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“His name is Rizevim. Rizevim Livan Lucifer.” He is one of the three known Super Devils and the Original Lucifer's direct son.”

Basara inhaled deeply.

Super Devils.

In a way, this term did not really exist until rather recently.

Even though Devils were a powerful race, at the end of the day the limit of their power was clear.

90% of devils would never reach the Ultimate level no matter how old they were.

A small percentage could reach the Ultimate level.

As for those who could reach the Maou level? Those people could be counted and would rarely go past the dozen.

But as always, exceptions were possible. Nothing was ever set in stone.

Around 600 years ago, two exceptional beings were born.

Sirzechs Gremory now known as Lucifer and Ajuka Astaroth obtained the name of Beelzebub.

Though they were part of the four Maou, those two changed the very definition of power and reached a level far above what should be possible for their race.

Going so far as to be recognized as the part of the top 10 most powerful people in this entire universe. [1]

This was when the term Super Devil was created. To honor them and explain that they were in a way the superior version of all devils.

For that man, Rizevim, to have such a title, even if he wasn't in the top 10, it should still be way above what was possible for a Maou class.

"He must be quite powerful for father to chase after him for so long."

Hasegawa tilted her head, "There seems to be quite the misunderstanding. Though I guess it's my fault. While this man is powerful I admit. In a 1vs1 he is absolutely no match for your father."

"....Just how powerful Father is?"

While Jin was known to have fought Sirzechs during the world war, many were in agreement that Sirzechs did not use his full power. After all, if he did—earth would have been no more.

So while everyone knew that Jin was powerful. People never knew exactly how powerful he was.

To this question, Hasegawa shrugged, "I don't know how powerful he was before entering the Dimension gap. But after getting out? You could say that he stopped being a Human."

Hasegawa hid a shudder. Truthfully, even at her peak, she did not wish to face Jin. If Sirzechs was an anomaly, then Jin was simply a bug in the system. He should have his place well earned in the top 10. [2]

“In the end, the discussion is not about him but about your origin. You…”

She looked at Basara up and down, “You are calmer than I thought you would.”

She was quite surprised. What she revealed was quite heavy but Basara was so calm, almost nonchalant.

“Heh…” Basara rose an eyebrow, “How did you think I would react?”

“Hahaha.” All she could do was laugh awkwardly. Thankfully, Basara did not tease her too much.

“Honestly, this is quite a lot to take. Knowing that I have two moms and that one of them is a goddess from another universe. Perhaps it’s because it seems so faraway? Well, I guess I am really the Taboo of the three races.”


Basara was startled at her shout, “I will not allow anyone to call you like this. Not even you.”

He was quite surprised at the vehemence and conviction in her voice.

Hasegawa, feeling that she went a little too far by shouting, but he wanted her to understand,

“Rapphaeline had never once regretted taking you into her and giving birth to you. For her, you were her little ray of sunshine and she was ready to face anything to bring you into this world. She was never there to raise you and I am sure she bitterly regrets it.

Basara, you are not a Taboo, or an abomination, or whatever. You are a precious gift. The proof that our two universes have enough in common that we can copulate and even give birth to a new generation between the two universes.”

Hasegawa did not tell this him since she did not wish to alarm him. But from what Lord Chimune told her, the one who would beat the Evi was a child of mixed blood with a dragon on his back.[3]

Lord Chimune, as the chief god of the Etoulde, was a powerful being that could erase the entire humanity if she s wished with just one wave of her hand. She could also see the future.

In the first place, it was thanks to her future sight that they decided to explore the different universe.

In the past, Hasegawa had always been reluctant.

Why did they have to leave home?

Why come to this backward planet?

Why even send three of the ten gods on a mission of exploration?

Now she more or less understood. She had been convinced the moment she saw Jin.

The inhabitants of this world were special. They had unlimited growth. This was the first thing she realized.

“Well, I believe it’s time to wrap up the loose end. What do you think?”

Hasegawa clapped her hand to end the discussion but Basara did not answer at first. He was thinking deeply about his situation, “I have much to think about. Why don’t we take some distance and think?”

Hasegawa's heart dropped a little but she calmed down when she felt his hand on his.

“ I am not trying to break up our relationship. I just need time to think. What do you say we set our date next week?”

Like a drowning man given help, Hasegawa nodded desperately, “Of course! *Ahem* I mean, very well. I hope the date will go well.”

The two of them laughed.

This was the end of a very tiring school day. Now they had to clean the mess.

(AN: End of the Ornis arc. The volume itself will end soon. The clean-up and measures etc support me.)

[1]: Just so you guys know. Great Red, Tri-Hexa, and god of Angels aren't considered in the ranking. I remember the author gave a list of the top 10. But I don't remember in which volume. I think it was Vol 8. Later I will search and confirm.

[2]: This is kinda spoiling and I think I already did speak about this but Jin honestly isn't a human anymore. In Shinmai he can transform into a huge ass dragon and breath Banishing shift beam and that was him holding back.

In Canon, the dude killed 21 evil dragons and drank their blood, completely changing his constitution. Remember. The bastard fought a devil Queen and a goddess then killed 21 dragons all that as a human before drinking dragon blood and evolving.

[3]: The futur is ever-changing. In canon, Chichigami saw the future with Issei and asked him to find the 12 heavenly breasts. Surely because Issei get power up from Oppai. Thankfully, while a pervert sadistic bastard. Basara is not Issei. So a new future open at him.

(AN: Lol I need to be careful with Hasegawa. Sometimes I kinda confuse her chara with Lilith. The same way I sometimes confuse Basara with Sol, XD)


Chris Gill

Don't worry I won't let you mix up my Chisato..... :D Also there were a few pronouns that need touched up in the chapter.


Haha. I should really stop writing when I am sleepy. I wish there was 48 hours in a day


I finally got a chance to read this chapter. I see what you mean about them addressing their date here. Considering she reveals her true self to him here I can't wait to see how that'll alter the progression of their relationship.