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The ride back home was calmer. Since he had no urgency, Adam decided to simply take the bus.

He couldn't expect many kinds taxi drivers after all and in the first place it was detrimental to their business.

Los Angeles was a bustling city but the zone they were living in was a rather calm neighborhood.

It was nothing crazy expensive like Malibu or Beverly but it was nice and cozy. The neighbors mostly keep to themselves but he could still name a few of them.

All of this was thanks to Shuri. It would have been impossible otherwise.

The drive back home did not take long and with how deep he is in his thoughts, he barely noticed when the bus stopped at his destination.

In this part of the town, the decorations for Halloween had a different kind of impression. A certain warmth and simplicity. It was pretty beautiful but he could only look at it with a certain detached feeling.

Adam had never really liked Halloween.

After all, while it was the day of his birth, it was also the day of her death.

Furthermore during this period, Cecilia would always fall sick.

The conflicting feeling between joy for his birthday, sorrow for her death, and worry for Cecilia’s health made it pretty hard to summon any feeling of happiness or wish to party in such situations.

This was even more so right now since he was confronted with such a situation. He had no time to play around.

The only reason that he didn't absolutely hate that day was that Cecilia would always do her best, no matter what her state, to make him feel appreciated.

She would always disguise as a Knight and say that it was her duty to protect him. Even though she looked pale and sweaty. Moments like this always made him happy.

‘Sigh, le’ts go.’

The house was pretty nice, it was a two story house. White walls, a garage and a jardin (AN: Help to describe house better later.)

No matter how one looked at it, it was definitely not something they should be able to rent.

‘Thanks you Shuri.’

Adam believed in repaying kindness with even more kindness. One of his goal had always been to repay Cecilia and Shuri for everything they had done for him.

Entering home and not having Cecilia greet him, was like a punch to the guts. He took a deep breath and moved climbed the stairs before stopping in front of a door.

The room he entered was pretty small and lacked decoration. The only thing standing was a small altar, made out of sandalwood. It was an expensive type of wood but Cecilia didn’t hesitate in buying it for this altar. When he asked her why, she simply said that it was because it gave protection against evil and brought good luck.

Standing in front of the altar, Adam took out a cushion from the side and placed it under his kness then opened the altar.

There, one could see the photo of a beautiful black haired young woman smiling. She had a gentle expression that brought joy to anyone looking at her.

Kaminari Mei. Died on the 31st October. Cause of death…Childbirth.

She was his bilogical mother and died after giving birth to him.

“Hello mother. I am here to say sorry. It seems like I might break a promise to mom.”

[Los Angeles, 30 November; 6:30 pm]

Los Angeles had three zones where the vast majority of Asians and people of different ethnicities were based.

Little Tokyo, Chinatown and Korea Town or K-town for short.

Out of the three, K-town was the one that had the least problem but also the most developed night industry.

What made this town special in a way was the City of Los Angeles designated Koreatown a special graphics district. The designation allows for digital signage and electronic billboards, not permitted by city code, to be installed on building facades.

The designation allowed Times Square and Shibuya District-inspired buildings lined with LCD jumbotrons.

He was now standing i front of a store that used this law to their advantages. On the forefront of the store, a neon sign with the words Wild Hunt could be seen embedded.

This was a bar created by a woman who was inspired by the system of Host club that was gradually spreading all over the world and decided to make it as one of her businesses.

This was also the place he would start working in if everything went well.

He came a little sooner than agreed but he knew she would appreciate it and he really needed her favor now.



The lobby was what you would expect from a normal hotel, with just one man standing as a receptionist while holding a newspaper.

It was a welt built man, the kind you did not want to piss off.

"Ooh?" Looking up from his newspaper, the man began to fold it as he smiled but then his smile cramped little.

"Adam is that you?." He was then clearly confused. "It has been a few years since you last came here. Why are you back in this hell hole?"

The man seemed clearly angry and worried for him.

"I have an appointment with the boss."

A conflicted expression flashed in the eyes of the man before he sighed, "You were able to walk away free with no repercussions last time. Do you think you will be as lucky?"

"I have no other choices."

Saying so, he walked near the man before stretching his fist.

The man hesitated a little before sighing and bumping his own fist with Adam's own.

"Don't regret it later."

"I won't."

The man was someone Adam really respected and also the one who helped him and showed him how to not get fucked up when fighting in the ring.

He was a kind man working in a dangerous world.

Since the atmosphere was a little depressing, and he had enough of feeling depressed, Adam changed the topic.

"Who still reads newspapers on actual paper nowadays?"

"Hahaha~! I am not that old. It's just that I feel more at ease holding it like that. What's more, it gives me a certain atmosphere, don't you think so?"

"Seriously? The Mammoth wishes to change his impression?"

"Even bouncers need some class nowadays, you know? Also, this is rich coming from you. I almost didn't recognize you in your new get up. I didn't even know you needed glasses."

Mammoth slowly got off his seat, and once again Adam felt as if he was facing a giant.

Adam was in no way short. He had a respectable 178 cm or 5'10" but this man always made him feel like a dwarf.

Name, Pierce. Nickname, The Mammoth.

That was all he knew about the man. That and the dude was a very imposing 210 cm or 6'88" mass of muscles.

Once again, not really the kind of person you wanted to piss off in the streets.

"Man, you are as impressive as always. I wouldn't fear walking in the dark with you."

"Heh!" Caressing his bald head, Mammoth grinned "No matter how big I am, I am not impervious to knives and even less to bullets you know? So avoid picking fights."

Then once he approached him he took out a metal detector,

"Sorry you know the rules."

Adam nodded and raised his hand, "Don't worry."

No matter how friendly they were, you didn't survive long in this line of work without being careful. It would be silly of him to get angry because of this.

Taking out everything that was metal on him he let Mammoth pass the detector to verify that he had no weapon.

Once this was done, the giant man smiled at him. He hadn't doubted Adam. He knew very well that even though Adam had left, he wouldn't stick a knife in their back.

Still, it was his job and he would never make such a stupid mistake as to let someone pass without inspection.

The two began to walk toward a hidden door in the lobby and Mammoth took out the key.

"Well, just be careful my brother. I do not want to see your name one day in the newspaper in the section related to dead people."

"No worries."

The door finally opened to show stairs going down rather than up.

"Well. I guess I will see you later."

"Good luck and don't anger the boss. She is currently in a bad mood because of her brother's visit."

Wincing a little at this news, they bumped their fists for a second time, then Adam waved his hand as he walked in and Mammoth closed the door behind him.

"Well, let's hope she doesn't throw her bad mood at me."

God knew he didn't need to deal with shit like that right now.


Chris Gill

before release Mammoth's height needs fixed. 6'8". Looks like the keyboard doubled up and put 88" . Also do you plan to go into depth about Adam's history with this group and underworld?


The backstory will be slowly developed. After all this group will play an important role later on