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For the old guy here some of you might remember a sorta spin off i wrote about Asmodeus as the mc.
For those who are new. This was basically an idea I had where Asmodeus died in SHK and entered a world of Chinese mythology.
(This isn't a spoiler. This was just a random idea. See it as an alternative Universe where Asmodeus died.)

For those who are curious search BS CH 1 and BS CH 2 on Patreon (didn't post it anywhere else.)
Anyway, over the years, i had many ideas about the potential next Original story I would write once Shk end.
I keep some ideas, discarded others again and again.
Still, I am wondering if you would be interested in a Xianxia type story. Not necessarily with Asmodeus as the mc of course. Just Xianxia in general.
The story would be heavily influenced by Chinese myth (read BS CH 2 and you will see some ideas I have).
Give me your opinion.
SHK won't end any time soon and the most likely story that will take the spot is Midnight Prince (Netori prince) but I might still change this



it can be very good imo, most of it usually isnt tho

Legendary Gear5

I do but they usually go on for a butt load of chapters and generally get bad after the first great big world arc 😂