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Back in the real world, Aizen looked quietly at the now silent and unmoving Gojo

<<Kiyoka Suigetsu: Mugen Hoka>> Was perhaps his strongest illusion but also his worse illusion.

Generally, when creating an illusion, Aizen needed people to actually be under the influence of Kiyoka Suigetsu. Which then would allow him to manipulate their five senses as he saw fit.

This means HE was the one creating and controlling the illusion as he saw fit and only affected the physical world.

But Mugen Hoka was different. Mugen Hoka affected the subconscious, making people fall into their ideal world and live in it until they died. Once they died in the illusion, they would die in the real life as well.

It was the closest to a sure-kill technique he had because few people could fight the allure of living in their ideal world.

The only problem was that Aizen could not control the illusion. This was the strength and weakness of that illusion.

Strength because the subject was basically ensnared in a illusion of his own making.

Weakness because Aizen hated not having control.

As such, once someone fell into this illusion, Aizen would simply process to cut their head and be done with it.

But now, he was forced to give up on this plan,

“I can’t approach him.”

Aizen already realized but while Gojo seemed completely normal, the actual distance between them seemed to be completely infinite.

This was a deep application of space control Aizen could only imagine and there was nothing he could do but hope that Gojo would die in the illusion.

‘As if.;.’

Aizen scoffed at how ridiculous this hope was and sure enough,

“I must say…It was a good nap.”

Gojo woke up seemingly with no problem.

“What tipped you.”

Aizen was not surprised to see Gojo wake up. He never even entertained the idea of killing a monster of that caliber with this illusion.

Still, it should have hurt his soul quite a bit and weakened him. After all death in that world was too realistic.

Hearing his question, Gojo smiled and his eyes twinkled with laughter,

Your illusion was certainly above and beyond.

“Your error was to make it too happy. Because you see…My life was full of shitty moments.”

Gojo did not believe that he could make everyone happy simply by going back to the past in his old world.

Things could never be this easy.

It was a world where power came from hatred, remorse, and all sort of negative feelings.

It was a world of Curse.

“Even though you realized it was an illusion, you really managed to fight back such a perfect world?”

Gojo shrugged and his light flared as hundreds of thousands of weapons of light appeared all around him,

“I certainly have many deep regrets in this world. Things I wish I could change.”

Swords, halberds, arrows and so kinds of weapons all moved before pointing at Aizen right in the center.

“But see…My current life is already nearly perfect.”

He smiled and lowered his finger.

“Why should I search for a fake perfection elsewhere?”

Aizen knew that running was a waste of time,

<<Bakudo #81. Danku>> x6 [1]

Placing his hand together, Aizen showed once again that he was one of the strongest shinigami to have either lived.

Without any incantation, he immediately activated six Danku. He didn’t just use that spell. He bent it as he saw fit and created a perfect cube.

Gojo whistled in admiration at this sight. Daku was a split in the void of space, creating a barrier that made the user almost untouchable.

Unlike his Limitless, it wasn’t “Absolute” but it came very close.

Once he was under the protection of his Bakudo, Aizen focused on defending against the seemingly endless onslaught.

But no matter what he did, he knew that this situation was hopeless. He would lose.

“I must say, you are really impressive.”

Aizen showed no surprise as he saw Gojo walk into his cube. The space should have been separated. It should have been impossible for anyone to come in.

“Well…I simply calculated the coordinate and teleported in?”

Gojo shrugged as he gave an answer that would make most people tear up their hair in frustration.

“Well then, Sosuke Aizen. This had been an enjoyable fight and thanks to you, I have managed to see something I wish could have happened. I guess it’s only natural that I answer in Kind.”

Smiling, Gojo raised his two fingers and joined them together.


Aizen’s instincts screamed at him, warning him that whatever Gojo was about to do, he did not wish to be here to see it.

“Ever since I entered this world, I only used this technique once and it wasn’t at full power, mind you. But now…”

Gojo did not even try to stop Aizen.

After all, it was already too late.

<<Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void.>>


What did it feel like to be trapped in eternity?

Aizen discovered it.

He had always wanted to become a god and for an instant, he did have an almost godlike amount of knowledge. Becoming nearly omniscient.

But this amount of knowledge was not something a mortal mind could comprehend. Even if that mortal happened to be a shinigami.

The very moment Aizen entered the Domain. For a short instant, an infinitesimal short instant, he managed to fight back.

But he was soon completely overwhelmed.

What awaited me was an endless abyss devoid of everything.

Even with his eyes closed, he would still see a crack in space.

Even with his ears blocked, he would still hear the soft whispers of the stars.

A moment outside the abyss felt like thousands of years inside of it.

Space and time lost all meaning. Without a path nor a compass to follow, he became a cracked ego drifting in the void.

His body, his soul. nerves, brain. blood, heart—— It felt like every piece of him was screaming in agony, unable to work properly.

Eternity, infinity, something that keeps people alive forever... It was hell itself.

Aizen finally understood the truth behind this endless cycle, this endless abyss. It was not a truth anyone could see with their eyes.

This was the heart of a devil, an equation buried by the gods themselves.

Even as his ego was being washed away and his soul slowly being erased, the very smidgen of his mind that could still think marveled at the sight of endless knowledge laid before him.

Death might take him away. But he did not regret it.

His life may have not been good, but he lived it to the fullest and while many would curse his name for years, Aizen found that he had nothing to reproach himself.

While it was sad that he wouldn’t be there to see it, there was one simple truth Aizen understood.

This world mired in sin and lies was finally about to change.

This had been his lifelong goal.

It did not matter if he wasn’t the one to accomplish it.

Finally, as his last sense of self was crushed, Aizen realized that he had one little regret.

‘It’s a shame that I won’t be able to see the fight between those two for the throne.’

This would have certainly been very entertaining.

It was on this last thought that Sosuke Aizen, Ex-captain of the Gotei 13 and King of Hueco Mundo finally died.

[1]: Splitting Void

(AN: I am honestly sorry if I disappointed some readers with this fight. Honestly speaking Aizen is one of my favorite villains so it was hard for me to write a fight where he was completely and helplessly stomped. Even though Gojo is currently much stronger than him. I wanted to give him a respectful end.)



Are you still debating whether or not to add hell?


Yeah. We really don't have much information about it. I left opening just in case I decide to continue after Quincy arc. But Gojo will most likely end in 2 or 3 volume