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Updates about changes for the K.U version

  • I like the changes 29
  • Not particularly interested 8
  • 2023-12-23
  • 37 votes
{'title': 'Updates about changes for the K.U version ', 'choices': [{'text': 'I like the changes ', 'votes': 29}, {'text': 'Not particularly interested ', 'votes': 8}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 23, 3, 44, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 37}


Hi! Wanted to keep you up to date with the changes that will eventually happen in Amazon version. 

The good thing is most of those changes will not fundamentally changes the plot. So you do not have to actually pay or whatever. But I will add different additional scenes to make it worth your while. 

Book 1 will go from Vol 1 to Vol 6 (this mean until he finally leave the mortal realm.

1) Planning to add the Cameliax Sol scene I never wrote. The one where she is wearing dancer clothes. 

2) Slightly rewrite Lilith vs Drei.

3) Planning to add Khali vs Medea and Freya that I never wrote. Back then I wasn't really sure what I wanted for the King level but now obviously I know. 

4) Slightly rewriting Lilin and  Nuwa vs The dwarf. 

5) Add the scene of Setsuna vs Neun I never wrote. 

6) Change the way the fight of Sol vs the Vampire went.

7) Adding more scenes of Duke Gorfard. 


As you can see those changes mainly affect Vol 5. As it was the one I was the most dissatisfied about. I wrote vol 5 more or less 3 years ago and I believe I have grown as an author since then and there are many changes I can ameliorate. 

I won't necessarily do all those changes as I have time constraints. But those are the plain.

Tell me what you think. Do you like those additional contents?

As you can imagine. Going forward. There will be many additional change. For example the current war will be slightly different in the K.U version. As I will have more time to edit and re arrange the order of events 



Do them! I'm still hungry for the sister battle, and Setsuna x Neun!