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For the next three days, Link stayed quietly in the fort. Her knights were lightly trained and received education from the veterans.

Unlike other battlefields, one Duke could not completely change the course of a battle here as there were many Dukes both hidden and active from each side on the battlefield.

This made the overall situation very dangerous and far more bloody than anything else.

Rose meanwhile was worried about something else,

"So. Do you know why those demons are silent?"

She was extremely uneasy.

The eternal battlefield was a three-way battlefront composed of Lustburg, Wratharis, and Envylia.

One of the reasons this front kept a certain equilibrium was because of this three-way battle that stopped them from investing all their force on one front.

But now — Envylia stayed silent. Their soldiers simply keep watch over their borders and do not participate.

Ironically, this action, rather than encouraging Lustburg and Wratharis to fight it out, made them far more cautious and unwilling to fight at full strength.

"General. We have been receiving messages from our spies but they are also in the dark. All they know is that the higher-up ordered a ceasefire on their side and they are even debating sending a peace envoy to express their desire to not actively participate in this war."


Rose frowned and looked at Lilin quietly before nodding to her Butler.

"Very well. You can go for now. Prepare for a fight. Is the information about the new vanguard of Wratharis, true?"

The butler immediately became tense. The information he had received was that formidable and worrying.

Who was the leader of Wratharis?

Officially, it was the two blessed. The King and the Supreme Daughter.

Officiously though, there was a hidden power behind Wratharis, the very reason why Sun Wukong was considered as the uncrowned King of Wratharis.

They were the Seven Sages.[1]

An ambitious group created by Sun Wukong when he was nothing but a Duke who ended up fighting and exploring the Astral realm in many ways, making them even stronger.

Now, even though the six remaining sages were still at the Duke level, it was known that any of them could jump the gate at any moment and become a King level.

"The Stones monkeys are taking the vanguard this time and while the Monkey King has yet to move, they will be led by the Flood Dragon Queen and the Camel King."

Rose could feel a headache coming. The seven sages were known for their absolute arrogance in bestowing themselves titles that would have been enough to be accused of disrespect towards the goddesses.

The flood Dragon Queen, known as the Great Sage overturning the Sea.

It is said that she was a hybrid dragon born in the Dragon realm who later followed Sun Wukong after being subdued by him.

As befitting her lineage, the woman was a very powerful entity who caused trouble everywhere he went.

She hadn't been very active since twenty years ago. So it was a surprise.

The same went for the Camel King, a man who called himself the Great Sage who moves mountains.

He was a hybrid born in the Phoenix realm and once again started following Sun Wukong after getting beaten up by him.

It was funny to say, but this showed both the charisma of Sun Wukong and how battle-thirsty those individuals were

The titles they chose were extremely arrogant but there was no denying that at least in the mortal realm, they had more than enough strength to back it up.

Rose taped the table, her mind moving as she prepared countermeasures. If the two sages decided to attack at full force, the situation would go from bad to worse really fast.

"Please leave us alone for now. Call the Captains and warn them to warm up the horse and clean their equipment. Tell the mages to activate the full defense system of the fortress."

The butler twitches. The resources necessary to even activate the defense beyond 50% were astronomical. 


"Do not argue. This is my final order. I will accept any punishment later on."


He nodded and left.

Now alone, Rose asked plainly, 

"Princess, I will be blunt. I have two questions. Firstly, do you know anything about the suspicious movement of Envilya and two, do you have any experience in fighting Dukes?"

Lilin smiled.

Did she have any experience fighting against a Duke?

She wanted to ask in return. Do you have any experience facing a sword slash that can cut dimensions?

Do you have any experience in facing a man who can tank such a slash and get up like nothing happened?

What about facing someone who could freeze your time? Or fighting against a Duke who could judge your very soul?

"I killed a Duke."

— And it wasn't just any Duke but a member of one of the most infamous criminal organizations.

But for Lilin, compared to fighting against her mother, Setsuna, Sol and even training with Isis, killing a Duke was nothing worth bragging about.

"I do not know how strong those so-called Sages are but even if I do not win, I am sure that I will not lose."

This was not bravado. This was pride and assurance born from an absolute confidence in her skills and training.

More than anything, after living all her life surrounded by monsters — There was not much mundane Dukes could make her feel.

If anything, the only one that slightly interested her was the Flood Dragon Queen

She was wondering — Were her scales tougher or brittle when compared to Sol's?

She would have to find it with her Sword.

Furthermore — Perhaps she should capture her for Sol?


Meanwhile, in the fortress opposite the one belonging to Lustburg, a group of expressionless men and women were standing in order, while gazing at the two warriors in front of them.

One was an old man with a long beard, and a hunched back. In his hand was a rugged wood cane and his legs were wobbling as if he was about to fall and die at any moment.

It was a figure easy to underestimate but there was only respect when the soldiers looked at him.

Next to the old man, as if contract him at every point was a young-looking adult woman with flowing aquamarine hair and a dragon tail.

She had a long bow on her back and her gaze was steady and full of confidence.

"When do we attack, old man?"

Her voice was petulant but she was waiting for the opinion of the Camel King. After all, he was the oldest and wisest one of the group.

The Eldest brother so to speak.

"I have fully analyzed the situation. Tomorrow, we strike. But do not forget our goal."

"I know, I know. We simply have to bring out the Sword saint and let her fight with Big Brother."

The Camel King smiled and started walking away.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day.

[1]: In journey to the west, outside of the Bull King and Obviously Sun Wukong, there is not much information about the remaining five sages.

Either way, their titles were 

Monkey King; The Great sage who Equal Heaven.

Bull King; Great sage who pacifies Heaven.

Flood Dragon King; Great sage overturning the Sea.

Peng king, Great sage throwing Heaven in confusion.

Camel King, Great sage who moves Mountains.

Macaque King, Great Sage informing wind.

Lion King, Great sage who Drives away gods.



Lilin stayed quietly? 🤔