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Hi! Guys! So like I said yesterday I managed to get back the copyright of SHK. This mean soon I can start setting up things for K.U sales, pre order and paperback.
Now about Paperback well. I was thinking of using Milia illustrations for the E-book cover but I don't know if you would want it for Paperback (I mean it can be pretty embarrassing)

There is also Sol pictures I could use for Paperback after tweaking some stuff.

So tell me what you would rather have. For now I plan to start the pre-order in 1st February and the Actual sale starting on the 11th February (My Birthday)
But I don't know what will happen yet. Everything can happen so gotta be careful.
Tell me what you think.




Not gonnah lie I would prefer millia as the cover but that In it self can be hard to explain to people when they come over xD I think having sol for the cover would be more reasonable but if your a degenerate like myself you would have a separate space for this kind of art where you would not be showing people unless they are fellow gentleman and ladies -_-" but that's just my take put the sexy ladies upfront if you ask me ^_^


Haha. Then I will try later to see on Amazon if it's possible to set different options for Paperback so readers can actually choose. If not I will go for Milia. Heh Ideally I want each book to have two girls. One on the front and one on the back. For Book 1 it will most likely be Milia (front) Camelia (back)