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The moment Noah passed through the gate, a feeling that he recognized deeply assailed him, giving him the impression that he was slowly being squeezed from all sides and then stretched out.

It was an odd feeling, to say the least. But it was also a familiar feeling. Something very close to what he felt when he entered and exited the wormhole.

This was extremely mind confusing and he had a slight urge to barf as he appeared finally on the other side.

Sadly — He was not even given the chance to breathe in when his sense of danger tingled.

Stepping aside, Noah could feel a sharp wind caused by a blade moving past him.


He did not let the one who attacked him a moment to breathe as he proceeded to lightly punch the chest plate.


This was enough for the man to sail through the air before landing heavily.

Noah though did not bother caring about this man. He looked around him, his eyes moved busily as he observed all the enemies in the surroundings.


Even though one of them had been beaten quite easily, the other four did not show much of a reaction and they did not even change the formation, quietly encircling him and making sure that he could not escape no matter what happened.

“You guys are pro.”

He could immediately see the difference between those guys and the ones who had been left on the ship. They were on a completely different level be it skills, strength, and equipment.

“Who are you?”

They all leveled their rifles at him, ready to fire at the slightest twitch. He was briefly surprised about them not remembering him then he remembered that he was far taller now than he was initially and also had an armor completely covering his features.

There was no way those pirates would associate him with the same young kid they completely disregarded for a few moments.

“You knowing who I am won’t change anything. I guess Omid decided to keep you guys because you were too weak?”

A few of them twitched which prompted Noah to shrug, “Did I strike a nerve? It seems like whatever happened, you guys are the weak link. The one who was cast out.”

“He is just messing with us. Don’t listen to him. Fire!”

Tsk~I hate fighting people who are not swayed by emotion.

He immediately ducked down but he was not completely able to block the bullet to his shoulder.

Shit! This one hurt!

He cursed as he felt the bullet spinning in his armor and sending a relatively weak lightning courant through the cracks. Thankfully, the Queen was indeed not the kind to bluff and the armor managed to withstand easily the attack before swallowing the bullet itself.


The sound of something being eaten was not pleasant in the lightest and so was the appearance of the mouth that appeared where the bullet previously was frightening, to say the least.

The pirates were confused. They did expect Noah to avoid this charge. They even had a plan ensured for this case. But what they saw was completely outside of their expectation.

They had indeed been put there as sentinel but where Noah was wrong was that they were not sent by Omid but decided to stay in this place on their own because they did not plan to proceed further.

This place seemed clearly too dangerous to proceed further for some unknown rewards.

that would most likely go to Omid.

The others followed as well but this did not matter to the five of them. Better be alive and well if you wish to receive something.

Once they realized that there was not much they could do, all of them, even the one who had been blasted away a few moments ago attacked him in unison, still keeping a perfect circle formation.

Interesting but…

“I only need two of you guys alive.”

He had no more time to waste with those scrubs. No matter how skilled they were than those he killed previously, they were still not worthy of being in his sight.

He could have easily ended them one after another but he suddenly thought of the new possibility he could have with this armor and he smiled inwardly behind his helmet.

Two long flexible whips-like blades came out of his two hands as and he simply twirled on himself, the blade were so sharp that this alone was enough to nearly bissect all of them immediately.

One of the five was unlucky enough to see his head fly while a second one had this sad destiny happen to his arm.

The other three did not even have the time to react. The one attacking Noah’s back screamed in horror as a gigantic snake-like black creature came out from the back before swiftly biting more than half of his body off, armor included, leaving blood spraying all around.


The last two who, while wounded, were not dead or maimed stopped. Fear froze them as they realized too late they were completely outmatched.

“So you two are the lucky ones.”

They watched as the monstrous snake-like entity vanished back in Noah’s back and he nonchalantly walked toward the one who had survived with one hand.

“Please! Wait! I…am sorry! I was just listening to order!”

“They all say the same.”

Noah did not waste time in cleanly cutting his head off as well. He whistled quietly, truly happy with how good the weapons he could create were.

There was a world difference between fighting bare-handed and having something nice and sharps in your hands.


Nice save!

—This armor is basically a part of us. A simple command is enough and there is zero latence.

He grinned, this would mean that he basically had two active minds working at the same time when fighting.

This would definitely come in handy in the future.

“Now then…I see you were smart enough to not attack me even though I showed you my back.”

The whip blades were pulled back as he approached the only survivors.

“No begging, no useless words. Deactivate your armors now.”

They nodded immediately and took them off without the slightest hesitation. At this point, hesitation meant death.

“Now I am going to ask and you are going to answer. I will take one after another and compare the answer. If there is a difference, well…It won’t end in a pretty way.”

Threats and Torture were like bread and butter.

You didn’t necessarily need them together but goddamn did they make an awesome combo.

(AN: We are slowly reaching the end of the Volume. I think I still have something between 20-30 chapters. My goal is to finish this hopefully by mid-December and start vol 2. We shall see how things unravel.)


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