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Heh. Feeling a little stressed for my release on Amazon. SHK may have some relatively problematic content I need to work on and change.

This is creating some problems with the publishing house I signed with. Might or might not terminate things early.

The release of SHK is fraught with uncertainties haha.

Sigh. Oh well. Anyway things are what they are. I will publish even if I have to do it alone. But I may have to bring many changes (even more changes than I thought) to not get striked out.

If this proceed like this. I will keep those changes to the Light Novel version. The Web novel version will be unchanged.

Basically the two will be the same stories with slightly different relationships between the characters.

I will keep you guys up to date



I can only imagine the tough balance you have to strike. Hopefully there is a reasonable compromise that can be reached without killing the story. Appreciate the hard work


Hopefully indeed. The LN version might end very different even if not in plot but at least in relationships dynamic


Let me guess it’s the sex scenes? With the exception of Camilla, Isis, Setuna, and Milia I can see the others having some issues because Amazon is so paranoid over incest. Like genocide, gore, and mutilation is ok but incest in a novel is where they draw the line?


Haha yeah pretty hypocritical. Even more so since technically there is no incest in my story as Sol never had sex with anyone blood related to him in the truest sense. Anyway situation is problematic. Will see what I can do or need to do.

Jack Gordon

I was sad when I tried to access your novel on WN, but it wasn’t available I’m not mad because you got screwed even more than we did. It is beyond hypocritical how they set their standards. I bought your book on Amazon although I am only planning to read it here because censorship is not healthy. Anyways I hope things work out for you, and I am glad we can support you here on Patreon!


Thanks for supporting me and I sincerely apologize. I wish I was given more time to warn all readers about the change but I wasn't given it and all I could do is try leaving announcements in my server and others works. The good thing is I believe Patreon is far fairer be it for the author or the one paying. Here at least you don't need to pay subscription and pay again to unlock chapters. I wish you a great day