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Out of all the battlefronts, the one that showed the largest amount of casualties was none other than the southern one.

Blood and dismembered bodies littered the ground, wyvern did not dare to fly as they might get shot down at any moment and the horse stepped on the bodies of allies and enemies alike.

In this place, there was no healer on either side. No particular support nor was there any kind of strategy put in place to bring victory or retreat in case of defeat.

The Valley of Godfall. Also known as the Eternal Battlefield. A place situated southwest of Lustburg, near the border that was shared between Lustburg, Wratharis, and Envilya

A hell that could only be seen as hell on earth where life had no more value than a few gold coins.

This was the most chaotic battlefield out of all. Ironically, this made this place the most authentic battlefield out of all those currently in action.

The reasons for this chaotic atmosphere were multiple.

For one, this place was not known as the Eternal Battlefield for laughter. Most of the skirmishes that happened between the three Kingdoms over the years were fought in this place constantly.

Thanks to this, all the soldiers stationed in this place were super veterans who had seen their fair share of blood.

But this wasn’t all. Most criminals who were judged worthy of death would be sent to the Eternal battlefield. This was a rule that had been established by Queen Lilith.

All criminals who managed to kill a certain number of enemies could be acquitted and forgiven for their crimes.

This was a suicide camp and chance of escaping this place where very small as all the members of the suicide camp were considered slaves of the states and had the colars that befitted their situation.

In this place, prisoners only had two outcomes.

Survive and pay for your freedom by using the blood of the enemies.

—Or die.

[Ever Victorious Fortress.]

The victorious Fortress was the place that had been slowly built and developed over the years by the soldiers. Like weeds who refused to die, they had slowly created their own society in this place that followed their own rules.

The woman in charge of this place had a simple name.

Rose Oscar. Countess Rose Oscar. A woman of steel who should have been elevated to the level of Marchioness more than 16 years ago but who refused the promotion as this would have taken her away from the battlefield.

“How is the performance of the traitors?”

The Marchioness was someone of little words and great dignity. But this situation was not something she could afford to slack on.

“Relatively good. A few Gorfad managed to survive but the vast majority died on their first day. As for the rest of the children, they are slowly adapting.”

The Countess nodded. Not long ago, there was a large-scale attack in the capital which resulted in the addition of much-needed blood.

After all, few soldiers wished to be transferred to this place. They all knew how high the mortality rate was.

Thankfully, all generations of King had been wise and the rewards given were more than proportional to the level of risk. Thanks to this, Daredevil mercenaries who didn’t cherish their lives were a common sight.

“Do not forget. She will come soon. I want everything to be perfect. You hear me? Clean the blood, hide the prostitute and the alcohol as well as the casino. Hide everything. I want to make it clear that if there are any complaints, I will not take full responsibility.”

A few of the soldiers who were present, all people very close to her, chuckled and some of them even whistled at the mention of a brothel.

“Who is coming?”

“The daughter of the Queen.”


The man seemed unfazed at first. But soon his eyes cleared up and he realized that this was indeed a shit solution.

“Holy fuck! Seriously? The Daughter of the Legend?”

For the citizens of Lustburg, Mars Luxuria was without a doubt the Hero and legend they worshiped. After all, he had done so much good for them;

In the case of the veteran soldiers though, Lilith had an overwhelming superiority in terms of popularity and recognition as well as admiration.

They all knew her story and they all knew how she, despite her origin, had to trudge from the lowest position in the army and slowly rise.

“Speaking of. Countess, you were a soldier under the command of the Queen back then, right? Will the Black Knight come? What about the queen herself?”

“You guys are thinking too much. If I had the skills and power I have now, I would have joined back then. But sadly, I did not and I am old now.”

She touched her face, she was not that advanced in age but already, small wrinkles were forming and her hair were graying. She had long since passed her prime and while she was now a Duke Rank in terms of power, she knew very well that she was at the very bottom when it came to raw power.

“The countess will be eternally the charming beauty of the eternal battlefield.”

She smiled and stood up. “Anyway, I called all of you guys for one simple reason. Since Her Highness is coming we need to protect her.”

It wasn’t as if members of the royal family never died on the battlefield. In fact, this was quite common.

But currently, there were only three members in the royal family and all the loyalists refused to let anything happen to those three members.

“From the reports I received, the princess should be close. So it’s time for us to welcome her. Make sure her stay in this place goes well.”

Some of the men frowned, “Did she come to rack in achievements?”

This was a common practice among nobles. Bring a kid, surround him with powerful soldiers, go to a few battlefields, get the kill and achievement, and finally leave the battlefield.

Such a thing happened so regularly in this place that it became one of the businesses supporting the economy. The Countess made use of the desire of a young noble who wished to brag about having ‘fought’ in the Eternal Battlefield.

This alone supported nearly 20% of the full funds. Which was quite astronomical.

“No. I do not think so. No matter how the princess never really made a name for herself, there is no way the Queen would do such a thing.”

Lilith might be younger than Rose, but for Rose, Lilith was akin to an Idol. A person she admired greatly.

“Then…Do you think she will be the second coming of the Sword Saint?”

Rose laughed and walked out, “The existence of her majesty is a miracle. Something that breaks all limits and all known facts. It is not the kind of thing that can be reproduced.”

She spoke with conviction and a clear-cut voice. But at the same time,

“But — If this girl really has the skill and potential to become a Second Sword Saint then — Lustburg will usher in a new age of Glory and it’s our duty to make sure this potential does not die on the battlefield. Do you understand? Be it your or my life, even if all of us were to be sacrificed, it still wouldn’t be as important as the life of one sword saint. Understood?”


“Then, let’s meet the princess.”

She grinned and walked out.

This meeting would decide what she would do with her old bones.


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