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Memories filled Noah’s mind as this name appeared in front of his eyes. Memories so powerful that even the weight of the years could not erase them. 

Unit 00 Adam. This was his mecha serial number. But for Noah, it will always be Ouroboros. Nothing more, nothing less. After all, his mecha was not just a cold machine for him. It was his friend and his other half. An entire part of his identity. No different from his limbs, a second body so to speak.

Even back then, Ouroboros had been a masterpiece, a Mecha representing the crystalization of human wisdom. This was what made it so particular but at the same time, it was why it was deemed to be a failure. It represented a seemingly insurmountable challenge. All scientists deemed it to be useless outside of serving as the basis for the construction of lesser Mechas that were more accessible to everyone else. This was why its code name was Adam.

 One reason for this was the Dive system that could go even deeper and synchronize the entire body with the Mecha. True unity of mind and machine to the level where the man lost themselves and became nothing but husk as their brain got fried completely or their body broke down.

Even for Noah, piloting Ouroboros to its full capacity had been something that always caused him severe injuries. The same went for the other constellations to a lesser degree.

One could say that each time they piloted a mecha, they burned up their own life. 

The others hated it and he could understand why. But Noah…He loved it. The sensation of becoming one with the machine, casting away his weak flesh and becoming something akin to a god of destruction that could sweep the entire battlefield alone with no problem.

It was exhilarating. It was beautiful and sensational. A feeling that even the greatest drug could not replicate. He would know. He tried and nothing changed that.

—I see that you have been crazy even before we fused.

For once, Noah had nothing to say. Piloting was his drug. His sense of purpose. This was the only thing he was good at and this talent made him loved and respected by everyone.

It made him feel special.

Even if in the end — He was nothing more than a pitiful lab rat.

“Well, now that I have filled my depression Quota. It should be time to look at properly at my reward.”

He shook his head. All those memories coming one after another were affecting his psyche in ways he did not like. But once again he could think about going to visit a psy after he finished this.

After this whole test and the so-called ‘Noah’ difficulty, Most of Noah’s suspicions seemed to be not that far from the truth. It seemed to enter that mysterious dimension through the wormhole brough him into another time or another dimension.

Perhaps even the two?

At times like this, he regretted sleeping during his physics lessons. He only had a brief notion in his mind and this was not helpful.

Forget this. Let’s look at this Baby.

“Can I get a better description of this item?”

He held the beautiful golden ball and held it high, twirling it to see everything from all angles. 

—Eating it?

“One. Don’t even think about it. Two, this thing seems to hold even less energy than the core of the Mecha we felt.” Noah mused. Was it really some super technological equipment? If so, why did it feel so weak?

Thinking about it, the type described was Growth.

Noah could not even imagine how a core was supposed to ‘grow’. But at least this told him enough about the fact that he would have to nurture it somehow.

After testing different things and ignoring the Queen's proposal of biting it to test its durability. Noah finally remembered that he was different and there was one thing he had yet to try.

Dark Matter.

Thinking about it, Noah took a deep breath and focused on the sensation in his body. Bringing back the feeling that filled his veins when he had been using the power of Dark Matter.

The core reacted to his effort as it shook slightly before a rush of information filled his mind, causing him to wince and growl.

He stayed like this for a few seconds before finally opening his eyes again and looking at the core with renewed surprise.

A core wasn't just about being a source of energy for the mecha. It also contained a core technique, a way to manipulate energy. In either a unique or common way. Depending on the core, even Mecha with the same model could vary greatly in abilities.

The core Noah held was a very special one as it was related to very important concepts. It was indeed a jewel of technology.

Infinite energy, Law of Thermodynamics, Perpetual Motion.

Something that did the impossible. 

A Perpetual Machine.

Something that broke all laws of Thermodynamics.

Ironically or perhaps most fittingly, the name of the core technique was — [Maxwell Demon.] [1]

Noah frowned, as the information continued to become more and more esoteric and complicated to decipher, but in essence, the technique was simple.

Swallowing all forms of energy and converting them into any other form of energy.

Devouring others’ cores to further increase its might.

In short — Eating.

Ever growing, ever-evolving. There was theoretically no limit but from what he was understanding, he couldn’t just randomly absorb things and hope for the best. 

Despite this limitation, this was…

Noah stopped the urge to laugh that was about to come out.



And now —Devouring.

It seemed like this was becoming a theme for him and he did not know what he should think about that. 

I can evolve, you can evolve and even my Mecha can Evolve. Everyone is evolving

Noah fought once more the urge to laugh. This seemed so absurd he was completely speechless.

“Any other information about this?”

[Maxwell Demon is a technique that was studied by the Gaia empire after fighting another Civilization they encountered.]

“What do you mean?”

[Further information cannot be obtained through this trial.]

Noah growled a little and this time not out of pain but frustration. Even so, he knew that getting angry at some mindless machine was useless and nothing but a waste of time.

“Very well. I guess it’s time to through the second trial.”

If this second trial was anything like the first it would be very hard for him to pass. But he couldn’t just shy away from it because of the risks. He had to see this to the end. He had to find the truth. 

[Would you like to participate in the second test?]


Noah grinned and obviously clicked on the Yes.

[Mission: Battle Royal.]

[Description: Only one person can obtain the final reward. As such a battle royal is the easiest and most direct way to determine the one. Killing is not allowed.]

[Warning! As you have chosen the highest Difficulty, the mission Wass changed]

[Mission: One vs many]

[Description: A hero is often lonely. A hero also has to fight against impossible odds. Face all the surviving participants. Killing is allowed.]

[Number of participants: 19]

[Good Luck]

Noah cracked his finger as he felt himself being teleported.

“I won't need luck.”

They were the ones who were going to need a great deal of luck.

At least — This is what Noah thought initially but —




Holy shit! Gotta run!

Noah cursed as a missile missed him but he was still pushed by the blast.

—I thought you wouldn't need luck?

I never thought the bastards would be able to use their Frames. How is it even remotely fair!?

The situation was definitely not beginning like he thought it would.

How did it come to this? 

(AN: This time I will do my best to contain the fight within one or two chapters.)

[1] : Did you know that Jormungand the World Swallowing serpent was also considered an Ouroboros? Since he could make a circle around the world. Heh.

As for Maxwell Demon, directly from wiki. Maxwell's demon is a thought experiment that would hypothetically violate the second law of thermodynamics.

Most scientists argue that, on theoretical grounds, no practical device can violate the second law in this way. Other researchers have implemented forms of Maxwell's demon in experiments, though they all differ from the thought experiment to some extent and none have been shown to violate the second law



thanks, again I appreciate all the work you put into writing. hopefully, you do it for fun and are dedicated to finishing your books cya.


Thanks for the encouragement. Enjoy the stay here and try my first story SHK. You can find it on RR as well as I started recently posting there. The start is a little smut heavy but it slowly become more story focused

Crowny 66

Bought the patreon for the 4 extra chapters, but dont see them here


Hi!! Yeah sorry. I am building the patreon. One chapter will be out today on patreon and two more tomorrow then finally one more the day after then normal release on RR. Thanks for joining my patreon and sorry for the lack of chapters. In the meantime take look at my others story SHK. You might come to like it