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The feeling of the wind on her skin was heavenly. The beauties of the hills and the green pasture and forest as far as the eyes could see.

Floating more than three hundred meters above the ground while sitting on her sword, Lilith quietly observed Lustburg from above. Her eyes filled with quiet contemplation.

The world was beautiful.

In the past, she had never agreed with this opinion. After all, her life had not been easy. Born as an experiment with a limited time, for her, the world was only a grey place and it became even greyer when she lost one of the sources of light she had.

Now though, she could understand better.

When seen up close, life was truly miserable and filled with misery. But standing up from so far away, life was indeed beautiful.

In the end, everything was just a matter of perspective.

Lilith mused with serenity as she ignored the flow of the cold air and the sparse oxygen. Her body had already adapted and she did not even need mana. In her current situation, even floating in the vacuum of space would not bother her.

‘I need a new sword.’

Certainly, as a master swordswoman and with her new Name, everything she held could become a great weapon. But having a great weapon from the start would make everything better and easier. Her current sword, the one that had accompanied her from the start of her adventure was not able to support the might of her power anymore.

It was a shame. But it was reality.

‘I wonder if Theresa can create a new sword of even higher power.’

Theresa had created a God level embryo weapon but even then it was only because of a moment of enlightenment and the extremely rare material that were the Horns and Core of a King ranked Dragon like Blaze.

It would be impossible to find materials at this level again.

‘Well. Enough hesitation.’

There was a reason she was currently floating in the air. She had been hesitating about something she wanted to do.

‘Should I go meet her?’

Lilith wished to see her daughter again and speak to her. But deep down, she feared what kind of response she would receive. She would feel quite sad if Lilin decided to ignore her.

‘Sigh…I promised to enjoy this life.’

Life was too short and anything could happen when we expected it the less. Hesitation was only a waste of a time that was too precious.

“My. I was thinking who dared to trespass the aerial zone of Lustburg but it was you.”

Lilith smiled as the sword slowly turned so that she could face the intruder.

“Camelia. How have you been?”

“Me? Perfectly well. I mean. It isn’t like no one gave me a complete recap of what happened exactly and that I was kept in the dark about you surviving.”

“I guess tasting your own medicine isn’t great.”

“Ouch. That one hurt.”

Camila grimaced. She knew that she was the one who usually cooked up schemes behind the back of everyone.

“Well, don’t worry. Sol didn’t hide this out of pettiness. At least…I think he didn’t. Also I didn’t survive. I am currently an undead. Heh.”


Camelia gave a  perplexed look. But then she looked up at the sky and her eye widened in realization.

“I see. An undead indeed. I guess this is why you look so much younger.”

“Hehe. Now I am not the oldest-looking one in the group, old hag.”

Camelia coughed a little. She had indeed teased Lilith many times about how she would never grow old as long as she had Castitas's blessing. But now, out of the group of four, she was indeed the oldest looking now.

This… Hum.. “You…”

“Yeah, I have changed. I know. You wouldn’t believe how many times I heard this.”

“Well. I was going to say you remind me of how you were in the past.”

Unlike the others, Lilith and Camelia could be said to be a childhood friend. In fact, they were each other first true friends.

So Camelia was not as surprised by Lilith's current personality as the others. “I guess Sol really did a good job. That boy seems to have a knack for troublesome women.”

“Troublesome women…I guess I was indeed quite troublesome, huh… Everyone took so much risk because of me.”

This was another reason why Lilith decided to be more upbeat. Sol, Lilin, Camelia, the five witches, and the Phoenixes. Even that little fairy and indirectly Pandora.

All of those people took too many risks for her well-being. Even though the vast majority did it for Sol rather than her, it did not lower the risks they took.

Her life was not just her own anymore. It would be an insult to all those who toiled in order to save her if she continued to wallow in her own sadness while never taking a step forward.

“Hey… Camelia. Will you be busy the next few days?”

“Huh…At least I am free for two days.”

It was a sudden question but Camelia shook her head. Even though she did not like Aurora, there was no denying that her tasks became lighter since she had someone to take charge of them.

“Hehe. Then…Let’s have a small adventure. What do you say?”

“Wh- Wait!”

Camelia did not have time to answer before Lilith captured her and began to fly away. Before leaving, Lilith created two small daggers. On them was a message that was hastily scribbled, then she threw those daggers at the position of Sol's bedroom and his office.

The message was simple.

[I have captured the saintess Camelia. Come find me if you wish to free her.

PS: If you are too busy you can just wait. We will come back.]

It was truly a sudden and random stray thought she just had. There were no deep plans or considerations behind them.

But what the hell? She thought it would be fun.

‘Now then. An adventure of Sol and Lilin fighting the evil swordswoman Lilith to free the saintess. I wonder how he will react.’

She gave a low laugh as she fled in the direction of Lilin, with a very confused Camelia in her arms.


A few hours later, when Sol finished dealing with the Knights and went to his room to change, he was quite bewildered as he read the message from Lilith.

“What the f…”

‘Am I becoming some plumber in red and blue chasing after a princess now?’

This was becoming quite uncanny.

(AN: Next month, I will increase the Patreon Tier by 5 chapters for all tiers. This increase might not be concurrent with WN priv. Since in WN case I actually need the permission of my handler before increasing the chapters in any tiers.)