate started to shine and soon, they were able to see a silhouette come out from the gate.

Morgiana had placed herself in combat position, ready for anything but all Dorothy did was wait. Her breath itching in anticipation. She wondered how the star she was waiting for would look.

But soon, be it her, or even Morgiana for that matter, they couldn’t help but show a confused expression as they saw the silhouette more clearly as it rushed toward them.

After all, it was—

“A child?”

What in the seven seas was happening here?


