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A few hours later after the fight between Setsuna and Ayame, sun had already vanished in the horizon to give place to the beautiful moon and its silver light.

The crackling sound of fire filled the air as Sol and Lilin watched over it. On the side, Setsuna was breathing quietly, asleep.

Sitting quietly with her back against a tree, Lilin looked at Sol with questions in her eyes.

After killing the dwarf and avenging her past loss, she had made sur to cut the head of the corpse just in case they needed it.

She then decided to go observe Setsuna fight as the feeling of power coming from there had been rather strong.

When she finally reached the place, it was just in time to see that blue Wolf scatter under the wind and Setsuna transform into a golden Wolf.

'Is it a Blessing?'

Lilin was not really surprised. There were only two Blue Wolves left to take care of the royal family.

It was rare for goddesses to switch royal families as long as one member was even alive.

"You don't really seem happy."

Sol had been keeping quiet until now and this was seriously bothering her.

She was wondering if she had done something wrong or what was putting him in such a bad mood.

"Well. Becoming Blessed isn't bad."

Sol knew this more than anyone. Becoming a Blessed was nothing short of a cheat key for life.

All the power and influence of a kingdom aside, one would be loved by Fate for a long time.

"Also this will make out war effort and propaganda much easier."

Even if they spread the new that there was a new Blessed, the wolf King will not be able to stop this information.

After all, this would be no different from insulting a goddess yourself.

With Setsuna as a Blessed, they had all the legitimate reasons possible in the book to take control over society.

In fact, If Setsuna was a King, the war would have immediately ended as Setsuna would just have to challenge Lupus to a succession duel.

One could say that while everything wasn’t perfect, everything had taken a turn for the better. Sol could even already imagine the best play ever.

The story of a Princess who, after leaving her kingdom while being chased like a dog by her greedy uncle, came back with even more strength and finally took back the throne that was rightfully her.

A story filled with tears, joy, happiness, and some little naughtiness.

What Sol didn’t like…Was the fact that someone had meddled in his screenplay and that one was a goddess.

‘Ira…What does she want.’

Sol did not think he had any beef with the goddess of Wrath. But neither did he have any connection.

‘Should I take it as a sign of friendship? Or an attempt to manipulate me?’

Now that Setsuna was a Blessed, Fate would favor her for a long time. But this also means that once she had a child, her death might happen at any moment in the most convoluted way possible.

‘Initially, I wanted to help Setsuna become a full divine beast but now I am having second thoughts;’

Things became tricky. He needed to have a way to have a discussion with Ira and make clear what she was thinking.

Thankfully, he knew very well when he would be able to do so.

“When I sign a contract with Setsuna.”


“Sorry. Was thinking out loud.”

“You think too much sometimes.”

Sol smiled and approached Lilin to stretch her cheeks, giving her a funny expression, “You are right. I think too much sometimes.”

But what else could he do? There was so much to think about every day. It didn’t help that Ayame, before dying had left some bullshit foreshadowing that would certainly come bite them in the ass later.

‘So is Eins the super big mastermind behind everything?’

What race was he even?

Sol feel a growing headache but this time Lilin was the one to take his face in her hands before finally headbutting him.


Sadly the win to close her eyes because of the pain was none other than Lilin herself,

“What is your forehead made of?”

“Pure awesomeness mixed with badass. More seriously though, what was that?”

Lilin coughed embarrassedly, “I read in some hot blood story. Sometimes a headbutt would be used to make another character get back to his senses.”

She had forgotten how strong Sol's body was, “Sol…You know. I think I need to make you understand something.”

“...So we are going to ignore how red your forehead is now? In fact, aren’t you about to bleed?”

Lilin blushed but ignored this shameful reality, “*Ahem* Like I was saying, you have a serious problem, you know?”

Sol stopped teasing her and listened, “And what might it be?”

“You want to shoulder everything alone. Then again, I think this is a problem all of us have. But this became worse for you since you came back from the Astral realm.”


Lilin sighed, “I really don’t know what kind of things you faced in the Astral realm and I know you became strong. Absurdly so. But Sol…Even though we have so many problems, we aren’t damsels in distress you know?”

“I never thought that you were.”

“You do not. But you want to protect us too much that you are now trying to baby us. I guess this is how you must have felt as well in the past before your awakening.”

She chuckled a little, remembering how everyone cared so much for Sol that it looked like he was a princess imprisoned in a golden cage.

“Ever since you came back and even before, you have been acting like the entire weight of the world was resting on your shoulder. As if you had to take care of all our pain and act as the shield that will protect us for anything and everything.”


“I love it. I love you and I love how earnest you are. Having you in my life is without a doubt one of the best things that ever happened but Sol. Stop trying to shoulder everything alone. You are not a god. You are not omnipotent and you cannot be perfect. So why not rely on us more?”

Sol smiled, “I am sorry for worrying you all so much. I really believe in you all. Haha.”

Lilin looked at Sol, worried. She had never been the best at giving speeches or voicing her thoughts.

‘I guess I should talk to the other about this.’

Meanwhile, the thoughts that were swimming in Sol’s mind became much more simple.

Since he was not a god. There were many thing that were limiting him.

But what if he became one?

What if he became fully omnipotent and omnipresent?

Wouldn’t all the worries he had to vanish like smoke or melt like ice under the sun?

All his worries would become meaningless once he reached that far.

His eyes started to shine. A desire to become even stronger and climb an even greater height.

Breaking the unbreakable limit and doing the impossible.

‘I think…I can really do it.’

He would become a god.

He would reach the level of the 14 goddesses. Nay he would surpass them. Surpass even Ymir.

and perhaps…Just perhaps…Surpass even the Chaos and Order.

Something in his heart told him that he could do so and much more.

(AN: Sorry, guys. This is the last chapter of the month. But I promise everything will be back to normal on June. Once again sorry for everything. I hope to see all of you guys back soon.)


Chris Gill

I am really hoping for a crew chat on what he actually faced in the astral realm (ie the Demi Gods) and more, and about how he is essentially playing chess with he goddesses due to their influences and wrenches they keep throwing into his plans. I hope this constant unknown from the girls and worrying is addressed and not prolonged.