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The fight in the eternal Battlefield lasted only an instant but it would forever live in the mind of those who witnessed this incredible feat.

Even now, records of what happened were being sent everywhere. After all, the fight between two countries was always of interest for the rest of the world. Even more so when it came to the birth of a new legend.

After putting down the two sages and making sure they were unable to fight, Lilin proceeded in systematically killing all those who were loyal to Lupus as listed by Camelia and the Crown's shadow.

Alongside her band of knight, they bathed in the blood of their enemies,  uncaring about their pain and cries for surrender.

Like a demon, Lilin made blood flow everywhere, giving the impression that rivers of blood were flowing.

In nothing but a short day, the news was already all over the world and citizens of Lustburg were cheering once again.

Thus was born the legendary Sword Demon.




Somewhere in Wratharis, a small gathering was happening, as four people stood all around each other, drinking and generally just talking quietly.

It was hard to call this a party. But there was undoubtedly a courant of warmth and joy in the atmosphere.

At least this was so until the fifth person entered with rather shocking news.

“Jialong and Camel lost.”

Silence fell at the shocking statement. they were able to relax only when they realized that the word ‘lost’ was used rather than ‘killed.’

There was nothing wrong with losing, every one of them in this room had lost an unknown number of times as they searched for greater height.

“Oh? The geezer lost? How many fought against them? Did a King move?”

Even so, it was very surprising for the two of them to lose like this. Neither Camel nor Jianglong were the strongest in their groups even when taking Wukong outside of the rankingt as they always did.

But at their current level, the level of power between each of them was not particularly obvious.

In their opinion, if a King didn’t take action, most likely a few hidden Dukes from Lustburg must have launched a sneak attack. This was the only actual logical way in their mind.

Sadly — This train of thought was dashed once again.

“There was only one person.”


“Seriously? They lost one after another against the same person?”

“...They lost at the same time.”




They all whistled in surprise, this was big news alright. Losing two vs one means that the one who fought them was a Duke who was very close to the level of King.

Perhaps a Duke who already knew their true name and was simply waiting for ascension or a better name. Such a thing was not rare, in fact, the two strongest of their group, the Bull King and the Lion King were in the same situation. They could have jumped to the level of King long ago but they knew that if they did, this would be all. Their chance of becoming a Demigod would be extremely low.

This was not what they wanted and there was no way they would settle for something average.

“Is there still a Duke who is strong enough to win against us in the mortal realm outside of the witches?”

“Who is the one who beat them?”

This was not arrogance on their part. They had truly wreaked havoc all over this world from high to low and even middle. They fought against both devils and angels, and even the elves were not ignored.

Sometimes they won, sometimes they lost but in the end, they always won more than they lost until no one dared to even challenge them.

They were the uncontested strongest in Wratharis and could have all had their clans if they wished.

“Hum… The one who took them down. Well, it’s slightly ironic when you think of this but it’s Lilin Luxuria, daughter of Lilith Luxuria. They call her — The Sword Demon.”

They understood why they mentioned the irony and they all looked at Sun Wukong who was quietly sipping his monkey wine.

The reason both Camel and Jialong went to the war was to make Lilith move faster and appear on the battlefield. But it seemed like the job had been done in a way they did not expect.

“Should we move? Our reputation will be severely affected after this. Will it affect you negatively?”

Sun Wukong who had been mostly silent up to now shook his head and smiled,

“We have never cared about reputation until now. Even if I do need Faith now there is no need to worry about the so-called reputation. This is nothing but an illusory cloud.”

He stood up and continued,” As for Jialong and Camel, don’t worry about them. They will not die. You should all know what is the reality of this war.”

Lion and Bull grimaced, they of course knew that this whole war was a sham. Rather than a sham, it was mostly just a play with many actors and Wratharis King playing the role of the clown.

But it felt like shit. While many of them were not born on Wratharis and lived years before in the Astral realm, this did not diminish the love they started to have for this world in any way.

They lived in this place for years, made friends, some even made families, and all of them came to love this kingdom as their own.

“Big brother, I still do not understand why you are participating in this farce. You should be flying up by now and establishing your force in the Astral realm. This is all we are waiting for.”

Demigods were the true powerhouse of the Astral realm and demigods like Wukong who ascended from the mortal realm were considered to be at a completely different level.

In the future, when they mentioned Wukong, he would be put at the same level as the three monsters who rose to fame millennia ago.

Compared to all that, fights in the mortal realm were nothing but child play.


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