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Once the feed and the screen in the sky vanished, silence seemed to fall everywhere. The video had long since been relayed in real time to most royal powers as there was no way they could ignore such an event.

The feelings after viewing this video were mixed but for many, all they could feel was one thing…Dread.

For the people who had lived long enough and for the many witches who were watching the video from Salem or other places in Lustburg, all they could do was open their mouths wide and wonder if they were having hallucinations.

After all, they could recognize and understand what the technique Sol used represented.

This was the power of Destruction or at the very least, something very close and similar to it, and in this world, at least up to now, there has been only two people who could use this magic.

Ymir, the Goddess of Destruction, and Kali, the Witch of Destruction.

Now though, it seemed like they would have to add a third one to this list, Sol the Destroyer of Worlds, or at least that was how he called himself. But no one could laugh at such a high-sounding name because they knew that while this may be a joke now, this could become reality later on. This fact alone was enough for many to shiver as they realized just how dangerous Lustburg was now.

The rangers had been enough to bring wariness in them but at the end of the day, those rangers were just barely equal to Dukes. There was no comparison to a King. But Sol Luxuria was different. Sol was a Blessed. Which means he could and would most likely become a King and might even become a Demigod.

The words impossibility held no meaning in front of the absurdness of what being a Blessed and a Dragon represented.

This also reminded them of something else.

“By the way…He is just a Duke…Right?”

Suddenly, many people started worrying, they were mainly the leaders of the different countries.

Sol Dragona Luxuria was just a Duke.

What may have sounded like nothing but a statement full of mockery at first, directed to the ruler of a Kingdom being nothing but a Duke was now one that was filled with dread.

Sol Luxuria was just a Duke. Worse, he was not even officially the ruler of his Kingdom. He was just the Crown Prince of Luxuria.

This would mean that absolutely none of the Limitation Treaty applied to him and he was free to roam on any battlefield in the future. He could attack with full impunity any Kingdom and as long as he did not go too far in his conquest and stopped at a certain limit, the Kingdoms would have to bow to him as they had no way of acting without moving their Kings.

It wasn’t just him.

Setsuna, Lilin, White Knight, Nuwa. While not all of them were seen fighting, they were undoubtedly all high or top tier Ranked Duke as of now.

—They were all only Dukes.

The dignitaries realized for the first time that Lustburg was in a very very weird position, it was as if they had all the steps necessary to become the bullies of the world.

This reminded them of another entity, a country that once lorded over the world like a sword of Damocles, ready to fall at any moment.

Gluttony Foss, the country under the order of the Mother of Thousand Monsters, Echidna.

The irony did not fail to land as the one who ended that tyranny with the sacrifice of their King and Queen was none other than Lustburg itself and now, the child of those two was the one who was about to cause problems to the entire world.

The leaders all started moving, all understanding that if they did not do something fast…Lustburg would become a true hegemony like it was one thousand years ago.


[Southern Pride.]

While most countries were worried about Sol War's potential and starting to act, the elves were having a different problem. Well, it was hard to call it a problem in the truest sense of the word. But the Queen of the elves, the ever-proud Satella Superbia, was having a headache of the highest magnitude.

“My Queen! 70% of the young elves fainted!”

“My Queen! The Dragon Emperor Cult…I mean, the Dragon Emperor club is protesting and asking why the Dragon Emperor was still not officially recognized as a tribe leader.”

“Your Majesty! The main plaza is completely occupied, the infirmaries are full and tension is high!”

“We are facing the greatest wet crisis ever! I nearly slipped on someone's juice while coming here!”

Many elves blushed at the last statements as while only the relatively young elves had completely fainted, it wasn’t as if the older one were spared some effect.”

“Jasmine! Stop acting like this in this situation.”

Satella covered her face while her friend, the Supreme Daughter, cackled with delight.

“What? I am only reporting the truth. To be honest, I was late because I had to change my robe. It was not in any appropriate state.”

Her words were not explicit but everyone understood what she meant. After all, Jasmine was not truly as old as Satella.

Satella could only groan but there was nothing more she could say or do to indirectly berate everyone.

After all, even in her case, despite having dragon blood and having lived for so long, she had felt her face flush a little and her heartbeat accelerate when the video was shared with her.

She could only imagine what the others must have felt.

But the current situation was no joking matter. This video was no different from a weapon of mass destruction for the elves and their culture.

Even now, she was receiving reports about more than half of their guards at the border being all down after fainting or simply unable to fight.

It wasn’t as if they had never seen a dragon.

But such might and such display of power had been unheard of since time nearly one thousand years ago when they fought against the Dragon of the Conquerer King.

If back then, Siegfried had not slain it, they might have lost even more badly, and this act of killing a dragon King caused Siegfried to become quite criticized in the community even though he should have been revered as a hero.

Sitting beside Satella, Jasmine gave a weak smile, “I think we need to talk to that woman.”

“The Phoenix?”

“Yeah. Until now, it was still possible to argue and take our time. With the slow nature of the elves, we could have even pushed a decision for the future in ten years or so.  But now…I won’t lie, I wouldn’t be surprised if they rioted and fought you to the death. This is how insane everyone is acting.” She added with a really worried expression.

For once she was not joking. The club or cult or whatever this phoenix was creating were already hardcore fanatics of the Dragon prince and now their faith would be enough to generate Faith coins if they were in a Territory.

This was how insane everyone was and as for the elves who had been staying neutral, well…She was 90% sure that the moist feeling in their crotch would make them sing a different song soon.

Satella felt like she was like a small child trying to stop the wind of destiny. “Do they not understand that it isn’t that I am against the dragon faith but that Sol is not just a Dragon? He is the Prince of… No, I should simply call him the King of Lustburg now. Do they want to allow humanity to control us?” She had the impression of being the only one who could see in a world of blinds.

“I am sure they understand. They might be young but they are not stupid. The problem is…” She did not finish her words but Satella lowered her face and sighed,

“They don’t care.”

“Indeed. In fact…I believe many of them would wish to be ruled by a True Dragon. You have seen his form, right?” Jasmine was very careful with her words to not hurt her friend.

“I am sure it’s only faith and hormone talking now. But even after they calm down… Many will be adamant about it.”

Satella sighed and waved her hand, “Leave me alone. All of you. I need time to think.”

Jasmine opened her mouth for an instant but in the end, she simply shook her head and walked away.

There was one solution for this to end to their advantage and avoid having Sol become the direct ruler.

But this solution was something that would be akin to selling herself to the ruler of Lustburg.

Jasmine did not know if the remaining pride of Satella could accept such a solution. As such, she simply closed her mouth and started walking away. Her expression was serene.

After all, worst come to worst, she simply had to sacrifice herself.

Unconsciously, Jasmine licked her lips. This wouldn’t even be much of a sacrifice all things considered.



"...greatest wet crisis ever..." 🧐😳🥵😏


I really can't wait till the elf arc now all the chapters with them have been freakin hilarious so far