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After carefully wiping out all traces of her presence in the house she squatted, Kuroka calmly walked back to Basara’s house while in her cat form.

She was making sure to not be followed by anyone but she knew that even if she was followed, Basara’s house would serve as a political asylum of sorts for her. This was what it means to be the son of the strongest exorcist.

Of course, this so called Asylum would only protect her on the bright side. Her enemies were people willing to experiment on anyone with no form of remorse. There was no way they would stop just because of Jin’s son.

They would act in the dark and target her but even then, this would be a thousand times better than being constantly chased around by her enemies.

‘Perhaps I should become a house cat?’

Kuroka briefly entertained the thought. If she wanted to seduce Basara and receive his seed, she had to spend more time with him.

If she managed to conceive, then she wouldn’t have to worry about the children's future. After all, even if she stayed a fugitive, her children would never be persecuted. Jin Toujou would assuredly protect his grandchildren.

Kuroka knew that her thoughts were cold and callous. She was only considering using Basara as a means to protect herself and save her race from extinction.

It was cold, callous and ungrateful.

But she would not—could not hesitate.

All her life, the thought that helped her keep standing despite the numerous adversities was the protection of her sister and the prosperity of her race.

Now, Shirone was under the protection of the Gremory house, and Kuroka could leave her there without worrying.

All that was left. The only thing her life was worth, was the prosperity of the Nekoshou.

Shirone was too young to sire children and she wished her sister would find someone to fall in love with and create a happy family.

So this duty had to be done by her.

She was the big sister.

She had to protect her little sister at all costs.

She could kill for the well-being of Shirone and she could also sacrifice her body for her sister.

Kuroka was not blind to her own mental condition.

She was stretching thin, reaching her limits, and could most likely snap at any moment. But she still had to hold on.

‘I can do it.’

At least, her first time would be with a handsome man. Basara was without a doubt quite the prize after all.

Like this, Kuroka continued to dwell in her thoughts before she finally reached Basara’s house.

Once she went past a certain radius, she could feel a few wards scanning her. Those wards were quite a high level and even an Ultimate level specialized in stealth would have a hard time passing undetected.

‘All of this should be the work of Lucia.’

Lucia Asmodeus, now Gremory.

A succubus, a special type of devil renowned for its ability to bring pleasure. In a way, Kuroka could identify herself with Lucia.

This was why she did not like the woman.

Lucia's circumstances were extremely similar to hers.

An abusive father. A caring mother. A naive little sister she had to protect and they were the last of their races with Succubus being an offshoot of devils and Nekoshou coming from Nekomata.

Their circumstances were so similar that it was uncanny.

But that was where it stopped.

Whereas Kuroka’s life went to hell, Lucia’s family was lucky enough to be saved.

Lucia could walk her head high in the devil society.

Whereas Kuroka had to hide like the stray cat she was.

Life was truly unfair and the cards one was dealt at birth would generally determine your whole life.

‘Well, as long as she does not hinder me.’

Her thoughts stopped there as she looked up and saw the maid standing outside in front of the door.

“Hello, nyaa~!”

Kuroka spoke in a sweet and gentle voice that betrayed none of her bitterness and envy. It was also helpful that she was currently in her cat form. Though she hated how Lucia was looking down on her.

“Follow me. We need to talk.”

Kuroka hissed at the tone Lucia used on her, but still reluctantly followed behind the maid.

It wasn’t as if she had any other option. Still, unwilling on being looked down on further, Kuroka changed into her true form, that of a voluptuous woman with a tail and cat’s ears, before proceeding to follow Lucia.

But…The moment Kuroka stepped into the living room, she was immediately struck speechless by the smell that assaulted her and seemed to fill the whole house.

She recognized this smell.

It was arousal. Female arousal.

Her ears flickered as she caught the voice of a girl.


‘Now that I think about it. There is a third one living here, right?’

Kuroka suddenly remembered the girl who healed her after she was saved by Basara. Her face flushed once she understood a little more the origin of those sounds.

The girl was getting pleasured and it was obvious who was pleasuring her.

‘Oh my…’

The image she had of Basara as a shy young man with little experience was immediately and completely destroyed.



She was about to ask just what the hell was going on exactly but was silenced by Lucia.

“Follow me.”

Lucia talked in a low voice and covered their steps with a magic that served to muffle sounds before finally walking up the stairs.

This time, Kuroka hesitated in following Lucia. She was torn between her feeling of shame and her reason.

In the end, what won was her curiosity.

She wanted to know if what she would see would match her imagination. After all, she had no experience in the matter.

Having some reference material could always help.

They said curiosity killed the cat. Kuroka was about to learn this in a very special way.

(AN: Been a while since I wrote some smutty chapter for this one. By the way, what do you guys think of my presentation of Kuroka so far?

Finally, I believe there is no need to repeat how similar Shinmai is to DxD. Kuroka/Koneko and Maria/Lucia have many similarities be it in their backstories, respective roles, and chara design though chara is mainly Maria/Koneko.

Both Koneko and Lucia even have the whole “adult form” by using true power and how they feared their big sisters.)


Chris Gill

I like Kuroka you have as you left the peronality but we didn't get the feeling of all the bad/evil feeling she was portrayed at the start of DxD withVali


Should be because a shift in perspective. Basara do not think or feel like Issei so I am not surprised if we see another aproach to the character Kuroka.