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When Sol entered the room that was reserved for Skuld, like a bolt of lightning, she jumped excitedly in his arms.

Looking down at her jovial appearance and the clear joy in her eyes, Sol felt his heart soften and the stress that had gradually built in him vanish a little.

"Are you alright?"

Sol showed a surprised expression as he looked down at Skuld before smiling gently.

"I should be the one asking this. Are you guys alright? You weren't roughed up too much?"

"Haha. Don't worry. Even though I look like this, I am still a King ranked Titan, you know? Also, that old hag didn't treat us too bad."

Sol smiled, "I distinctly remember you mentioning that you are older than Tiamat."

"Hehe. Don't mind the small details."

Skuld laughed out loud before pulling Sol toward her bed.

While the meeting between Skuld and Tiamat could be said to be more than unpleasant, at the very least one had to admit that she didn’t put them in a dump.

Far from it.

The room was worthy of a King and thanks to space manipulation, the interior of the room was in fact way larger than it looked in the exterior.

“What about your sister?”

Once Sol took place on the bed, he asked gently.

“Well, she is alright, I guess? Still freaking out a little bit but at least now that she is sure that we won’t get killed she calmed quite a bit.”

Sol gave a complicated look at Skuld, “She was right to worry you know? What if we didn’t believe you?”

“Huh…” Skuld looked a little troubled before she showed him a smile so bright it nearly blinded him.

“I have never once thought about that. I believed in darling and I was sure that you would not hurt me. Darling is kind after all.”

Sol gave a bitter smile as he averted his eyes from her expression full of love and trust. It wasn’t the first time he was showered with such affection. But it was the first time it made him feel so uncomfortable.

After all,

“I am not your Darling though. Until a few days ago, I had never met you. I know nothing about you, shared none of your s. I do not even have the same personality as the Sol you know. The two of us are completely different.”

Sol spoke quietly. This was what had always disturbed him. At the end of the day, the one Skuld loved was the future version of him. Not the current him.

Even though Future Sol had managed to bring everything back in the same timeline, it didn’t change that the moment Sol met Skuld, be it for good or for bad, he was destined to walk a completely different road than the one Skuld knew.

The Sol Skuld knew and loved would never exist again.


Sol wanted to continue but was stopped by a moist sensation on his lips.


It didn’t take long for him to understand that he was being kissed.

Before he could catch his breath, he was pushed down on the bed while Skuld continued to kiss him deeply.

Once their lips parted, Skuld sat upon his crotch with a hand on his chest and an alluring look on her face.

“Darling is Darling. Perhaps someone else would be confused but I am a seer. I have seen hundreds of thousands of Darling and I unequivocally have fallen in love with absolutely all of them.

No matter what happens, even when you fall into the deepest pit of despair, your light never ceases to shine. You are and will always be my one and only darling.”

Her eyes shone with a hint of madness mixed with deep love that Sol was all too used to seeing in girls like Camelia and Milia. Eyes that looked like they could pull in his very being.

Under the light of the stars streaming from the windows, her exotic appearance made her seem even more fascinating and alluring. While she lacked some womanly charms, her beauty was in no way affected by it.

He now understood that his worry has been superfluous. The way such people loved could not be understood by using common sense. Using reason to understand their madness was naught but a waste of time.

“It seems like my words were unnecessary.”


Skuld shook her head. “I know that Darling only did that for my own good. You could have simply used my affection for you and discarded me later but you didn’t. You really wanted my happiness. This is why I said Darling is kind.”

While she spoke, Skuld began to grind her butt on Sol's crotch.

It had to be said that all she wore was nothing more than a flimsy white fabric that barely hid any part of her body.

Sol could already feel the hotness and wetness of her lower region over his pants and as the normal male full of hormones that he was, his biological reaction was evident.

Feeling a fire lit in herself, Skuld’s breath became rougher and she began to let out slow little gasps while her grinding above Sol became increased.

Already, the robe on her body began to stick to it because of the sweat, putting even more attention to her modest but beautiful curves.

The low moan and her sweet voice made Sol wish for nothing more than to transform into a beast and ravish her but, with a supernatural will, he stopped himself and simply enjoyed the spectacle.

Finally, Skuld leaned down and embraced him tightly before her body froze like a block of ice. Though she stopped moving, the sudden increase in wetness and the spam of her body gave Sol all the information he needed to know to understand that she had reached an orgasm.

Through all of this, all Sol did was hug back her lithe body as tightly as she did for him.

Once the wave of pleasure finally passed and she could finally breathe again, Skuld raised her head slightly and kissed Sol’s face all over.

She said no words, but he could feel her love through all her actions.

In the end, without knowing who initiated it, the two of them once again began to kiss deeply. Their tongues fought and the emotion in both of their heart flowed toward the other.

Sol did not love Skuld. It was impossible for him to fall in love with her like this. But still, knowing everything this small woman did for him. It would be impossible for him to give up on such a woman.

Skuld knew that Sol did not share her love, but for a being as old as her, patience was her greatest weapon. She didn’t care about how long it would take. She was determined to do everything in her power to bring him happiness.

More than anything, what she wanted was for him to stay safe, free of all pain and worries. She wanted him to have a good life filled with laughter and joy.

The Sol she knew was kind but sad. All she could feel then was nothing more than the ember of what had once been a sun. A broken man who was naught be a husk of his former self. A man who destroyed himself and the world for the sake of saving his loved one.

She did not wish this for Sol.

‘This time. Everything will be alright. This time, I swear that you will be happy.’


Opening his eyes at the moist sensation that fell on his face, Sol opened his eyes and saw tears streaming down from Skuld’s face.


Their kiss stopped as Skuld hugged him tighter and placed her face on his chest. Her silent sobs, filling the room with a heavy atmosphere.

In the end, “I am sorry. I completely ruined the mood.”

Keeping her face down on his chest, Skuld spoke with a muffled voice. She didn’t understand why she began to cry like this so suddenly.

All she wanted to do was to spend a good time with her beloved. To unit with him and become one.

She stopped when she felt a gentle hand on her head,

“As weird as it sounds, I am happy to see you cry.”

If there was any last shred of doubts remaining in Sol’s heart. Those tears effectively erased them.

If after this it came out that this was all a lie, Sol would only be able to accept the bitter reality.

“As for the mood…It’s easy to recreate it.”

Raising himself up, and ignoring Skuld's small yelp that escaped her at the sudden movement, Sol now found himself with Skuld sitting on his lap, his eyes shined with barely hidden lust.

Normally, he would have stopped at this stage. But he knew that if he did, Skuld would definitely beat herself over it.


“I am still quite packed up.”

His erection that had wilted after her sobs began was once again hard and slightly moved as if to affirm his words.

Feeling his movement, Skuld let out a small laugh and wiped away the tears on her face as her expression of sadness was replaced by a small grin.

“Then, let me help you shall I?”

Saying so, she lifted her butt and placed her hand below her in order to align Sol’s dick perfectly.

Once she felt the tip touching her secret place, a shiver of pleasure went down her spine before she finally sank down and took it until the roots.


Because of her small frame, she felt a little discomfort but, the moment she was fully penetrated, all those thoughts flew out from her mind

Now, for the first time, the two of them were finally united and this was only the start of a long night.


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