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The way of Las Noches was like a maze and Yoruichi was sure that she nearly lost herself in this many times.

Whenever she was about to face a soldier, she would fade into the shadow and move without catching anyone's attention.

Many might forget it because of how flashy she was when she fought, but Yoruichi was first and foremost the princess of an assassin family.

It might have been a century since her last infiltration mission but she did not lose her skills.



‘The Visored are going wild.’

Yoruichi chuckled as she felt the explosion of Reiatsu all over the place. Of course, she could more or less understand them.

They were once respected Captain and Vice captain of the Gotei 13. But because of the machinations of Aizen, they were forced to flee like criminals and hold a power they could not control.

Living and hiding like rats for more than a basically a century with no hope in sight and only revenge in their hearts.

Honestly, Yoruichi was surprised they did not become twisted because of the hatred and bitterness they must have felt.

Now that they could go all out, this was the perfect situation for them to get out all the stress from their system.

‘It should be here?’

Yoruichi prepared herself. If Nel report was to be trusted, then this man was quite dangerous.


Szayelaporro Granz was working on waking up his latest experiment. One was created to deal with Satoru Gojo, an enemy his master seemed to respect greatly.

‘An intruder?’

Szayelaporro Granz could not feel the intruder at all. This was without a doubt, the highest level of stealth he had ever witnessed. But this was exactly because of this that he could find the intruder.

Because in the place where there should have been something there was nothing.

‘For someone with such a high level, Yoruichi Shihoin? Soi Fon? Kisuke Urahara?’

Szayelaporro had received information about all the shinigami following Gojo and immediately deducted that it was one of those three.

He did not even think about Gojo. From the information gathered, with that man mastery of space, Szayelaporro would have never managed to spot him no matter what.

‘Well, I guess I was right to prepare for it.’

‘One hit kill.  Shunko!’

Like a bolt of lightning, before Szayelaporro could even react, a sword made out entirely of condensed Lightning and Reiatsu pierced through Szayelaporro head.

Then said sword was immediately swung down in order to perfectly bisect him in two, then four.

This was the perfect assassination.

No sound, no hesitation. One hit kill.

But even so, Yoruichi couldn’t help but frown.

[So this is Yoruichi Shioin. Should I be proud to have such an esteemed guest attack me?]

Yoruichi looked up at the speaker, “So you already hide?”

[Only fools like the other Espada rush into a fight without a failsafe.]

Szayelaporro was quite proud. He had used his Resurreccion in order to create a fake body double with all his abilities and used it as a clone while he went into hiding.


‘This is why I hate scientist bastards like this.’

Yoruichi wasn’t that surprised if she had to be honest.

‘I should retreat.’

Since she had expected such, she was rather calm as she made preparation for retreat. Since she couldn’t find him, staying here would only prove to be dangerous for her.

[Well, since you are here why leave? I believe we should try something.]

This was the perfect occasion to test the power of the two new Espada class Arrancar he had just created.

[Tier Harribel, Loba Margela. It’s time to wake up.]

Szayelaporro trembled with excitement as he called up those two.

From the floating tubes, two Arrancar opened their eyes.

Tier Harribel was a tall woman with a sexy tanned skin and green eyes. She wore a variation of the Arrancar jacket with a high collar, which covered the lower part of her face downward while baring a good portion of the lower half of her large breasts.

Like Tier, Loba Margela was a beautiful tall, and busty woman. She had immaculate white skin, crimson-colored eyes and was clad in a rather suggestive black body suit that left little to the imagination of the onlooker.

The two women with beautiful blond hair, were looking at Yoruichi,



Everything had happened faster than one could blink.

Yoruichi was not the kind to wait for the enemy to prepare themselves, rushing with her claw out she was ready to decapitate Tier Harribel but was stopped by Loba.

‘Oh!? She can react to my speed?’

[Tier, Loba. The deal is still on. Do your best and Aizen-sama will give you a huge territory in Hueco Mundo with no one to disturb you and your group.]

Tier took a look behind her and saw that the last three members of their groups were still in the incubator.

“Tier, take care of them and leave. I will fight this one here.”

“Oh? Do you perhaps think that just because you reacted to my speed, the two of us are equal?”

Yoruichi laughed before kicking Loba in the stomach,


She was about to continue with a second kick but she was interrupted by Tier who was swinging at her,

<<Ola Azul!>>

This was an attack of pure concentrated Reishi, so Yoruichi moved immediately out of the way.


Be it Tier or Loba, the two were clearly different from the lower-ranked Espada. Those two were without a doubt at the same level as powerful captains of the Gotei 13.

Fighting one was not impossible, but two-on-one would be difficult.

Thankfully, the two did not seem interested in ganging up on her.

Trading a glance with the named Loba, Yoruichi nodded and moved out of the room at full speed followed by Loba. Clearly, they had decided to fight outside in one vs one.

Now alone in the room, the voice of Szayelaporro came out irritated as he berated Tier,

[What a waste. If you had been willing to sacrifice your subordinate, then that woman would have been goner.]

“Keep your advice for yourself. We will deal with our problem alone.”

Tier's words were cold, hiding anger inside them. Someone like Szayelaporro could never understand. They were not subordinates. They were family and one should never give up on family.

This was thanks to this rule that they had managed to survive so long in this world filled with predators.


Once they were far enough, Yoruichi stopped and took another look at Loba, curiosity etched on her face,

“You don’t seem very willing to be here. I wonder, why fight us?”

Yoruichi knew that this was a pretty weird question coming from a shinigami to a hollow.

But, after discussing with Nel, Yoruichi realized that Arrancars were not bloodthirsty beasts without reasons like normal hollows.

This was once again proven since this Loba could feel camaraderie and a need to protect her friends.

As such, she was curious about the motivation of this woman,

“Heh, there is no need to speak too much. This is kill or be killed.”

“I see. Very well.”

Yoruichi crouched down. Like a cat gazing at a prey. Her Reiatsu immediately increased greatly, weighing down on Loba.

“Let’s see how long you could last.”

<<Shunko: Raiju Senkei: Shunryu Kokubyo Senki>> [1]

This was undoubtedly Yoruichi's strongest form. A form she rarely used and did not like to use as it made her lose partial control of herself.

Still, something was telling her that if she did not go all out now, she would have no chance to do so later.

Loba grinned, not deterred by Yoruichi’s power.

Her shadow began to move and enlarge until it transformed into a beast with a large mouth and jagged teeth.

Then said shadow completely covered Loba from head to toe.

When she was once again revealed, her form had changed to that of a dark werewolf with crimson eyes.


<<Resurreccion: Gagaku Kairo [2]>>

This was a fight between a Hollow and a Shinigami.

A fight between Light and Darkness.

But…More than anything…This was a fight between two Beasts.

[1]: Flash War Cry: Thunder Beast Battle Form: Flash God Black Cat Warrior Princess

[2]: Corridor of Hungering Music


