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.While Medea and the others were having an interesting discussion, Sol was having an even more interesting dream.

He was standing in a white void with a clear blue sky above him and the infinite white below, giving the impression that he was falling without end.

His senses were disoriented and picture after picture flashed in front of him one after another.

When Sol finally came to his sense, the world had completely changed. The white void and the blue sky were replaced by the infinite dark void of space with the stars visible in the distance.

All around ‘Him’, where debris of what must have been an entire planet. That place was now reduced to nothing but rubles.

‘He’ walked or it would be more apt to say that ‘He’ floated in space and observed the end of a planet. One where billions of lives had inhabited.

“Did the planet finally die?”

‘He’ stayed silent and ignored the voice of the woman that had appeared next to him.

“I noticed that you are getting increasingly melancholic.”

“The world is dying.”

‘He’ finally spoke. ‘His’ voice was young yet old. Delicate, yet rough. It was as if thousands were speaking or only one. A mix of contradictions that the woman had long since been used to.

She shrugged, “This is normal. A planet can only live for as long as its sun is burning.”

She pointed at the dying sun. “Only 6 or 8 billion years. This is the reality of those ephemeral lives. This is not the first time you witnessed the death of a star or a system. Why the melancholy? This is just the cycle.” [1]

Her voice was clear as if the death and end of all those sentient beings was the most common and worthless things.

In a way it was. In the vast and infinite universe, the death of a star, the destruction of a planet, the birth of a new star and a new planet were the most common things ever.

She had already become bored of such a sight after the tenth time.

‘He’ looked at her with pity, “Indeed…It’s just the cycle.”

Life and death. Creation and Destruction.

Everything in existence had a counterpart, something they could not exist without. Time and space, Sins and Virtues, Good and Evil.

So many concepts, so many realities. So many laws that defined the universe they lived in.

This was why he was melancholic.



‘He’ looked at her, quietly, lovingly. But in the end ‘He’ did not speak. This was ‘His’ burden. The reality only ‘He’ was privy to and seemed to understand.

“Nothing. Let’s go home.”

“Very well. I believe Dawn is complaining about the amount of work her siblings are leaving to her.”

‘He’ gave a forlorn smile, wondering how long this happiness would last.

They seemed to not realize it yet.

In this universe…Nothing was Eternal. Nothing was Infinite. For Eternity did not exist.

The greatest and most immutable law of this world was clear.

—For Every Beginning…There must be a…



Sol's eyes snapped open as his heart pounded. His vision was blurry, as he tried to forcibly remember the dream he just had. But only small tidbits and snippets were kept and even they as well eventually faded.

“Your Highness?”

‘He’. No. He looked at Milia. The worried expression was clear on her face and the same went for all the others.

The seemingly infinite void seemed distant as he became grounded in reality again.

Patting Milia's lap, he stood up and jumped off the chariots before landing heavily on the ground.

His sense of reality became more evident as the last drags of dreams vanished from his mind.

“Sol are you alright!?”

Medea appeared next to him and looked at him worriedly, to which he simply shook his head.

“I am…I think yeah I am alright. I just had a bad dream.”

He pinched Medea's cheeks and sighed.

“The sun is going down, let’s take a rest.”

For them, the presence or absence of sunlight made absolutely no difference. Even so, he wanted to take a small break. After all, if they really wanted to catch up to Lilith’s fast, he could have simply flown at full speed to reach there.

Persephone and Setsuna shared a look, with Setsuna looking aside, blushing and Persephone smirking.

Sol meanwhile was preoccupied with the dream. At his level, his memory was nearly perfect, and his control over his thoughts was as well. Having a nightmare wasn’t impossible. But for the memory of said nightmare to vanish so fast from his mind was abnormal.

‘Just what the hell?’

He forced himself to hide a scowl that had formed on his face. This was definitely something that was going to come biting him in the ass later on. He could already smell the incoming bullshit like it was breathing down his neck.

‘I guess I can only wait this time.’

He forced himself to calm down. He knew that this hadn’t just been a dream. As such, the best he could do was to prepare himself as much as possible.

‘The King rank or at least, obtaining a name.’

Obtaining a name was the first step toward evolution as a King. For now, he only had been a Duke for two or so months. Logically speaking, obtaining a name before at least a year or far more would be impossible.

But— Since when had he moved based on logic? Doing what others deemed as impossible and breaking all records were one of the few pleasures in life he enjoyed.

Of course, a few moments later, when Night fell and Sol looked as Persephone and Setsuna entered his tent while wearing green and blue negligees respectively, he gulped as he realized that there was another one of the few pleasures in life he was about to satisfy.

The night promised to be interesting. [2]

[1]: You know you entered Xianxia territory when you read “Only so or so Million or Billions years.”

[2]: Should I skip or should write. That is the question. If I write this while be minimum 3-4 chapters. Hum.


Luis Claudio

I think one or two chapters for smut would be good. And this isn’t Setsuna first time?


Haha nah. Don't worry it isn't yet. I would never skip the first time of an important character

Kyle Markman

Idk Persephone doesn’t get enough screen time for you to skip it