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Even as he accelerated and bulldozed through everything that stood in his way, Noah continued to analyze everything on his way.

This mission from the start was not something that should be possible. Clearly, whoever created this increase in difficulty did not want people to use the name Noah.

There were so many weird things about this fact but not something he had to focus on now.


The sound of the wind rushing in his ears was beautiful and though he was moving at a speed far beyond whatever he ever experienced, he was enjoying this moment like no others.

They are your children, right? Can you control them?

As far as humans managed to understand, Parasites were a hive mind centered around the Queen. The individuality of the whole could also be said to be the personality of the Queen. In a way, this was no different from a colony of ants or bees.

—I cannot. I have tried but…It’s different. I am different. I can connect and understand the order sent but I cannot interfere naturally, I would have to try and hijack the whole hive.

Noah continued to run. The implication behind those words could be the confirmation of what they always anticipated or this could be simply because they were not true parasites and were simply programmed to behave as such.

Noah did not have the time to think further as he felt a surge of energy coming from the front.

“Tch. Parasite Guards.”

Those bastards had been one of the toughest nuts to crack during the fight against the parasites. Super elites were specially created to protect the Queen and also pierce the frontline. Out of the 4 constellations who died before the final fight, 3 of them died because of those guards.

Though they are shorter than I remembered.

Unlike other Parasites, the guard stood at around 3 meters tall. Unlike the 10-meter-tall guards, he remembered.

But while they were shorters, the pressure they were giving him was higher. If he let himself be taken in their nests, he would most likely get surrounded and killed with no way of escaping.

Noah understood that he was severely lacking in diversity when it came to attack and defense. His understanding of Dark Matter was instinctual at best and still very rough. If at least he could use Morgiana’s fire but there was no use moaning about could not be.

He simply had to be a little more imaginative.

The centipede swords formed once again in his arms, but this time they were thinner, and longer.

“Taste this!”

All the swords started lashing out around him at high speed, so fast in fact that they seemed to be completely invisible to the naked eye.

The only proof of their presence was the humming of the air being split and all the objects that were shredded apart as he approached them.

Simply like this, Noah had managed to create an absolute zone of death that also served as a shield of sorts, the two guards stood no chance.

Even as they rushed at him, he cut and reduced them to small pieces in but an instant. The sharpness of the attack was even beyond his expectation but what was even more surprising was how they rushed stupidly at him.

Stronger but far more stupid.

The dangers of parasites had never been their power but the process of their evolution.

The Parasites Noah fought against might have been weaker as they did not possess Dark Matter but they had evolved for multiple generations after analyzing and understanding human’s cunningness and technology, making them far more dangerous and hard to fight against.

Noah was honestly thankful. For all his pride, if he had to fight the Parasite of back then while they also had Dark Matter and higher technology…He would have failed or at least it would have been far more difficult than winning thanks to those cheap tactics.

In reverse, this situation also left a bitter taste in his mouth as this showed that the historian had been right.

Had humanity acted faster and more decisively from the start like by bombing Mars, Parasites would have been far easier to handle and the war would not have reached the level it had in the past.

“Finally we are here.”

The interior of the ship had a more organic feel than he remembered, even as he entered it, he felt more like he was walking in the stomach of a beast than in a ship.

The guards he killed earlier had been the last defense standing between him and his targets and the other parasite would not be able to reach this place fast enough.

Finally standing in front of the Queen, Noah admired her once again.

“You look Uglier.”


The Queen he remembered was very close to humans in terms of appearance, even though she was 20 meters 20-meter-tall giant.

The one here was more akin to a gelatinous mass floating in a green tube with only an indistinct human form.

“I guess back then you have yet to eat enough humans for a complete evolution.”

He did not waste too much time observing the queen as she was now. This was nothing more than an image of the past and Noah was very intimate with the tales of the Hare and the Turtle.

He had no wish to become the hare in this situation.

“Farewell. I wish killing you had been that easy back then.”

The last thing Noah saw as he destroyed the Queen was a blue message floating in front of him.

[Simulation of the Witness State terminated]

[Result: Overwhelming success.]

The world immediately froze, fading into white and black. Noah initially thought that after killing the Queen he would have to kill all the parasites who were now unable to move but it seemed like the system had judged that it was not necessary.

[Calculating reward based on analyzing the combat pattern of the trial taker.]

[Reward set at the highest possible for choosing the Noah Difficulty]

The fuck is the Noah Difficulty?

[Calculating… Calculating…]

[Reward decided]

A glitch seemed to appear before one small light formed just above his head.

Stretching his hand, Noah caught the reward and looked at it. At first, he was confused but soon, his eyes widened as he looked at the golden ball in his hand with the image of a snake eating its tail in the form of infinity.

[Ouroboros Perpetual Core]

[Rank: Unique Growth Type]

[Description: A core specially created by the finest mind of the Gaia Empire with the image of a hero in mind]


Noah clenched his fist over the core.

In mythology, this was a symbol representing the cycle of life and death.

Truly a mighty name. But more than anything —It was the name of Noah’s Mecha.



Author, the only sci-fi that interested me was Star Wars, so now your work really interested me. And I have a question - is it a work with erotic elements or will there be no such elements at all?


Thanks for liking this story. Unlike SHK the erotic elements will be lesser but they will be there. Not much time now as Noah doesn't have many encounter but there will eventually be a small harem and many erotic scenes explicitly written