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The day had started normally or at least as normally as one could go on the battlefield.

Unlike the other places where Wratharis had the advantage or the Eternal battlefield where Lustburg got the advantage unexpectedly, this place was mostly in a situation of pure equality.

As they had pulled the vast majority of their soldiers there, creating a stalemate. This stalemate was further increased after Lilin beat two Sages alone and nearly instantly.

This was such a big surprise that nearly all fights stopped at the same time as Wratharis retreated and observed the situation at hand while slowly licking their wounds.

Now that Lustburg had taken the eternal battlefield, it was free to enter the flank of Wratharis and it was important to re-assign soldiers where they were most needed.

The fact that Demons stayed strangely silent all this while was another reason for worry as the higher up did not know what the cunning demons were preparing.

Wratharis was truly starting to struggle in the current situation. There were too many unknowns. Their wins might appear numerous on paper but Lustburg had won all the major battlefields.

The situation was going from bad to worse and many could feel like there was another layer of scheme that was being carefully constructed to ensnare them in a web they had no way of escaping from.

Few people who could reach the level of General or higher were stupid and they were able to see that Lustburg seemed to voluntarily lose on some battlefield.

But even so, they could not stop.

For one reason, this was nothing but a speculation on their part. Rather than voluntarily lose, one could argue that they just sent their strongest fighters on the fronts they could not afford to lose.

This might seem the same. But one was done with a plan in mind while the second was done out of helplessness.

This completely changed the intention.

The second thing was that — They could not understand why.

Why sacrifice so much? Why lose so much terrain? Did they have some kind of hidden powerhouses? But even if this was the case it wouldn’t change anything as that powerhouse could not act before they devoured large percentages of Lustburg lands.

In the end, they decided that all they could do was fight. Continue to fight and simply crush all possible plans. Thus, was the way of the strong.

Thankfully, for everyone, today was a beautiful day.

“Welcome, Great Sage!”

“Welcome, Great Sage!!”


All the higher-ups in the current battlefront and those who were not on guard duty approached, looking at the sky as the majestic cry of a bird resonated in the air, immediately, all of them could see it.

Was it a Bird?

A fish?

No. It was Kun Peng. The Great Sage threw heaven into confusion.

Even to this day, no one in the mortal world knows exactly what was the origin of Kun Peng. Only one of his parents had to have been from the mortal world since he could come down without punishment.

From above, a massive shadow covered them as its majestic appearance was displayed to them all. It was a gargantuan animal, one that could easily be confused with a mythical beast.

The body had an appearance that was eerily similar to that of whales while four large gigantic wings that seemed ready to cover the world itself moved behind him. Despite its massive appearance, its speed was unprecedented, looking as if it was warping space itself with each movement.

All the soldiers breathed in deeply at this display. For an instant, they even had the impression that they were facing a King-ranked being. The level of life between them and the Great Sage was just that massive.

“I am here.”

Its voice boomed shortly before light covered its body and what replaced it was a young-looking teenager. Even so, no one dared to underestimate him.

Still floating above, its wings opened wide, Kun Peng looked all around before shaking his head.

“I am not here to participate in the war. I am simply here to fight.”

The expression of joy on the general face soured rapidly. After all, in the current situation, if they used Kun Peng with his speed and power, it would be possible to assassinate many of the important people on Lustburg's side.

They did not need much. Only Athena. If at least Athena died, the battlefield would completely shift in their favor. She may not be a Duke yet, but thanks to her high capacity, she managed to sign a contract with three high-ranked Spirits and all of them were already at the Duke level now.

The powers they wielded were all wide-scale in nature and made their losses far higher than what should have been.

“Great sage…”

“I will not be stopped.”

Kun Peng sneered and dismissed the general.

None of the Seven Sages were interested in wars in the mortal realm. There was no glory in massacring people weaker than them and they were not citizens of Wratharis in the truest sense.

If Sun Wukong was the King of Wratharis they might have a different stance. But as it was, there was no way they would drench their hand in blood while fighting under the banner of the tyrant.

“Instead…I will fight the Princess.”

The generals who had been discouraged immediately became radiant. If Athena was a thorn in their side that made winning more difficult, then the existence of Setsuna was like a super bomb that could wipe them all out.

If Setsuna started fighting against them, then their only destiny was death.

Death if they did not fight back and death if they did fight back. Many soldiers lost their sleep over this, wondering every time if today would be the day Setsuna stepped on the battlefield.

In a way, her simple existence was already akin to a form of psychological warfare and she presented an advantage simply too great to dismiss.

None of them could fight her.

But — Kun Peng could!

“We are truly thankful. May the Great Sage be ever victorious.”


Kun Peng chuckled and ignored them. His wings moved once, and suddenly he found himself propelled high in the sky.

Only when he was at the highest peak did he scream his arrival,

“Princess of Wratharis!! I have come to fight! Will you be a coward and stay hidden? Or will you show your valor on the battlefield against I, Kun Peng, the Great Sage who Throws Heaven in Confusion!”

His voice spread everywhere, immediately reaching Lustburg's side.

He could have sneak attacked, he could have hidden, there were so many strategies that he could have employed in this situation to gain absolute advantage.

But he did not.


Because he had no need for such paltry tricks. Because he disdained such strategies.

Endless arrogance, supreme confidence.

There were many ways one could describe his actions. But Kun Peng did not care. He had long proven to the world that he had the right to be arrogant. He had proven his skills and his know-how.

More than anything — His speed was unmatched at the same level.

He was Kun Peng and today, he was going to humble a Blessed and let them understand that being favored by Fate did not mean anything.

A true warrior should fight for their Fate.