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I am happy to say that after battling for two months with edit and discussion. SHK is basically ready for Amazon and it will cost 5.99$.

It will be live on the 11th February which incidentally happen to be my birthday.
Well it isn't an incident. Just to be clear this is a tentative date. Can be subject to changes.

We will start with the Ebook then Paperback and finally Audiobooks and Hardcover.
Though the Audiobook will depend on how popular it is.

For those who were worried about the censoring. I was able to edit things enough that there should be no problem.
We are still discussing for Book 2 about Kiyohime but hopefully I will be able to keep Kiyohime in the Harem. So that a +.

I would really be happy if you guys could review the novel when it's officially out. 100+ reviews in Day 1 would be magnificent and would really change things for me.

Of course even more helpful would be buying the book hehe. If SHK does well enough. We might even explore different products such as Manwha or plushies and figurines.

But I would understand if you do not. You guys already supporting me here.

This is pretty much all. Thank you guys for your support. Everything I am doing is only possible Thanks to you.

I really hope you guys will leave a review when the story lives . Please




Web Novel, Novel, Audio Book... is there a Manga in the works? (I saw you said Manhwa, and while the color of Manhwa would be amazing, even traditional Manga panel style would be great) I'd buy it in addition to being on Patreon and buying the novel on Amazon. I've seen some spicy manga, so I don't believe the content is enough to rule it out, plus the story even without the spiciness is top notch.


Having the story in manga/Manwha format is definitely a dream and an objective that I will do my best to succeed at. Once SHK reach a lvel high enough to give me the funds necessary I will work on that.