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The moment Sol decided to be more active in this erotic situation, he put his arms around Pandora’s waist and lifted her up before putting her on the table so that she could be at eye level with him.

Pandora was quite startled by his unexpected move but she obediently let herself be moved by him as she wondered what this prince would do now.

This was why she was too late to respond when she felt his lips fully enveloping her own puffy ones.

“It’s only proper to start with a true kiss, don’t you think?”

‘Wait…? I am being kissed again?’

It was like the information had taken a few more seconds than normal before reaching her brain.


She tried to move in surprise but Sol caught her small arms and quelled her resistance by sending his tongue past her teeth.

Pandora was so surprised by his slithering tongue entering her oral cavity that she bit down on it in surprise. But this did not stop Sol from continuing to kiss her with ardent passion.


Pandora's first kiss tasted like blood. But her mind could not focus on the metallic aftertaste.


She shivered and quaked as she felt her body heating up considerably. Succubi were higher-ranked demons than Vampires. Any body fluids could be used to absorb the life force they needed from their targets. But blood and semen were without a doubt the greatest source of life force for them.

She had sucked the blood of her enemies sometimes since it was the best way for her to become stronger without requiring more sexual means but she had never in her life tasted something so heavenly as she did right now.

Only a few drops of blood were gulped down before the wound in Sol’s tongue closed like it had never been there in the first place but it felt like she had absorbed more energy than she would have after sucking the blood of more than ten Duke ranks.

‘He is supposed to be a hybrid, right?’

This went far beyond her understanding. The more she interacted with Sol the more she realized how wide the world truly was. Whenever she thought she understood something about him, something that would shock her to her core, there would be a new surprise to come. He was just a bundle of treasures.

“You are quite feisty.”

Sol finally pulled away and muttered as he lifted her chin. There was no way he would flinch after such a small wound was made to him but he could see how she reacted after tasting his blood.

“I wonder, do you want some more?”

Pandora fought between nodding hurriedly or protecting her pride but in the end, her pride won the debate.

She knew that life energy could be quite addictive for a succubus when the quality was high enough. If she let herself go right now, she feared that she might fall under his total control.

In a way, she was happy that she was the one to deal with Sol right now. Her daughters might have lost their minds in her place if they were to even get a whiff of that delightful life force of Sol’s.

Sol laughed out loud at her response. He didn’t know what was going through Pandora’s mind but he was willing to take his time with her.

He slid her shoulder straps aside and pulled down her glamorous dress, exposing her underwear to the outside world.

Her massive cushiony breasts were a sight to behold and all she was wearing was a pair of panties covering her secret place. Her bra could barely be called one and seemed to only be used to push up her breast more that just added to her dripping sex appeal.

Sol could feel her scent trying to corrode his mind and senses. He was sure that most people in his place would have already gone crazy with lust. But he was able to maintain his calm.

He didn’t know if it was because of his resistance to magic or because he was the Blessed of Luxuria, the goddess of lust herself, but it didn’t matter to him. What mattered was that he was able to hold on to his sanity even after being in close proximity with the current generation Nightmare Queen.

While embracing her very feminine body from behind, Sol first stripped off her skimpy bra.

Her clothing had hidden some of her curves but now he could simply marvel at the work of art sitting in front of him.

The breasts that spilled out were unnaturally plump for her otherwise slender body. He idly wondered just how much her shoulders should hurt on a daily basis.

But he then remembered that this was not earth.

Pandora frantically tried to cover her chest with her hands but he used that opening to reach down and pull down her panties. Her smooth and equally plump butt was revealed to him and he wished he could give them a smack right about now.

‘Calm down. Everything comes slowly and in its due time.’

There was no need to rush.


After being stripped bare in no time at all, she had no idea what to do and simply remained silent and froze in her place.

The ease and skill Sol had used to disrobe her would have surely made her teacher marvel in surprise at how experienced he was. There was no denying that he had enough experience to make some Succubi recognize his supremacy.

She began to wonder if she will really be able to take him down at this rate. This seemed more and more uncertain with each move he made.

Sol did not let Pandora's confusion stop him from making his advances on her. He wrapped his arms around her while leaning over her from behind and grabbed the pair of well-grown white peaches that was her breasts. They seemed to spill from his hand but he found his target fast and began to pinch her small and cute cherry-red nipples.

He also rained kisses on her starting from her alluring nape to her shoulder blades while he teased and massaged her heavy breasts. Pandora realized that she was being overwhelmed and needed to take some distance for her to counterattack.


But Sol did not wait. He was not just after her beautiful breasts. He squeezed her peaks with his right hand while moving his other hand to her crotch.

He covered her entire garden with his palm and softly caressed it to enjoy how it felt.

The hand on her crotch seemed to activate some kind of switch within her. Her resistance faded quickly and she collapsed weakly against him.

Her body refused to obey her commands but in her mind, she keep telling herself that she would fight back later.

She realized that for all her teacher had educated her in giving pleasure to her partner, she was never taught about how to receive pleasure.

As a result, she was being completely and utterly manhandled by a young man who was not even half her age and she could not find it in herself to fight back. The blood she had tasted earlier had already made her too weak to his advances.

Her nipples had grown hard at some point, so he pinched one of them between his thumb and forefinger, squeezed it, rolled it around, and played with it to his heart’s content. On her lower body, three of his finger covered her labia and gently caressed her puffed outer lips that were already glistening with her love juice.

“So, what does it feel like? While coming to Lustburg, did you ever imagine you would be in such a situation?”

He teased her with his words, causing Pandora to blush even more in shame and embarrassment. She had imagined many things when coming here but this was certainly not even close to anything she had thought up.

The more Sol moved his finger, the more feverish she became. Her vision became blurry and her breathing became difficult for her to maintain. She felt like she was becoming a bitch in heat as she stuck her tongue out to gulp more air.

“P-please stop this.”

Confused by the unknown sensations, she tried to escape from his grasp once again, but he only continued teasing her breasts and slowly moving those three fingers to gently rub her labia.

“Heh, I will. So now, cum for me please.”

He bit her earlobes and pinched her nipple and clitoris simultaneously.

“Nn~! Ahh~!!”

Pandora gasped chokingly and screamed her orgasm out. She forced herself to bite her lips as her entire body trembled and sweat soaked the curves of her arched spine. But there was nothing she could do to stop the pleasure that was already clouding her mind and senses.

“Well. I guess I won the first round, dear succubus queen.”

Pandora shuddered slightly as she began to wonder who was supposed to be the sex demon exactly in this room.



Good job on the chapter, well done interactions between Sol and Pandora, I cannot wait for the other chapters.